优秀教案 说课稿 评课稿 教学反思 学科试卷


日期:2019-05-20  类别:学科试卷  编辑:学科吧  【下载本文Word版














































A./'brekfɑ:st B /'breikfəst C /'brekfəst D /'breikfɑ:st/

1.I thik it&rsquos realy ________ had wok fr e o finih te jb n tweny minutes.

.a . n . te . 不填

1. Hangzhu s ________ o hundres f forein friens wo ae workig ad studyig here.

. hoe . houe . famiy . room

1. It&rsquos muh ________ o haea smal lovey rom thna bg cod one.

. god . wel . bettr . best

1.I thik he&rsquos ben drinkin, ________ I&rsquom nt completey sure.

. f . thouh . untl . as

1. Ths mornigI ________ soe nw restaurans n te Internt frI wantd o tae Ma oa nie restaurat fr hr birthday.

. pickd p . lookd p . cleand p . gae up

1. Saly toka phoo f hr friens whie thy ________ computr games.

. ply . ae playig . hae playd . wee playing

2. --Paulie hs lot hr phon. –N. It&rsquos n hr ba.I ________ her it.

. mut . cn . my . shall

2. She&rsquos nt strog enouh ________ walkig p mountains.

. o o . goig . o . went

2. Beig blid s somethig ________ mot peope can&rsquot imagine.

. wo . wht . tht . whom

2. Thee hs nevr ben suha beautifl villae ________ n te world.

. anywhee . everywhee . somewhee . nowhe

p>2.I don&rsquot understad ________ tht everything&rsquos fie whn it&rsquos not.

. hw cn e sy . cn e sy how

. e cn sy hw . hw e cn say

2.I thikI shoud e allowd o mae decisios ________ myself.

. wih . o . fr . against

2. Thy ae abe o tak openy o oe anothr whenevr ________ f thm fees hurt.

. eithr . boh . soe . all

2. --I’e rn ot f mony o bya nw bik. –O, ________. Yu hae o walk.

. that&rsquos rigt . that&rsquos to bd . o ahed . excue me



Lat nigtI ws drivig frm Harrisbug o Lewisbur,a distane f abot 0 mile. t ws lat,I ws lat, adI ws drivig 31_________.

t oe poit alog n opn highwa,I cae oa crossroas wiha traffc ligh.I ws 32________ n te rod y no, bt sI cae ner te ligh, t turnd 33________, adI brakd oa sto.I lookd lef, righ, ad behid m. Nothin. Nta ca, o suggestin f headlight, 34________ theeI sa, waitig fr te ligt o 35________, te ony humn bein, fr t leata mie n ay 36_________.

Muh latr tht 40________, aftr I&rsquod mt wiha grop n Lewisbug ad hd climbd ino bd ner midnigh, te questin f wy I&rsquod stoppd fr tht ligt 41________ m.I thikI stoppd 42________ it&rsquos pat fa contract(契? e al hae wih eah othe. It&rsquos nt ony te la, bt it&rsquos n agreemet e hav, ad e trut eah othr o follw 43________: e don&rsquot o throuh rd lights.

e o 44________ e sy we’l d. e shw p whn e sy we’l shw up.

2. . fat . slowy . carefuly . hard

2. . lae . aloe . worrid . afraid

3. . gren . yellw . rd . dark

3. . ad . r . o . but

3. . retun . chane . stat . continue

3. . attentin . backgroud . directin . information

3. . refusd . decidd . prepard . forgot

3. . hardy . luckiy . usualy . clearly

3. . dangr . excue . spae . energy

3. . momet . nigt . afternon . morning

3. . dependd n . lookd forwad o . stayd awy frm . cae bak to

3. . thouh . unles . becaue . until

4. . e . t . hm . us

4. . wht . hw . wy . that

4. . tird . reay . prod . sorry




43.Wht ae te rigt cloths o protet yor skn frm te sun?

.A basebal ht ad light-colord clothe. .A basebal ht ad dark-colord clothes.

.A sn ht ad light-colord clothe. .A sn ht ad dark-colord clothes.

4. Whee shouldn&rsquot yu pt sn crem n yor body?

. n yor eas ad nec. . Aroud yor eys ad eyelids.

. n dy ski. . n darkr skin.

4. Wht s te rigt wy o ue sn cream?

. Uea litte ad oftn . Uea lo, to r thre timsa day.

. Uea lt evey to hour. . Uea litte evey to hours.

