第一章 物资供应商质量档案标准管理程序(综合)
程序名称: 准备部门: 审核部门: 审批部门: 变更申请变更内容: 本SMP分发至: 品保部、物料部、生产部 仓储部 品保部□ 物料部 □ 生产部 □ 生效日期: 生效控制印章: 年 月 日 材料供应商质量档案 标准管理程序 质量保证部 质量保证总监 总经理 申请日期: 起草人: 审核人: 批准人: 年月日 批准日期: 程序编号: SMP-B-034-01 年-年-月月月日日日
1 目的:建立材料供应商质量档案标准管理程序,实行定点采购,确保产品质量稳定。 2 范围:原料、辅料、包材、化学试剂等供应商、生产商的质量档案。 3 职责范围:??质保部、物料部。 4 程序: 4.1 所有经认定的材料供应商均应建立质量档案。 4.2 供应商需提供的公司及产品信息: 4.2.1 供应商须提供加盖红色印章的公司资质证明。 4.2.2 供方签订质量保证协议。 4.2.3 供应商提供的产品质量标准加盖红色印章。 4.2.4 供方提供样品检验数据和报告。 4.2.5 供方提供样品检验报告。 4.3 对主要材料供应商进行现场检查,进行现场质量审核,并制定审核报告。 4.4定期对供应商进行产品稳定性检查并制定报告。 4.5定期对供应商的产品质量进行审查和分析,并制定报告。 4.6 经过一段时间的考察,确定供货质量良好、守合同、守信用的供应商为长期优质供应商。
1.1. 每一批产品生产完成后,车间工艺人员填写检验申请表,在3小时内请求中心实验室检验,填写待检验产品交接记录,注明产品名称、规格、批号和数量,并与仓管员沟通待检产品的交接。
1.2. 仓管员核实交接记录内容无误后,应当在交接记录上签字。
1.3. 保管员用黄色绳子将产品包裹起来,挂上黄色“待检”牌,并填写货位卡。
2.1. 中心实验室收到检验请求后3小时内取样送检。 检验完毕后,填写检验报告一式三份。 质量管理部批检记录保存一份,一份送仓库,一份送仓库。 作坊。
2.2. 检验合格后,车间技术员填写两份成品入库单,一份录入批量生产记录,一份交仓库。
2.3. 保管人员核对成品收货单上记载的产品名称、规格、批号、数量是否与检验报告一致,无误后在收货单上签字。
2.4. 保管员取下黄绳,挂上绿色资质标志,检查货位卡上的内容与存货单上的内容是否一致。 如果正确,则注册分类帐。
2.5. 检验不合格的,保管人将黄绳和“待检验”标志拆除,移至不合格仓库,贴上“不合格证明”,注明不合格产品的名称、规格、批号、数量和数量。符号。
3.1. 按品种分类,按批号发布。
3.2. 墙与梁的距离不应小于30cm。
3.3. 堆垛之间的距离不应小于100cm。
3.4. 距地面的距离不应小于10cm。
3.5. 按质量标准规定的贮存条件贮存。
3.6. 保持仓库整洁,包装清洁。
3.7. 每天早上和下午定期记录温度和湿度记录。 如果超过规定,必须采取除湿、冷却、通风措施。
3.8. 成品储存和成品配送不能同时进行。
2、发货通知单由销售部总监出具。 成品仓库保管人凭质量管理部主管出具的发货通知书和成品合格放行单进行发货。
11、仓管员收到合格报告后,立即办理入库手续,编制料号,登记货位卡和台账,拆除黄绳和“待检”标志,悬挂“合格” “ 符号。
1. 物料分配
1.1. 仓管员根据生产指示或包装指示提前准备材料,将生产所需的各种材料放置在备料区。
1.2. 准备材料时,对于无法拆包的材料,按照最小单位准备材料。
1.3. 药品内包装材料和原辅材料不得在仓库内拆包。
1.4. 准备材料的数量必须符合生产说明书的要求。
1.5. 如果有散落材料(上次余额返回的材料),则必须先发送散落材料。
1.6. 物资发放严格遵循“先进先出”、“先过期”的原则。 上一批发放完毕后,将发放新一批。
