研究所大学生暑期训练心得体会总结(Enmory University)的相关参考范文,研究所大学生暑期训练心得体会总结(EnmoryUniversity)AttheendofthesepastfiveweeksattheNationalInstituteofBiologicalSciences(研究所),IfeelasthoughIhave......
研究所大学生暑期训练心得体会总结(Enmory University)
At the end of these past five weeks at the National Institute of Biological Sciences (研究所), I feel as though I have grown in more ways than one. I entered this unfamiliar place as a student who had never experienced life on my own in China, never immersed myself in an academic environment in Mandarin, and never participated in stem cell research. But during my time in this program, I’ve learned a great deal and gained so many valuable lessons, memories, and friends.
The very first day of the program, I found myself with my 3 other summer lab mates headed to our lab’s weekly meeting. It was here that I first got an understanding of the atmosphere of my lab: intelligent and inquisitive people. Listening to criticisms and questions from lab members and Dr. Chen during each presentation, I gained insight into not only the scientific content of the presentations, but also the thought process and critical reasoning that you need to have in academia.
This summer I’ve met two strong female role models as well as numerous generous and kind mentors. They shared with me their experiences during their time as students and as scientists, and compared cultures with me. Our mentor led us through several experiments concerning hair follicle stem cells and melanocyte cells. I had my first exposure to using lab mice for experiments, confocal microscopy, and software like Adobe Illustrator and Imaris for data analysis. Our mentor provided guidance and was always there to help, but also gave us the chance to be independent and take a certain degree of responsibility for our own scientific work. Although time has been limited, the knowledge and exposure I’ve gained at 研究所 has been plenty.
The things I’ve learned this summer:
Don’t stress when something goes wrong, things are bound to go wrong in experiments.
Always make time to take care of yourself (mind and body), and schedule your work accordingly. It’s easy to get overwhelmed.
G7 Instant Coffee mix 3 in 1 is delicious.
Be specific in the examples you give.
Organize your data, analyze it, and come up with your own conclusion and next plan of action before you talk with your PI.
Be clear on what the question you are asking is. Then orient your scientific figures in a way that addresses that question directly.
Always be critical of protocols and test your own conditions as needed.
FIRST do what you MUST do, then comes the others (the important but non-urgent, the urgent but non-important, the non-urgent and non-important).
The magic happens outside of your comfort zone.
When you have the chance, always use your own name when naming new discoveries!
Lastly, I’ve met friends of a lifetime here on the 研究所 campus, in Changping, a relatively isolated section of Beijing. Sitting through meals with them, living and working in the same space, and spending free time exploring all that Beijing has to offer with them, I have grown to love these people and cherish the time that we’ve had together. It’s a unique thing to meet students from across the world and still find a common thread to communicate. It will be hard leaving this place and these people.