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日期:2017-07-12  类别:祝福语  编辑:一流范文网  【下载本文Word版

  25. Christmas day, hang in a tree lights and gifts, is the westerners do; Sit sled reindeer gifts, Santa Claus do; Is adult coax children socks gift and do; Send greetings and wishes in text messages sent to a friend, is I was doing things; Bring joy and happiness to you, is the most important thing in the Christmas; You happy, you happy is the best thing!圣诞节,在树上挂满彩灯和礼品,是西方人干的事;坐驯鹿拉雪橇送礼物,是圣诞老人干的事;往袜子里塞礼物,是大人哄小孩干的事;把问候和祝福编在短信里发给朋友,是我正在干的事;把快乐和幸福带给你,是圣诞节里最重要的事;你开心你快乐,就是最好的事!

  26. Another year of Christmas, but house is crowded, chimney, Santa Claus into not to go. Warm climate, less snow, deer sled run; Work busy, contact less, but the festival greetings cannot little yo: merry Christmas.又是一年圣诞节,可房子挤了,烟囱没了,圣诞老人进不去了;气候暖了,雪花少了,鹿拉雪橇跑不动了;工作忙了,联系少了,但节日问候不能少哟:圣诞快乐。

  27. Blessing of Christmas holiday, cannot little, wish a good body, prop gifts received; 2 I wish in a good mood, always no worries; 3 I wish a good holiday, was a merry Christmas!圣诞节日到,祝福不能少,一祝身体好,礼物扛得了;二祝心情好,总是没烦恼;三祝节日好,圣诞快乐不得了!

  28. Happy smile in bloom, song sung in happiness; Auspicious snow flying, melodious bell in the past; Christmas gifts in delivery, holiday wishes in passing. Wish you a merry Christmas!开心笑容在绽放,快乐歌谣在传唱;吉祥雪花在飞舞,悠扬钟声在飘荡;圣诞礼物在派送,节日祝福在传递。祝你圣诞快乐!

  29. On the Christmas tree, and the desire of the beautiful; Red candle light ying ying smiling face; Stockings, stuffed full of surprises; Little reindeer, unbroken affection licked. Friends, merry Christmas!圣诞树,结上美好的心愿;红烛光,照亮盈盈的笑脸;长筒袜,塞进满满的惊喜;小驯鹿,将绵绵情意轻舔。朋友,圣诞快乐!

  30. Because of the Christmas, snow more romantic; Because of the vow, life more brilliant; Because of the miss, happiness climb up the smiling face. May you understand my thoughts, I wish a happy Christmas!因为有了圣诞,雪花倍加浪漫;因为有了许愿,生活更加灿烂;因为有了挂念,幸福爬上笑脸。愿你体会我的思念、祝圣诞快乐!

  31. Wear Christmas clothes, wear Christmas hat, Christmas boots foot, sent a little reindeer that sit on the sledge, back gift bag, straight to your house and take out happiness box, take out happy, all send to you, wish you good luck, wishful ankang, merry Christmas!穿上圣诞衣,带上圣诞帽,脚踩圣诞靴,唤来小驯鹿,坐上小雪撬,背上礼物袋,直奔你家门,掏出幸福箱,拿出快乐罩,全部送给你,愿你吉祥伴,如意永安康,圣诞快乐!

  32. For you kind of a Christmas tree, grow is full of happiness, for you to sing a Christmas song, sing is full of happiness, for you on Christmas bell, knock out is auspicious, send you Christmas greeting, full of sincerity, I wish you a happy Christmas, the best part.为你种一棵圣诞树,长出的全是快乐,为你唱一曲圣诞歌,唱出的满是幸福,为你敲响圣诞钟,敲出的都是吉祥,为你送上圣诞祝福,发出的满是真诚,圣诞节愿你开心相伴,如意相随。

  33. Santa Claus laugh, annual gift to send. Door to door, left behind auspicious happiness to the family. Bumps were all not afraid, today will feet tread. Happy happy happy happy everyone praises, life honey. Wishing you all a merry Christmas!圣诞老人笑哈哈,一年一度礼物发。挨家挨户不落下,吉祥幸福送到家。坎坷不顺全不怕,今天就会脚下踏。开心快乐人人夸,美满生活顶呱呱。祝圣诞快乐!

  34. Today you know Christmas, why not quick to report? Don't think you hard to find, SMS phone ear. Let you be unable to send gift then it. Don't be afraid, just a joke. Wishing you all a merry Christmas laughter!今天圣诞你知道,为何不快来报到?不要以为你难找,短信电话耳边绕。送来礼物便罢了,否则让你吃不消。别怕,开个玩笑。祝圣诞快乐欢笑!

  35. Christmas, I want to become old Santa Claus, one for you to send a gift is unique in the world, this gift is my, a genuine filled with my love for you! Dear, merry Christmas!圣诞节,我要化身为圣诞老人,只为你一人送一份世界上独一无二的礼物,这份礼物就是我的一颗真心,里面装满我对你爱!亲爱的,圣诞快乐!

  36. In the deepest thoughts on atrial! Put the most really considerate in cotton-padded clothes! Confided the warmest care in the wind! Write the best wishes in text messages! Friends, again to Christmas, I wish you a happy holiday, so happy!把最深的思念刻在心房里!把最真的体贴装在棉衣里!把最暖的关怀托付清风里!把最好的祝福写在短信里!朋友,又到圣诞佳节,愿你节日快乐,幸福无比!

  37. Although Christmas arrived, but I really didn't have much money, only to borrow five hundred to send you, Santa Claus will give you a Pepsi, Pepsi well, fine, no risk at all, how I wish you a happy Christmas Eve, Christmas!虽然圣诞到了,但我实在没什么钱,只能向圣诞老人借五百送你,给你百事可乐、百事顺心、百事大吉、百无一失、百战百胜,祝你平安夜、圣诞快乐!

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