1.8. 仓管员在物料请退记录中填写物料名称、物料编号、检验单编号、要求数量、实际发货数量、领料日期。
2.1. 生产完成后,剩余材料必须及时返回仓库。
2.2. 物料退回仓库时,退回班组长必须在物料申领、退回记录中填写退回数量和退回日期,并填写退货单。 与仓库取得联系后,必须提交给车间物料领料员退回物料。 。
2.3. 车间领用人员核对退回物料的名称、物料号、检验单号、数量供应商档案管理制度,无误后将物料、退回单、物料领用、退回记录退回车间指定地点。
2.5. 交接物料时,仓库提货员核对物料名称、物料编号、检验单号和数量。 如果没有错误,则将物料、退货单、物料申购、退货记录交给仓库保管员。
2.6。 仓库保管员根据物料领用、退料情况及时制作物料台账并调整货位卡。
第 3 部分:呆滞物料管理程序(示例模板)
为进一步加强库存管理,减少呆滞物资资金占用,提高库存质量,优化库存结构,降低经营风险,根据公司相关管理制度的要求,特制定本办法。 二、适用范围
适用于风机公司库存物料和外协工厂物料的考核。 三、定义
呆滞物料是指企业生产经营过程中,由于各种原因,实际价值已经或即将损失的物料,或者在一定生产经营期限内不需要使用的物料,包括内部物料。以及外购加工材料。 、外购成品、车间物料、自制半成品符合下列条件之一的视为呆滞物料:
4-1 客户取消、变更、推迟订单造成的呆滞物料 4-2 生产、采购计划偏差、变更、错误造成的呆滞物料 4-3 生产订单尾期造成的呆滞物料
4-4 技术工艺、设计变更后残留的呆料 4-5 陈旧、变质、仓储管理不善而变质的呆料 4-6 其他原因产生的呆料 5.死料损失的定义
主要指仓储费用、库存占用资金利息、呆滞物料搬运损失等。 6.呆滞物料处理原则及方法
呆滞物料的处理必须遵循尽量减少处理损失的原则,尽可能减少公司呆滞物料的损失; 处理方式包括:生产调度、修改代用、退货、报废等。
6-2 改造和替代:通过开发和技术下达配套消化方案,并按指定顺序使用。 * 使用上述计划中的呆料必须重新申请检验,检验合格后方可使用。 6-3 退货:对于一些能用材料的反应迟缓的供应商,采购部门负责与原供应商协调退货。
6-5 其他适当的治疗方法。 7.每月死料处理流程
7-1 仓库、车间、采购、物业每月月底分别对仓库物料、库产半成品、外协厂物料进行清理,并编制呆滞物料明细表,供各部门使用。每月4日前,报财务中心汇总、整理、核对死料明细清单、配比金额。
7-2 预算会计负责每月7日前将编制的呆滞物料清单发送至采购、加工部门,确认呆滞物料的原因及责任部门。 结构/研发支撑中心、技术工艺、采购部门将下达初步加工方案。 并在两个工作日内将结果反馈给预算会计室。
7-3预算会计对采购、开发、技术等数据进行汇总整理供应商档案管理制度,以电子文件的形式发送给滞销材料组成员,并通知滞销材料组成员召开会议每个月10号左右。 会议内容主要针对争议性问题和高价值材料进行讨论分析,争议可通过到仓库现场办公的方式解决。 所有争议均由滞料组组长裁决。
7-4预算会计根据会议确定的计划和后续事项,编制呆滞物资明细清单。 呆滞物资明细清单详细描述了呆滞原因、责任部门或个人、消化处理方案、跟进负责人、消化过程等。 日期(消化日期超过半年的物料,由呆滞物料组组长确定处理方案)。 报各部门会签并由财务中心经理审核。 另外,仓库将办理相关报废手续,并按照公司报废程序及时办理。
7-5财务中心对呆滞物料进行全程跟踪和支持,每月10日汇报上月滞留物料的处理进度。 对未按期落实或不按程序落实的责任人,财务部将及时提请相关部门考核。
