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日期:2017-11-27  类别:自我介绍  编辑:学科吧  【下载本文Word版


  My name is XX, this year's X years old, from XX, I am honored to be able to participate in the XX recruitment interview. I was a more cheerful character who likes to listen to music, see movies, and friends during their spare time playing baseball, is more like a busy person. Character of his own strong sense of responsibility at work, I will be very seriously treat their work, the University, I was in the class served as the organization members and the group secretary for the school and the work of the class I will try to complete, he organized his classmates to go out barbecue, organized the Department's welcome party, these activities are tempered by their own people largely interpersonal and communication skills, if they had the opportunity to enter the xx and no doubt will be faster integration into, and the to do their job.

  As a fresh college students, the most difficult is the role of work practice changes and exercise capacity, their part-time to go out in times of peace, did promotions in supermarkets have been in sales this year, recommended by a counselor internship in the school's Dean of the 2 months, perhaps other interviewers work experience than I do, but I believe they have the ability to work XX.

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