4. Wy s t importat o sped tie n te sun?

. Yu cn drik moe wate. . t

improvs dy skin.

. It&rsquosa chane o wer col sunglasse. . t hels kep yor skn ad bons healthy.

4. Accordig o te tet whih f te followig s tre abot sn cream?

. Sn crem s usualy vey expensiv. . Blak peope don&rsquot ned sn cream.

. Sn crem reducs te rik f skn cance. . Sn crem stars o wok immediately.


n te 192s ad 3s te airlins wee jut beginnin. t ws unusul fr peope o travl y ar becaue t ws expensie ad dangerou. n thoe day, thee wee o fligt attendans o lok aftr te passenger. Youg mn ,r “stewards&rdqu; helpd te passenges ono te airplae ad carrid te passengers&rsqu; luggage(行李)bt thy dd nt provie fod ad drink. Bt thn n 1930a womn calld Elln Churh inventd te “stewardess”.

Elln Churh ws bon n 194 na fam n Iow. Se wsa differet chil. Se didn&rsquot wat o wok na fam r marya farmr —se wantda moe adventurous(冒险的)lif. Elln studid o ea nure t te Universiy f Minnesoa ad thn gta jb na hospita. Fr te net fw yeas se stayd t te hospitl bt alo tok flyig lessos ad gt hr pilot&rsquos license.

Elln ws twenty-fie yeas od whn se firt gt n touh wih Boeig Ar Transpor. Se lovd flyig bt se understod tht airlins weea man&rsquos worl. Althouh womn lie Emela Earheat wee becomig famou, se realizd t ws impossibe fra womn o haea carer sa pilt .Bt se hd anothr ide. Mot peope wee frightend f flyig becaus. flyig ws stil n unreliable(不可靠? wy o trave. Thee wee oftn delays(延误),may crashs ad te bd weathes mae may passenges sic. Elln thougt nurss coud tae cae f passenges durig flighs ad B.A.. agreed.

Te youg womn frm Ioa ad sevn othr nurss becae te firt ar stewardesses.

t firt pilos wee unhapy becaue thy dd nt wat stewardesss n airplane, bt passenges lovd te stewardesse. n 190 thee wee aroud 100 f thm workig fr differet airline. Te eary “stewardesses&rdqu; hd o e undr twenty-five-year-ol, singe ad sli. Whna womn joind n airlin, se hd o promie nt o gt marrid r hae childre. t ws had jb ad nt wel pai. Thy workd log hous ad earnd 1 n hour.

n te 1970, stewardesss wee unhapy n ther jb ad airlins hd o mae soe change. Sine te 1970, “stewardesses&rdqu; hae ben calld fligt attendant. Thy ae wel pad ad wok fewr hous thn n te past.

4. Te lat sentene f te firt paragrah suggess tht _________.

. te wod “stewardess&rdqu; ws mae p y Elln Church

. Elln Churh ws te firt womn wo flwa plane

. Elln Churh ws te firt womn wo workd na plane

. Elln Churh ws te firt womn passengr na plane

4. Frm te secod paragrap, e lean tht ________.

. Elln dd nt behae n te sae wy s mot s othr girls

. Ellen&rsquos famiy ws nt rih enouh o suppot hr education

. Elln ws fod f workig sa nure n te hospital

. Elln hs n unhapy childhod tht changd hr completely

5. Te man reasn fr Boeig Ar Transpot offerig Elln te jb ws ________.

. hr flyig experiene . hr universiy education

. hr nursig experiene . hr lie attitudes

5. Accordig o te passag, n te 194sa womn hd o _______ f se wantd o ea stewardess.

. ea nure . e marrid . ea mothr . e young

5. Te passae mainy tals abot _______.

. te backgrou

d f eary flyig pilos . te experiene f flyig passengers

. te histoy f eary fligt attendans . te developmet f airplanes


Royl Mal Specil Delivery

t te Pot Offie yu cn sed lettes ad parcels(包? n differet way. First-clas pot taks oe o to workig day. Second-clas pot taks to r thre workig day. Ad Specil Delivey s fr importat things.

Whn yu sed somethig y Specil Deliver, 56______ firt yu wrie te person&rsquos addres n te frot f te parcl ad yu addres n te bac. 57______ Thn yu tae t o te Pot Offic. Tel te assistat tht yu wat o ue Specil Deliver. 58______ Net shw hr te addres, 59_______ ad thn pt te parcl n te scales(? o se cn weih i. 60_______ Thn gie te parcl o te assistan, ad sy hw muh t s wort. Se wil chek yu hae pt yor addres n te parce. Thn se wil gie yua receit fr yor parce. Specil Delivey ges thee befoe lunh te net workig day.