9-2呆滞物资跟进落实考核:设立的跟进人未能根据处理进度及时消化的,按100元/钱进行考核。 对于不属于本部门职责的呆滞物资,其他部门要积极配合消化,对配合消化部门的企业给予适当奖励。 申请由消化跟进部门提出,成本核算确认后公司给予奖励。
9-3流程执行情况考核:呆滞物料考核过程中,相关责任人未按照规定进度要求完成指定工作的; 或按时完成工作,但敷衍了事,有明显错误或遗漏的,按100元/天(未按时完成)考核,不低于50元/项进行考核。
规范原辅料、包装材料的采购原则,保证药品生产所需物料的质量。 适用范围
适用于药品生产所需物资的采购管理。 3 职责
本程序由物资管理部和质量保证部负责实施。 内容 4.1 采购计划
4.1.1 物资采购员应根据生产计划制定季度和月度采购计划。 制定的采购计划应保证合理的储备和适当的库存平衡,不造成积压。
4.1.2 采购计划应包括:材料名称、规格(验收标准)、数量、供应商、运输方式、采购时间安排、材料到货进度、资金预算等。
4.1.3 采购计划经供应及仓储部经理批准后实施。 采购应当根据《合格供应商目录》或《试用供应商目录》选择供应商。
4.2采购原则:严格管理,诚实守信,保质、保量、保供; 比较购物; 4.3 采购依据:各部门填写并完成采购计划并办理审批手续。
4.4 供应商必须持有下列有效文件,并加盖供应公司公章并送质量保证部存档:
4.4.1原料、辅料供应商:营业执照; 国家法律机构出具的有效证明; 符合药品管理的原料药、辅料必须具有国家食品药品监督管理局颁发的生产许可证、生产批准文号、GMP/GSP证书等。
4.4.2外包装材料供应商:营业执照; 税务登记证; 印刷营业执照; 商品条码印刷资质证书等
4.4.3 直接接触药品的内包装材料供应商:营业执照、《药品包装材料及容器生产企业许可证》、产品注册证等。
4.5 药品生产的原料、辅料、包装材料的采购应当符合药品标准或者食品标准。 药品直接印刷所用油墨应符合食品标准要求。 中药材、中药饮片的包装标签内容应当包括:产品名称、规格、数量、产地、来源、采收(炮制)日期和合格证。 包装标签等关键材料应从通过供应商质量审核的供应商处采购。
4.6 签订采购合同时,应在合同中注明具体的质量要求和验收方法。 每批订单的供应商均应出具《产品检验报告》。 采购合同应存档备查。
4.7根据生产部门下达的生产计划,物资部门编制采购汇总计划,并按计划进行采购。 采购部门应综合考虑供应商的生产时间、运输、报关、检测等因素,制定提前期,决定何时采购。
4.8 供应商必须经过质量评估确定,并经质量管理部门批准后方可采购。 不建议选择太多的供应商。 相同的原材料、辅料、包装材料最好选择两家供应商。
4.9 材料应向符合规定且相对固定的供应商采购。 一旦选择了供应商,就应该尽量减少变更。 需要变更的,应当按照规定报告。 质量保证部门应当履行变更的审批程序。
4.10 采购人员和质保部门应随时了解原辅材料的质量情况,并及时向供应商反馈。 定期对供应商进行质量审核。 4.11 采购人员采购对运输条件有特殊要求的物料时,应在采购前经质量管理部门确认运输条件。
4.12 购买中药材有以下三种方式。 4.12.1 直接从产地采购。
4.12.2 从药材交易市场或药材收购站购买。 4.12.3 从切片生产公司采购。
直接从产地购买,无需任何文件,但购买者必须询问收获季节并记录。 从药材交易市场、药材收购站、饮片生产企业采购时,应当取得相关证明。
采购中药材、中药饮片时,采购人员应当询问所购中药材、中药饮片的产地、采收季节或者初加工日期,并详细记录。 中药材采购后,由中药材仓库保管员负责填写中药材状况。 表示中药材产地、采收季节或者初加工日期的标志。
