距离2022年中考的脚步越来越近,高二的中学生家长们开始为去年的中考担心起来。 广东省新中考平行志愿方式比原来的传统志愿方式简单得多。 如果方法得当,备案的风险可以降低到几乎没有风险,很多中学生仍然可以在3-5分的最低分数内注册。 填写申请表后,考生和家长需要了解补报新政策,了解补报方法,分析并利用好以往的备案数据。 建议考生和家长主要参考2021年的备案数据进行2022年的补报。从以往的统计来看,新政第五年的备案数据与第二年的备案数据更加一致。 为了让中学生和家长充分了解2021年的备案情况,现将陶峥老师撰写的《2019-2021年广东省新中考数据分析及2022年中考建议》重新发布,供参考。高中生和家长。 内容比较多,文末有信息摘要。 建议先收藏。
2021年是山东省普通高校实施新专业选课要求的第二年。 与2020年相比,虽然专业选择规则相同,但各学科报考人数的变化将促使高校报考2021年的变化。 不过,与2020年的巨大波动相比,去年的申请量基本相对稳定。
2021年特殊类型招生控制线比2020年一段线提高了5个点。 。 未在普通班二段线报名且线下的考生可按规定补办咨询志愿者申请。
考生需要达到什么成绩才能达到相应的级别? 如果总分预估为100分,2021年平均78.5分即可上重点线(特殊类型招生控制线),平均66分可上一线,平均35.5分可以在第二行。 选修科目只要学术考试通过,保证最低分数40分,语文、数学、英语、中学生满分150分,只要达到二段线即可进入二段线。他们在考试中得了49分。 所以普通中学的师范生基本上都有机会补志愿、备案。
2. 申请人数、招生计划及备案号
1. 申请人数
2021年,广东省考生33.24万人,其中普通高校报考2.688万人,个人考试报考636万人。 2021年普通考生人数与2020年基本持平,单独招生考试考生人数略有减少。
2020年,广东省考生32.57万人,其中普通高校考生2.681万人,个人考试考生576万人。 2019年,湖南省考生31.51万人,其中普通高校招生2.656万人,单独考试招生49.5万人。 2018年,江苏省考生30.6万人,其中普通高校报考2.61万人,个人考试报考450万人。
2021年,四川省计划招生总数239393人,其中普通班计划198928人,体育班计划1709人??,艺术班计划21474人。 项目总人数较2020年略有减少,但专科项目减少1700余人。 其中,名校三位一体、强基计划、艺术、体育等招生计划和专科招生计划均有所缩减。
2020年,广东省计划招生总数240326人,其中普通班计划200741人,体育班计划1578人,艺术班计划20862人。 2019年,湖南省招生计划总数为229217人(不含高三一体、自主招生等少数门类),其中普招计划208470人,体育计划1505人,艺术计划19242人。 2018年,四川省招生计划总数为228224人(不含高三、自主招生等少数门类),其中普招计划209367人,体育计划1458人,艺术计划17399人。
2021年,四川省新生实际注册人数3.164万人,总注册率达到95.19%。 其中普通中考报名人数2.575万人,报名率95.79%; 个人审查报名人数589万人,报名率为92.61%。 其中,“三位一体”面向省内外50所试点院校招收学生10.3万人; 高职院校先期招收了46所试点院校的164万名学生。 去年,“双一流”大学“强基计划”招生增速达44.3%。
2020年,广东省前三学区新生共计3.06万人,其中专科生1.56万人,本科生1.5万人。 预计总备案率将达到95%。 2019年,湖南职业学校在校生2.537万人,备案率95.50%。 2018年立案人数225,564人,咨询计划内仍有9,613人(其中专家33人)。
杭州的考生在选择志愿时喜欢选择江浙沪地区。 这对候选人有影响吗?