T: Christn foo@hotmail.com

Dat: 23d March

Subjec: Te Ridig fr te Disabld Association

i Christine,

SoryI haven&rsquot emaild latey —I’e ben vey buy sine becomiga volunter fr te Ridig fr te Disabld Association.

Evey Saturda,I hep o gt te horss 61__________ fr te disabled(残? rider. May moe disabld peope wat o rie 62__________ thn you&rsquod imagin. It&rsquosa disadvantae thtI don&rsquot knw hw o rie —I&rsquod loe o gt n log rids wih te riders&mdas; bt I’l lean son 63__________. Rigt no, I&rsquom jut hapy o e abe o led te horss aroud fr te disabld riders.

I&rsquom 64__________ helpig o organiea sal, whih wil e 65__________ net mont. It&rsquosa lt moe wok thn helpig te disable.I ned o collet second-had thins o sel t te sal. Thee ae 66__________ thins available(获得? thnI though, bt I&rsquom sue we’l hae enouh 67__________ net month.

I&rsquom 70__________ yu soe picturs n te lette, s wel sa speehI gae lat wee. Robin



7. e ae havig fih fr d__________ tonight.

7. e ws bon n Shangha, bt e consides Hangzhu hs hoe t_______ sine e hs livd hee mot f hs life.

7. Thee ae t__________ das n Aprl s wel s n Jue ad n September.

7. Te dentit sas e shoud b__________ or teeh t leat twiea day.

7. Withot ay hel, hs fathr managd o repar te cr al y h___________.

7. f te sn s__________ brightl, te weathr s usualy warm.

7. N.2 Midde Schol sa p__________ schoo, nta private(私立? one.

7. Te thif s__________ fod frm te supermarkt ad ws caugt y te policemen.

7.I cae o te ciy to yeas ag. I’e workd hee fr n__________ to years.

8. Accordig oa r__________ n te newspape, te basketbal str ws seriousy injured.


请以“y dream”为题写一篇英语作文,供英语课上交流。

DremI wat to

Reasos e interestd in

Was o achievs y drem wok had t school

fid ot hw successfl peope dd it






. Whee s Alie now?

. t hoe . t te supermarkt . t school

. Wo hs gt longr hair?

. Sm . Tm . Tina

. Hw s te weathr today?

. Winy . Raiy . Sunny

. Wht woud te womn lie o eat?

. Te bef noodeB .te vegetabe noodls . Te tomao noodles

. Whn dd te womn becoe n at teacher?

A.In204 . In206 . In2008



. Hw may hous dos te womn probaby sped n te Internta week?

. Abot2 r 3hous . Abot3 r4 hous . Abot3 r5 hours

. Wht dos te womn lie o o ?

. o suf te Internt . o red e-mal . o wrie lettes n ink

. Wht o e knw abot te woman?

. She&rsquos to buy o sed ay e-mal . Se ges soe informatin n te Internet.

. Se s lookig throuh boos n te library


. Wht dos te womn wat o by ?

.A bron skit .A V-nek T-shit .A T-shit wih pockets.

1. Wht sie dos te womn wear?

. 2 B.3 C.34

1. Wht dos te womn thik f te yellw T-shirt?

. Te colr doesn&rsquot math . Te sie s to larg. . Te prie s reasonable.



1. Whee cn te listernes fid grammr books?

. tA . tB . t C

1. Whih f te followig s allowd o o n te library?

. Drik wate. . Ue te Cs . Borrw dictionaries

1. Wht dos te speakr sugget o te listenes t te end?

. Thy cn tun o hm fr help.

. Thy cn stuy Englih t home.

. Thy cn tae te magazins out.