4.13 采购人员应按照质量标准采购用于药品生产的中药材,产地应保持相对稳定。 采购的进口原料药、中药材、中药饮片应当具有《进口药品注册证》(或者《药品注册证》)或者《进口药品批件》,符合药品进口手续,并具有药品注册证口岸药品检验所出具的检验报告。 。
4.14 采购人员采购的用于药品生产的物料必须经质保部门检验,符合药品标准、包装材料标准、生物制品法规或者其他相关标准,不得对药品质量产生不良影响。 4.15 采购人应及时跟进采购进度,督促供应商严格按照合同规定及时供货。 4.16通知收货:物料到达工厂前,提前通知仓管员做好收货准备。
4.17 付款:材料到厂检验合格后,财务部按合同及公司管理规定规定的付款日期办理审批手续。
4.18 文件归档:合同签订并签字生效后,向财务部提交正本一份,向供应商提交一份; 物资管理部门留存备查。
4.19 供应商管理:采购品供应商每次考核一次。
2、印刷包装材料仓库仅限专职管理人员进入。 装载机和卸载机可以在全职管理员在场的情况下进行物料搬运操作。
3、公司生产的产品送至仓库,通过货梯运输至产品接收区。 成品管理人员完成验证、检验后,进入各自仓库入库。
5、除收发货期间外,仓库门应保持关闭。 工作人员必须通过感应门进出,货物不得通过感应门进出。
6、仓库地面必须每天用微湿的拖把擦拭。 运输物料后的路线应及时擦拭,保持地面清洁。 地板不得用水冲洗,以保持仓库湿度。
7、经常保持仓库内的通道、楼梯、安全出入口以及通往消防设备、水源的道路畅通。 应经常检查安全应急灯是否正常工作。 仓库内严禁随意堆放货物。
九、危险化学品应当分类、分项存放。 堆垛间主要通道之间应有安全距离,不允许堆放过多。
12.每种材料和产品的代码都是唯一的。 物料代码变更需申请并获得批准,然后从物料代码表中删除该物料代码。
13、除收货、发运期间外,仓库门应保持关闭。 工作人员必须通过感应门进出,货物不得通过感应门进出。
1.—2??。 如20110305-2
15、退货产品接收批次号:原批次号+R01格式,R代表退货,01代表退货数量,用流水号表示。 例如:20110318-R03表示批号20110318的产品第三次退货。
17、物料质量状态鉴定分为待检验、合格和不合格。 它们通过三种不同的颜色代码来区分:黄色、绿色和红色。
十九、原辅材料收货程序规定,检验物料时,包装必须完好,标签清晰可辨。 标签应当包括生产批准文号、执行标准、生产批号、生产日期、有效期、生产企业等信息。 货物应附有检验报告。 一。
20、对收货区初检合格的原辅材料外包装进行清洁。 用扫帚将进货上的浮尘一一清除或用微湿的抹布擦去外包装上的灰尘。
21、原辅材料入库时,按照进货注明的重量随机抽取进行审核。 当到货数量>50件时,将审核10-15件。
第二十三条 中药制剂供应商应当使用内包装,入库后存放于制剂仓库。 不得与未加工或者加工后的药材存放在同一仓库。 直接用于制剂的中药净粉应存放在专用仓库内,并双层存放。 包装干净。
第二十四条 保存期间,中药材、中药饮片必须按规定保管,并保存保管记录。
25、按地区、类型、规格、批号排序。 一个货位只能存放同一品种、规格、批号、状态的原辅材料。
26. The distance between stacks and between stacks and columns should be no less than 30cm; the distance between stacks and the ground should be no less than 15cm; the fire aisle should be no less than 100cm; the main passage in the warehouse should be no less than 120cm.
