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日期:2017-11-30  类别:自我介绍  编辑:学科吧  【下载本文Word版


  Hello! My name is XX, XX Normal University, is a 2006 graduate. Graduation has taught more than a year. Have long teaching experience gained! Lively and outgoing personality, nice, treat people in good faith, understanding, strong language skills and communication skills; diligent, strong and determined, serious and responsible work, down to earth, patient, attentive, careful thinking, have become teachers the basic quality and potential.

  Determined to be a teacher since childhood, college entrance examination chosen university, is not only a solid basic knowledge of mathematics, but also on the accumulation of educational theory and practice, especially during the internship period, absorbing the best teaching experience of teachers, and students from morning till evening in the day, and more loving education.

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