1. Wo s te speakr talkig to?

. Teachs . Parens . Students




1. Te phonetc transcriptin fr te wod “breakfast&rdqu; s ________.

. /'brekfɑ:t/B. /'breikfət/C. /'brekfət/D. /'breikfɑ:st/

<>. B a C.th D. 不填

<>A. om B. hus C. fail D. room

<>A. oo B. el C. bete D. best

<>A i B. thug C. uti D. as

<>A. pike u B. loke u C. clene u D. ave up

<>A. la B.are plain C. ave plye D. ere playing

<>A. us B.ca C.ma D. shall

<>A t g B. gin C g D. went

_____ ost peple can&rsqo;t imagine.

<>A.wh B. ha C. ha D. whom

<>A. anywer B. everywer C. somewer D. nowhere

<>A.howca hesa B.ca hesay how

<>C hecansayho D.ho hecan say

<>A. it B t C.fo D. against

<>A. eihe B. ot C. om D. all

<>A. that&rsqo;s rgh B. that&rsqo;stooba C go aea D. exuse me



ast ngt Iwas driing rom Harrisur to Lewisbr, a distnc of aou 80 mies Itwas lt, Iwas lte,ad Iwas driing 31_________.

<>Atone pint aon an pen higha, I am o a crossrads ih a trafic lih. Iwas 32_______ onthe oa by ow,bu s I ame earthe liht it tuned 33________,ad I brke o a so. I loked lft, riht,and beindme. Nothng.Nt a ar no suggesio of headligts, 34________ tee I at, waiingforthe lgh to 35________,the nly hman beng,fo at lat a il inany 36_________.

p>I stated wondeingwy I 37_______ torunthe lih. Iwasnot afai of bing cauht, becuse terewas 38_______ no policman anywere arundand tere certanly wuld ave ee no 39_______ in ging thrugh it.

uch lter hat 40________, ater I&rsqo;dmet ih a gou in Lewisurgandhad clibed ntobed ear midniht,the quesio ofwhy I&rsqo;d stopedfor hat lght 41________m. I tik I stoped 42________ it&rsqo;s ar f a contract(圃?weall ave ith ach oter. It&rsqo;snot nlythe aw,but it&rsqo; an agreeen we hve,an we tust ach ohe to folow 43________ we don&rsqo; go thrughred lights.

<>W do 44_______ wesay we&rsqu;lldo We ho up he wesay we&rsqu;ll how up.

p>Iwa so 45_______ of myelffor stopingfor hatred liht.An a noone wuld ver ave kown ht a ood pesn Iwa onthe oad rom Harrisur to Lewisbr, Iha to el s someone.

<>六 、阅读理解



43.hatarethe rght clohe to proect our kin romthe sun?

<>. A baseallhatand light-colred clotes . A baseallhatand dark-colred clothes.

<>. Asunhatand light-colred clotes . Asunhatand dark-colred clothes.

<>A On our arsand nck B. Arund our yesand eyelids.

<>C Ondry sin D On daker skin.

<>A.Ue a li

tleand ote B.Ue a ot,tw or tree tms a day.

<>C.Ue alot eerytwo hors D.Ue a litle eerytwo hours.

<>A.Youcan dink ore waer B It imprvesdry skin.

<>C. It&rsqos a chnc to ear ool sunglases D It hlps eep our kinand bnes healthy.

<>A.Sun cea is usully ery expensve B. Back peple don&rsqo;t eedsun cream.

<>C.Sun ceam redcesthe is of kin caner D.Sun ceam strt to ork immediately.


<>Inthe 120sand30sthe airlnes ere ust beginnng Itwas unuualfor pepl to trve byair becus itwas expeniveand dangerus In tose dys, tere er no flght attendnt to ook aterthe passengrs. Yungmen,or “stewards&rduo; hepedthe passeners ntothe airpaneand cariedthe passengers&rsuo; luggage(行李but heydidnot proide oodand driks.But he in 190,a wman caled Elen Chrch invetedthe “stewardess”.

Elen Chrchwas or in 90 n a ar in Iwa.Shews a diffeent chld.She didn&rsqo;t an to or n a ar or mry a famer &mdashshe watd a ore adventurous(冒险的)lfe. Elen stuie t e a nrs atthe Univerit of Minneotaand hengt ajo n a hospial.Forthe extfew yarsshe stye atthe hosptalbut lso ook fling lesonsandgother pilot&rsqo;s license.

Elenwas twenty-ive yarsold henshe frstgo in tuch ith BoingAir Transprt.She lved flingbutshe undersood hat airlnes ee a man&rsqo;s wold. Althugh wmen ike Emlia Earhart ere becoing famus,she realze itwas impossblefr a wma to ae a caee s a plot Butshehad anoher iea. ost peple ere frightne of fling becase. flingwas sil an unreliable(不可康?wa to trael. Tere ere oten delays(延误),any crahesandthebad weaters ade any passeners sck. Elen thoght nuses culd ake ar of passeners duing flihtsand B..T. agreed.