27. A certain number of temperature and humidity meters should be installed in the raw and auxiliary material warehouse (including Chinese herbal medicines and Chinese herbal medicine pieces). The temperature and humidity should be checked and recorded every morning and afternoon. The normal temperature warehouse is required to be 10-30°C, the cool warehouse is <20°C, and the humidity is ≤65%. 。 When the regulations are exceeded, measures should be taken to restore them to the qualified range.
28. Raw materials and auxiliary materials that have reached the re-inspection period should be transferred to the status of pending inspection in a timely manner, and the quality department should be notified to take samples and re-inspect, and they can only be used after passing the test. Timely re-inspection under special circumstances. Raw and auxiliary materials that have expired shall be treated as unqualified products.
29. When distributing raw and auxiliary materials, the warehouse manager shall prepare materials according to the product name, batch number, specification, quantity, etc. of the production materials listed in the production instructions or material delivery orders.
30. Raw and auxiliary materials should be distributed according to the principle of first in, first out, nearest validity period, fractions first and sampled parts first. The remaining production materials returned to the warehouse should be distributed first in the next production.
31. Full barrels or bags of raw and auxiliary materials that are directly used for preparation feeding should be sent to the workshop in their original packaging and must not be split in the warehouse to avoid contamination of the materials.
32. The delivery person and the material-requiring workshop complete the handover in the material receiving area, and the workshop transporter will send it to the material storage area. After checking that it is correct, the workshop manager signs the material requirement list. One copy will be retained by the material-receiving department, and the other copy will be taken with you. Return to the warehouse to archive.
33. After the distribution of raw materials and auxiliary materials is completed, the administrator should promptly organize the cargo locations and clean the working area.
34. The packaging of Chinese medicinal materials should indicate the product name, specifications, place of origin, harvesting (processing) time, dispatching unit, and quality certification mark.
35. The outer packaging of traditional Chinese medicine pieces should be marked with the product name, specifications, place of origin, batch number, production date, name of the manufacturer, and quality certification mark, and an inspection report should be included with the goods.
36. Administrators should label the Chinese medicinal materials purchased directly from farmers one by one before putting them into storage.
37. Medicinal materials containing a lot of volatile oils, such as mint, angelica, chuanxiong, etc., should be stored in a cool and dry place.
38. Toxic and easy-to-odor Chinese herbal medicines and Chinese herbal medicine pieces should be stored in separate storages.
39. Printing and packaging materials should be accepted according to the original sample of the first printing, and the text content, pattern, color, material quality, specifications and dimensions, etc. should be checked.
40. Packaging materials measured by weight should be randomly selected for review according to the weight indicated on the incoming goods. If there are ≤3 pieces, the weight of each piece should be reviewed.
41. Set up a temperature and humidity meter at a suitable location in the packaging material warehouse, and record the temperature and humidity once every morning and afternoon. The normal temperature warehouse is required to be 10-30°C, the cool warehouse is <20°C, and the humidity is ≤75%.
42. Printing and packaging materials are stored in a special warehouse or locked in a special counter, and are managed by dedicated personnel.
43. Cut labels or other bulk printed packaging materials should be stored and transported in closed large boxes or containers during transportation from the storage area to the production area to prevent confusion and loss.
44. Each batch of packaging materials released in direct contact with drugs should have an identification mark indicating the name and batch number of the product used.
45. There is a designated person responsible for the distribution of printing and packaging materials. When special circumstances require someone else to take care of the matter, a person authorized by the department who has received on-the-job training and qualified personnel should be the agent. Non-designated personnel are not allowed to replace the designated personnel to perform distribution duties at will.
46. ??Solid reagents and liquid reagents are stored in separate warehouses; oxidants and reducing agents are stored separately.
47. Chemical raw materials and reagents that need to be unpacked and distributed should wear protective masks and rubber gloves when distributing them. The warehouse should be ventilated for 10 minutes before distribution.
48. Materials that are easily perishable and susceptible to microbial contamination should be re-inspected before use when stored for a long time.