平行志愿者中,广东省招生计划数最多,四川省最多,占比66.23%。 除四川、重庆外新高考录取变化,江苏、浙江、上海在山东的招生计划数占总招生计划数的74.3%; 再加上周边的广东、闽闽皖三省,招生计划达到总数的79.9%。 如果加上沿海省份和沿江城市,招生计划达到总数的90.3%。
选择湖南省,选择江浙沪,或者选择偏远地区,都可以根据自己的需求来选择。 每个志愿者最终都会被某人阅读。
去发达城市求学已经成为很多人的意见和共识。 你也可以参考一下。
5. 本科申请最低分数
2021 年,这三个部分将首次合并为两个部分。 普通线首段既不是重点线,也不是学院线。 下一批考生均可补足上一批未全部录取的招生计划。
◆2021年平行志愿非数学专业最低分数线约为507分,录取线低于507分的专业计划数量为50个(共6个专业,506分8人,506分9人) 505分,504分6人)503分12人,495分15人),录取分数在510分以下的约160人。 这类备案分数最低的专业基本都是“偏本土”或者“冷门专业”或者“学费贵”。 专业及备案分数如下:
◆2021年,平行志愿数学仅限于最低分数约为491分的专业。 仍有3个专业分数低于490分。 专业及档案成绩如下:
2021年,数学限制类专业的最低录取线与非数学限制类申请的最低分数线相差约18分。 2020年,数学限制类专业最低录取线与非数学限制类申请最低分数线相差230分以上。 数学专业与非数学专业的差距基本恢复到正常水平。
2021年第一期备案,有17128名分数在495分以上的朋友组成本科志愿并进行备案。 本科报考最高分559分(广东医科大学本科校区口腔医学专业),北京医科大学口腔医学专业录取最低分数为550分,四川电力大学本科校区录取最低分数为548分对于电源技术...,录取分数线较高的本科专业名单如下:
2022年招生计划专业选课要求与2021年相同,继续适用2020年版选课要求。 根据以往的经验,2022年可能会有少量重大变化,大部分应该与2021年相同。
1. 高校选课要求的变化
2021年是学院专业选课要求修订后的第二年招生。 学院专业选课要求已于2018年5月在四川省教育考试院官网公布。与2020年相比,2021年招生计划高校专业选课要求基本保持稳定,但也存在一些问题。一些专业的变化。 我们统计了14937个专业、172897个招生计划,只有三年招生计划才能准确匹配。 结果如下:
高校计划中,有3.91%的招生专业改变了选课规则,占高校招生计划数的3.76%。 本科生比例较高。
◆高考就像一场竞技活动。 赛事规则通常提前2-3年发布。 一些学校和家长听到这个机会,及时调整策略,实现中学生利益最大化; 大多数学校和家长仍然沿用旧的要求和训练中学生,当比赛结果对你不利时,后悔就来不及了。
◆2021年新初一,选课规则将发生更大变化。 中学生、家长和中学一定要及时关注政策新变化,提前谋划,以免错失良机。
2021年和2020年三年录取人数平均差值在-504左右,换算成分数,平均差值在0.5分左右。 对于非数学限制专业,三年录取人数平均数差约为-2724,折算成绩平均分差约为-3分。 数学限制类专业三年录取人数平均相差约5236,折算成绩平均相差约+5分。 录取分数提高的主要集中在2020年申请水平较低的专业。
2021年是新政策实施的第二年,高校专业申报依然波动较大。 这一波动是2020年非数学限制类专业总分下降和物理限制类专业总分上升的回归调整。
与2020年和2019年的录取分数线相比,2020年很多院校和专业的录取分数线都会有较大变化。由于新专业选课要求的实施,很多专业三年内最高排名的匹配度相对较低。低的。 当年选民人数平均相差2000多,换算成分数,平均相差2分以上。 专科和专业备案的匹配度更低。 2020年专科报考人数将增加近4000人,折算成分数约为4分。
2019年和2018年是旧规则实施的第五年。 与三年录取线相比,大部分院校和专业的最低分数保持相对稳定。 投球数平均相差在300左右,换算成分数,平均相差在1分以内。
