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我是**号选手**,我来自******。中原自古多才俊,在这块人才辈出的热土上,涌现出了诸如兰空飞行员李剑英等天之骄子。如今,在**一中受到了三年优秀教育的我,虽不能像李剑英那样架雄鹰搏击长空,可为了胸中那不灭的翱翔蓝天的渴望,为了不辜负我 1米68的身高,不辜负五官端正、举止端庄、极具亲和力的面容,我希望能通过自己的努力成为一名空乘人员,工作在蓝天白云间,仰观宇宙云卷云舒,俯看祖国大好河山。








Good morning everyone,my name is XX,and my english name is XX. Iam 21 years old and iam from (qingdao/XX) .

I have very happy family, they were my mother,my father and i. my father is soldier and my mother is doctor .i love them verymuch,we leave very luckly everyday!

I have some interests, four example: play piano singsong ang swimming.I have lend so much from them.

when i was young, i haved a dream, i was dreaming flying in the sky, so ,i long to work in the plain. then, iam here,i weash you would take me, because iam looking four would, to working four(china easten airlines),nice meeting you again.

thank you !



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篇三:空乘面试自我介绍 面试小技巧

空乘面试自我介绍 面试小技巧~

2011-03-18 08:31 P.M.


穿着最好是正装(职业), 一定要干净整洁。

自我介绍,就是 姓名 年龄 身高 体重 业余爱好 外加对自己的城市做个简单的介绍。 你多培养自己的亲和力 笑容 站姿 走资。

回答问题的时候,要求合作意思 团队意识













Hello my name isXXX.I am XX years old.I graduatedfrom XXX.I have a dream since I was a child.I dream that one day I can fly in the blue sky like the bird. Now I have the chance to make it come true. If i can take this job. I’ll try my best to do everything well.Because I love this job.


Here are good answers to some of the tougher questions asked in job interviews. If you can smoothly supply answers like these during the interview, you are bound to make a good impression.

1. What is important to you in a job?

Mention specific rewards other than a paycheck for example, challenge, the feeling of accomplishment, and knowing that you have made a contribution.

2. Why do you want to work for this organization?

Cite its reputation, the opportunities it offers, and the working conditions. Stress that you want to work for this organization, not just any organization.

3. Why should we employ you?

Point to your academic preparation, job skills, and enthusiasm about working for the firm. Mention your performance in school or previous employment as evidence of your ability to learn and to become productive quickly. If the job involves

management responsibilities, refer to past activities as proof of your ability to get along with others and to work as part of a team.

4. If we hire you, how long will you stay with us?

Answer by saying along these lines: "As long as my position here allows me to learn and to advance at a pace with my abilities."

5. Can we offer you a career path?

Reply: "I believe you could, once I know the normal progression within the organization. Can you tell me about it?" The answer may be revealing.

6. What are your greatest strengths?

Give a response like one of the following: "I can see what needs to be done and do it","I'm wiling to make decisions", "I work well with others," "I can organize my time efficiently."

7. What are you greatest weakness?

Identify one or two, such as the following:" I tend to drive myself toohard", " I expect others to perform beyond their capacities", " I like to see a job done quickly, and I'm critical if it isn't." Note these weaknesses could also be regarded as desirable qualities. The trick with this question is to describe a weakness so that it could also be considered a virtue.

8. What didn't you like about previous jobs you've held?

Discuss the things you didn't like, but avoid making slighting reference to any of your former employers.

9. How do you spend your leisure time?

Mention a cross section of interests-active and quiet, social and solitary -- rather just one.

10. Are there any weaknesses in your education or experience?

Take stock of your weaknesses before the interview. Practice discussing them in a positive light. You'll find that they are minor when discussed along with all the positive things you have to offer.

11. Where do you want to be five years from now?

Saying that you'd like to be president is uealistic, yet few employers want people who are content to sit still. You might say, "in five years, I'd like to have my boss's job. " If you can't qualify for your boss's job by then, you may not be the fright candidate.

12. What are your salary expectations?

If you are asked this at the outset, it's best to say, "Why don't we discuss salary after you decide whether I'm right for the job? "But if the interviewer asks this after showing real interest in you, speak up. She or he will probably try to meet your price. If you need a clue about what to ask for, say, " Can you discuss your salary range with me?"

13. What would you do if....?

This question is designed to test your reposes. For example: "What would you do if your computer broke down during an audit?" Your answer there isn't nearly so important as your approach to the problem. And a calm approach is best. Start by saying, "One thing I might do is ..." Then give several alternative choices.

14. What type of position are you interested in?

Job titles and responsibilities vary from firm to firm . So state your skills instead, such as "I'm good at figure work," and the positions that require these skills , such as "accounts payable."

15. Tell me something about yourself.

Say you'll be happy to talk about yourself, and ask what the interviewer wants to know. If this point is clarified, respond. If not, tell why you feel your skills will contribute to the job and the organization. This question gives you a great opportunity to sell yourself.

16. Do you have any questions about the organization or the job?

Employers like a candidate who is interested in the organization. so this is a perfect time to convey your interest and enthusiasm.



1.新加坡航空公司面视指南①首先准备一份中英文简历。到考场后,工作人员会发给报考人员一篇广播词(英文),经过稍微准备后,接着5人一组,进入主考官,室每人各念一段手里的广播词。考官主要 是观察你的声音是否好听,口齿是否清晰,英文程度如何。②广播词念完后,考官会告诉你是否有下一次的面试,初试通过后,要交履历表和学校毕业证。③复试:有两位主考官(新航主管)分别向每一位应试者问一些生活方面的问题或有关空姐工作的问题,甚至可能问一些容易使人生气的特殊问题,以此来观察应试者的反应,例如,说你的衣服看起来怪怪的,你的表现不够当一名空姐等令你比较反感的问题。这些问题主要考验心理承受能力和处理特殊情况的能力。④复试结束后考官会通知你是否参加下一次面试。⑤第三次面试:此次有4位考官考察一位应试者,以聊天的方式,问一些生活问题。面试通过者到更衣室换上新航的制服,在考场走一圈,转一圈,看看体形线条是否好看,姿态是否优美。面试结束后现场会当时通知结果。⑥游泳测验:游泳距离为50米,任何泳姿都可以,在有条件的饭店举行。⑦茶会:分成4组,一组约10个人,酒会方式。餐桌上有茶点供全体参加面试的人员享用,4位主考官轮流提出问题,和大家聊天,目的在于了解你的团队精神,以及与其他人相处的能力,并要求应试者提出问题,时间大约4小时。结束后当时通知你是否被录取。