49. When the remaining production materials are returned to the warehouse, the return form and physical objects must be verified and signed by the QA inspector. 50. Materials without original packaging should be added to the outer packaging and relabeled, indicating the product name, quantity, specifications, material batch number, and validity period.
51. Inner packaging materials, raw and auxiliary materials with damaged or suspected contaminated inner packaging should be re-inspected and returned to the warehouse if they pass the inspection.
52. Products with different batch numbers should be stored in categories and placed reasonably to facilitate the implementation of the first-in, first-out principle. When stacking drugs, labels and expiration dates should be placed outwards to facilitate information identification and verification.
53. The finished product warehouse requires a normal temperature warehouse of 10-30℃, a cool warehouse <20℃, and a humidity control of 45-75%.
54. The administrator fills in the finished product warehousing record, including the warehousing date, product specifications, product batch number, warehousing quantity, warehousing personnel, and receiving personnel.
55. When warehouse receiving personnel receive two or more batches of the same or different products within the same time period, they should pay attention to receiving and storing them separately to avoid mixed batches and errors.
56. Products shall be managed as "pending inspection" before release by the quality management department.
57. Consolidated medicines for shipment must have eye-catching labeling to prevent shipping errors. All batch numbers should be indicated on the outer label of the combined package.
58. Inspection before product loading: The transport vehicle should meet the product storage requirements; the carriage should be waterproof and moisture-proof; there should be no accumulation of water, rust, large amounts of dust, oil, etc. in the carriage; the documents accompanying the goods (such as product inspection reports, shipping orders) should be complete .
59. Products shipped must be stacked according to the requirements of the outer packaging icon and mark. They must not be inverted or pressed. The stacking must be neat and at a moderate height.
60. Set the return receiving batch number and define the receiving batch number in the form of "original batch number + R + serial number". 61. Fill in the return ledger, which should include product name, batch number and/or return receipt batch number, specifications, returned quantity, reason for return, return unit and address, and return date.
62. Store returns in the returns area and paste return material labels on the packaging one by one. Mark the quality status of "to be inspected".
63. Explosion-proof electrical appliances and switches should be used in hazardous chemicals warehouses, and lightning protection facilities should be installed in the warehouse.
64. After the solvents used in the production of injections are recovered, they can only be used for the extraction of the same type and must not be mixed. The same solvent of the same type and recovered at different times can be combined. 65. How to prevent pests and rats in the warehouse 66. How to deal with unqualified materials
67. The procurement plan must be prepared based on the supply channels of materials, the distance of transportation, combined with the inventory of the previous period and the shortage of materials, and on the premise of ensuring the rational use of funds, no overstocking, and no backlog.
68. Based on the production plan and inventory situation, if it is deemed necessary, propose a procurement plan including variety, specifications, quantity, technical requirements (quality), reference price, date of demand, supplier unit or purchasing location, etc., among which technical requirements (Quality) information is attached separately.
69. The procurement plan should reflect the inquiry situation and comprehensively consider the selection of suppliers. 70. The procurement plan will be implemented after being reviewed by the department head and approved by the general manager.
71. Select suppliers: Based on the size of the purchase volume, select one or several suppliers approved by the Quality Management Department.
72. Procurement personnel should strictly follow the "Drug Administration Law", "Economic Contract Law", "Anti-Unfair Competition Law of the People's Republic of China" and these procedures when purchasing.
73. Production materials should be purchased from suppliers approved by the Quality Management Department. When the supplier needs to be changed, it should be re-approved according to regulations. The principle of quality first should be adhered to for the same price.
74. For materials that have been paid first and delivered later, if the arrival inspection fails, the person in charge should be responsible for contacting the customer for return, refund or exchange. 75. If the moisture content of Chinese medicinal materials slightly exceeds the standard but does not affect storage and feeding, the weight should be deducted before being put into storage.
76. For the purchase of non-production materials, the warehouse or user department fills out the purchase application form and requests approval from the person in charge of the purchasing department.