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日期:2017-12-03  类别:自我介绍  编辑:学科吧  【下载本文Word版


  Good afternoon, professors. It’s really an honor to have a chance to be interviewed here. Chinese academy of science is the best academy in China; I hope my performance today can meet your requirement. Now I’ll give a brief introduction of myself. I am 20 years old and born in Shanxi. I’m currently studying at college of software, Nankai univ, and hopefully will graduate next year. I’ve already recommended as a graduate and as long as you accept me, I’d be able to study here without an entrance examination.

  I applied for the master of engineering because my interest is mostly in engineering, not in academic research.

  I have much practical experience in the past 3 years in and out of school . At school I made a lot of experimental program. In the Data structure course, I made the quick sort program, LCS (longest common subsequence) program, stack implementation of recursion, depth-first and breadth-First search of graphs, expression calculated in trees.

  In the operating system course, I made a lot of exploration into WRK program and modifications to the code. I replaced the LRU algorithm with a random replacement algorithm in the working set mechanism.

  In the course of discrete mathematics, I made a RSA system which implement both the underlying algorithm and the whole system. This system can encrypt and decrypt text and files of any length with a 512 bit key.

  Out of school, from July 2009, I started a part-time job in a software company. During that time I did much research into augmented reality (AR), which is a combination of computer graphics and digital image processing. I took a look into the underlying algorithm and made a series of AR applications on the flash platform. Currently I’m working on a gesture-based AR game, mostly focus on the gesture recognition part, and 6 degree track of face program, that’s to say ,we want to establish a 3d coordinate of the face, containing the orientation information.

  Other work in that company can be found in my resume and personal statement.

  I also participated in an internship in China soft international, and worked as a PM. Our team developed asp.net online shop website, which achieved most function required by an online B2C shop. That system ranked first in all 9 internship groups. Also a C# clinic ERP program, that system has already been used by a small clinic in my hometown.

  That’s all my experience here. I think I’m a good team leader and good technical man, very helpful to others. That’s all I want to say. Thank you for the time.

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