◆特技控线:各专业备案量有升有降,但总体保持稳定; 非数学限制专业的备案分数有所提高,相对分数提高了1分左右。 选课不需要专业备案增加1分以上;
◆本科专业:整体下降,数学限定专业成绩上升,平均相对上升达到5分以上; 非数学限专业成绩提高,相对分数提高4分以上。
◆中外合作专业:分数大幅提升:中外合作办学学校平均分提高7分左右; 民办高校平均分提高3分左右。 但中外合作院校和专业仍然是优质教育资源。
因此,与非化学考生相比,化学考生在备案上还是有一定优势的,但2020年利润空间太大,去年略有反弹。 2021年及以后的中考,选择数学的考生在化学方面可能没有太大优势,但在初中和选专业方面的优势会常年存在。
2021年985、211院校各专业平均录取分数线为640分,比2020年平均录取分数线645分高出5分。考虑到一段分数线增加了6分,平均录取分数线上升了6分。录取排名差异基本相同。 因此,整体备案情况基本一致。 (985、211院校各专业平均录取线2019年为647分,2018年为639.5分。)
我们估算的是高校所有专业的录取分数线的平均值。 平均分前30名分别是上海大学、清华大学、中国科学技术大学、复旦大学、上海交通大学、中国人民大学、南京大学、中国科学技术学院、浙江大学、上海财经学院、北京师范大学、北京民航航天学院、同济大学、中国政法大学、华东师范大学、哈尔滨工业大学(北京)、武汉大学、中山大学、南开大学、北京外国语学院、厦门大学、对外经济贸易学院、东南大学、中央财经学院、西安交通大学、华中科技学院、电子科学技术学院、哈尔滨工业大学、上海外国语学院、南方大学中国理工学院.
统计完各院校的最低录取分数线后,我们对它们进行排序。 排名前30位的分别是上海大学、清华大学、中国科学技术大学、复旦大学、上海交通大学、中国人民大学和中国科学技术大学。 工学院、南京大学、上海财经学院、北京师范大学、同济大学、哈尔滨工业大学(北京)、北京民航航天学院、华东师范大学、南开大学、对外经济贸易大学中山大学商贸学院、北京外国语粤语学院、中国政法学院、武汉大学、厦门大学、上海外国语粤语学院、东南大学、中央财经学院、西安交通大学商学院电子技术大学、北京理工大学、浙江大学、哈尔滨工业大学、华南理工大学。
我们统计了各个学院的最低录取分数线,然后进行排序。 省内排名靠前的院校有:中国艺术大学、杭州电子技术学院、浙江工程学院、浙江财经大学、宁波萨里学院(中外合作办学)。 温州大学、湖州师范学院、浙江海洋大学、嘉兴大学、温州肯恩学院(中外合作办学)、杭州医科大学、浙江大学、上海科技大学、绍兴文理学院、浙江大学科学技术大学、湖州大学、温州理工大学、嘉兴东湖大学、丽水大学、温州医学科学院、仁济大学(独立大学)、衢州大学。
从具体专业统计来看,平均录取线考试前的专业包括:各类实验班、大类招生院校的一些主要专业,如化学、法学、数学、社会学、金融学、经济学等。 具体专业平均录取线最高的是口腔医学、临床医学、中医、儿科、麻醉学、历史学、应用数学、中医临床医学、统计学、预防医学、法学等专业。
教师教育这几年还是很流行的。 广东省2021年招生计划中,教师教育专业招生总数约为1300人。 因为有的专业是师范教育和非师范教育同一类别招收的。 在校学生人数超过13399人。
◆三一医学专业招生747人,其中普通生505人,约占3.7%; 名校学生242人,占1.8%;
◆The 5 colleges and universities of the Strong Foundation Plan recruited 29 students majoring in basic medicine in Hangzhou, accounting for 0.2%.
For medical majors, parallel voluntary filing is the main body. The medical majors in Trinity and the police academy are very good, and candidates who plan to study medicine cannot ignore it.