<>At frst piots ere unhppy becuse heydidnot ant stewardese on airplaes,but passeners lvedthe stewardeses In 940 tere ere arund 00 of hem woringfor diffeent airlies.The erly “stewardesses&rduo;ha t be uder twenty-five-year-ld, sigleand sim. hn a wman jone an airlne,sheha to proiseno toget marie or ave childen Itwas ardjobandnot ell pid. hey woked ong hursand eane $ an hour.

<>Inthe 190s, stewardeses ere unhpp in teirjoband airlnesha to ake ome chanes. Sncethe 190s, “stewardesses&rduo; ave een caled flght attendats. heyare ell aidand ork fwer hurs ha inthe past.

<>A.the ord “stewardess&rduo;was ad u by Elen Church

<>B. Elen Chrchwasthe frst wmanwho lw a plane

<>C. Elen Chrchwasthe frst wmanwho woke n a plane

<>D. Elen Chrchwasthe frst wman passege n a plane

<>A. Elendidnot beav inthe amewa as os as oher girls

<>B. Ellen&rsqo;s failywasnot ich enug to suporther education

<>C. Elenwas on of worin s a nrs inthe hospital

<>D. Elenha an unhppy childood hat chagedher completely

<>A.her fling experinc B.her univerity education

<>C.her nuring experinc D.her ife attitudes

p> tothe passge inthe 14s a wmanha to ______ ifshe wate t e a stewardess.

<>A e a nrs B be marie C e a mohe D be young

<>A.the backgrun of erly fling piot B.the experinc of fling passengers

<>C.the hisor of erly flght attendnt D.the developen of airplanes


Ryal ail Speial Delivery

<>Atthe ost Oficeyoucan end letersand parcels(肮?in diffeent wys. First-cass ost tkeson totwo woring dys. Second-cass ost tkestw or tree woring dys.And Speial Delier isfor imporant things.

henyou end sometin by Speial Delivry, 56______ frstyou witethe person&rsqo;s addes onthe fon ofthe pacelandyou addes onthe bck. 57______ henyou ak i tothe ost Offce. ellthe assisant hatyou an touse Speial Delivry. 58______ ext howherthe addrss, 59_______and henputthe pace onthe scales称 soshecan wighit. 60_______ hen ivethe pace tothe assistnt,andsayhow uc i is woth.She ill ceckyou aveput our addes onthe parel. henshe ill iveyu a reciptfor our parel. Speial Deliery ets tere beore lnchthe ext woring day.



Dte: 3rd March

Subjct:The Riingforthe Disaled Association

<>Hi Christine,

Sry I haven&rsqo;t emaled laely —I&rsqu;ve een ery usy snce becoig a voluneerforthe Riingforthe Disaled Association.

Eery Satura, I el togetthe hoses 61__________forthe disabled(布? ridrs. any ore disaled peple an to ide 62__________ han you&rsqo;d imagne. It&rsqos a disadvanage ht I don&rsqo;t nowho to ide —I&rsqo;d ov togo on ong rdes iththe riders&mdsh;but I&rsqu;ll larn oon 63__________. Rght ow, I&rsqo;m ust hpp t be bl to eadthe hoses arundforthe disaled riders.

I&rsqo;m 64__________ helin to orgaie a sle, wich il be 65__________ ext moth. It&rsqos alot ore ork han helingthe disabe. I ee to colect second-and thng to el atthe sle. Tereare 66__________ thngs available(获档? hn I thouht,but I&rsqo;m ure we&rsqu;ll ave enugh 67__________ ext month.

p>I opethe ale rases ore mney han ast month&rsqo;s wlk Itwas rany sotoofew peple ook ar inthe evnt. ast wek we el an auction(拍?.The aucion ook uch ess 68_________ to orgaize hanthe wlk. 69__________,for ome reaon, peple offredtoo litle mneyforthe thigs s we didn&rsqo;t rise enugh money.

I&rsqo;m 70__________you ome pictre inthe leter as el s a speh I ave ast wek. Robin



in o a r_________ inthe newspaer,the basketall tarwas seriosly injured.


请以&ldqu;My dream”为题写一篇英语作文,供英语课上交流。

Dem I ant to

Reaon be intereted in

ay to achive my deam ork ar at school

indouthow succesful pepledid it



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