(1) Trinity medical majors in prestigious schools:
The three-in-one medical major of Tongji University and Shanghai Normal University is mainly clinical medicine, and most of the course selection requirements require mathematics + physics. The eight-year clinical medicine major of Zhu Kezhen University in Sichuan University also requires mathematics + physics; Sichuan University For the clinical medicine major of the Medical University, the course selection requirements are physics + biology.
The 2021 Trinity medical enrollment plan of prestigious schools is as follows:
(2) Strong foundation plan medical majors:
The majors enrolled in the Strong Foundation Program are basically basic subjects, so the medical majors related to Strong Foundation are mainly basic medicine, and there are several biomedical sciences. In Guangdong Province, there are mainly 29 enrollment plans for 6 majors. The 2021 "Strong Foundation Program" medical enrollment plan is as follows:
(3) Which medical specialty can be a clinical doctor?
A clinical doctor must have a medical practitioner qualification certificate. This exam is required for majors:
Five majors of clinical medicine, stomatology, public health, traditional Chinese medicine, and combination of traditional Chinese and traditional Chinese medicine can take the qualification certificate of practicing physicians;
Basic medicine, forensic science, nursing (study), medical technology, pharmacy, and traditional Chinese medicine are not allowed to attend the examination for the qualification certificate of medical practitioners.
The state proposes that "the essence of medical education is elite education", and the scores of medical majors may continue to increase in the future.
For more information about filing and analysis of medical majors, please read the following articles:
5. Volunteering Suggestions for 2022 Secondary School Students
2022 is the third year of the new policy version 2.0 of the senior high school entrance examination. The various new policies are basically the same as those in 2021. After the 2021 senior high school entrance examination supplementary application volunteers changed from the original three-stage to two-stage for the first time, the one-point-one-end rule will be implemented in 2022. According to the development trajectory of senior high school students over the years, there are several suggestions for the 2022 candidates:
1. It is important to be familiar with and use good rules
According to the filing situation in recent years, if candidates use the following methods to formulate a volunteer plan to ensure filing and maximize scores, there will be no major problems. The supplementary application is not as complicated as it is said in the legend, and every middle school student can complete it by himself. And to do this well, you need to learn relevant new policies and methods. For most families, choosing a major suitable for their daughter is the most difficult choice.
Please pay attention to the follow-up articles of Taotao Enrollment for the specific method of supplementary application.
2. Effort and choice are both important
Every year, a group of friends have such a situation: after the first junior high school entrance examination, middle school students with excellent grades will have stronger confidence and will work harder in preparation for the exam; Perhaps the confidence will slow down, and I will pamper myself in the preparation for the exam, and lose the opportunity to catch up. When I finally make up the volunteer application, I find that I am only a few points away from entering the middle school I am satisfied with. At that time, I regret it but it is too late. 向上。 No matter what hardships you face during the struggle, it is extremely important to persevere to the end.
The major selection rules for voluntary supplementary reporting in 2022 are the same as those in 2021. The filings of most branch schools and majors will remain basically stable, and there may be slight fluctuations. Candidates who choose mathematics in 2022 still have a good time to make up for the voluntary supplementary report. The filing situation is expected to remain stable with 2021.
3. Pay attention to and make use of many ways to enter higher education
When candidates in the first year of junior high school are working hard to take the first exam, parents of middle school students in the third year of junior high school must pay attention to multiple studies. The main requirements and application time for various pathways for further studies are as follows:
◆Strong Foundation Plan: 2022 is the fifth year of the Strong Foundation Plan. In 2021, the enrollment of the Strong Foundation Plan will be slightly reduced, and some middle school students will also benefit. Every outstanding third-year middle school student cannot give up such an opportunity. In 2021, Tsinghua University and Peking University will recruit students in Hangzhou, and there will be 138 students in the Strong Foundation Program (66 from Tsinghua University, 72 from Peking University), and only 74 students from parallel volunteers (44 from Tsinghua University) people, 30 people from Peking University). In 2020, Tsinghua University and Peking University will recruit 134 students in the Strong Foundation Program (64 from Tsinghua University and 70 from Peking University), and only 71 students from parallel volunteers (42 from Tsinghua University and 29 from Peking University). Qingbei's enrollment in Guangdong is mainly in the strong foundation plan.
Trinity of famous schools: still Tsinghua University, Jiaotong University and other famous schools are still the main channel for recruiting students in Hangzhou (2021 Tsinghua University 205 people, Jiaotong University 295 people, National Jiaotong University 39 people, Zhejiang University 980 people, their general parallel volunteers and early approval plan numbers Yes, 13 people from Tsinghua University, 30 people from Jiaotong University, 2 people from National Jiaotong University, and 2060 people from Zhejiang University) (205 people from Tsinghua University, 295 people from Jiaotong University, 39 people from National Jiaotong University, and 850 people from Zhejiang University. Yes, 45 people from Tsinghua University, 51 people from Jiaotong University, 2 people from National Jiaotong University, and 2215 people from Zhejiang University). University of Science and Technology, Fudan University, and National Jiaotong University have far fewer enrollments in the Trinity category than in the general category. It is difficult to enter such a prestigious school without passing the Trinity category. If you want to enter a prestigious school, Trinity is an unavoidable road. Seriously planning the Trinity interview and written test in such a prestigious school is what all outstanding middle school students need to do.
(Click to download to enlarge view)
◆General Trinity: It is very suitable for friends with balanced disciplines. They have a large number of ABs in the academic examination, and they have an advantage in Trinity enrollment. Friends who are unbalanced in subjects but have a few subjects with great advantages are suitable to take the road of general senior high school entrance examination. From 2018 to 2021, the degree of profit of filing students is no longer as great as in previous years, and most of the profits are in the range of 20-50. This is a very good opportunity for those friends who have excellent grades in the academic examination, those whose naked scores have not reached the target college but Trinity can achieve it, and those whose scores are estimated to be in the range of 500-600 in the senior high school entrance examination, or friends Need to pay attention to the Trinity. Whether it is necessary to go to the Holy Trinity requires precise positioning. In the past few years, through the Trinity, many middle school students who did not have the opportunity to make up the first stage of volunteering made up the application and were approved by key colleges early, and many middle school students whose scores were not enough to be admitted to the second major of the general class through the Trinity early filed in the colleges and universities they wanted to go to. Majors, some middle school students who failed to enroll in junior colleges entered junior colleges through Trinity. Therefore, friends should make full use of the opportunities for further study through Trinity and other channels, and strive to apply for a satisfactory college in 2022. Trinity filings, the number of profit points is related to the number of A and B in the academic examination, the written test scores of the candidates' colleges, and finally, the positioning judgment when making up the volunteer application.
◆Police Academy Enrollment: Beginning in 2020, candidates majoring in Public Security and Ideology and Politics must take an exam before they can sign up. The specific majors of public security include: public security, investigation, frontier defense management, anti-drug science, military dog ??technology, economic crime investigation, frontier defense command, fire command, security science, public security information science, criminology, public security management, foreign police Foreign affairs, foreign security, police command and tactics, technical investigation, fishery law enforcement. Candidates who do not have political subjects in the examination subjects, if they have chemistry, chemistry, biology (or technology) electives, can also take another three majors: network security and law enforcement, criminal science and technology, and public security audio-visual technology.
The enrollment quota of Hangzhou Traffic Police University is assigned to prefectures and cities, and the filing scores are different in different places. Girls' senior high school entrance examination scores should be more than 40 points higher than a certain line, and girls' high school entrance examination scores should be around a certain line. The scores published by the official website in the past are the comprehensive scores of the Trinity, not the scores of the senior high school entrance examination.
◆Pilot recruitment: Men with good physical conditions can focus on pilot recruitment. Those who have more than one line can pay attention to naval pilots, and those who have a score of about 50 points (three grades) on the second line can follow aviation pilots. This is a path to further education that deserves special attention.
If you work hard, there will always be gains; no matter what the result is later, you will have no regrets.