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时间过得真快,转眼间我已经在xx市xx房地产有限公司担任会计工作近四个月了。 在这四个月的实习工作经历中,我受益匪浅。 我不仅学会了将课堂上学到的知识运用到实践中,而且在实践中我收获了很多课堂上没有的东西,同时我也对社会有了一定的了解。 ,为毕业后进入社会打下了一定的基础。


xx市xx房地产有限公司是一家新成立的房地产公司。 其主要业务范围涵盖住宅地产、商业地产、酒店地产、休闲地产、金融地产、公用事业地产、工业地产等。 主要从事房地产开发建设、房地产经营、房地产服务、物业管理、房地产市场调控与管理等。

2. 实习流程概述

实习期间,我主要负责处理一些日常的会计业务、银行税务等相关工作。 xx市xx房地产有限公司财务部主要包括成本会计、财务管理会计、总账会计、税务会计、出纳等。 在日常会计业务处理中,公司主要利用财务软件进行会计处理,同时也利用公司网上银行查询和处理收付款业务。 在税务办理工作方面,只需使用税务局的相关软件进行税务管理,例如登录网上办公。 利用Tax Hall、ABC3000等税务软件进行纳税申报、扣税服务。

在采购和销售实习期间,必须特别仔细地准备和处理单据,并注意检查供应商和客户的互动,避免项目会计时出现跨账户交易。 日常经济业务除采购、销售业务外,还包括通过单位网上银行进行的支付业务,收到银行回单后,使用用友财务软件计算应付账款。 日常会计业务是会计工作的基础。 每一项经济业务,每一个环节、每一个程序都必须以会计制度为依据,尊重原始凭证,检验其真实性、准确性,才能更好地发挥作用。 财务软件强大的功能提高了我们的工作效率。

月底是公司发布财务报表的时间。 总账会计为主管会计人员,主要负责编制公司主要财务报表。 实习期间,我主要学习了资产负债表、流量表、损益表、利润表、所有者权益变动表以及各种明细表。 我还分析了财务报表,计算了当期应纳税所得额并缴纳了税款。 宣布。 通过编制财务报表,还可以分析公司的资产负债率、销售利率等财务指标。 财务报表必须一式三份,一份报国家税务局,一份报地方税务局,一份由公司自己保存。


通过这次会计实习,我对自己今后的学习和发展方向有了更加明确的认识:学习不仅仅是理论知识,更重要的是学习如何将理论知识运用到实践中,学习将自己的工作做到尽善尽美。 在这家公司的实习不仅有效地提高了我的实践技能,而且增长了我的实践经验,让我对会计工作有了新的认识,充分认识到会计工作对于一个公司、一个企业的重要性。

实际工作中,我们要把所学的知识运用到实践中,不断增强对社会的认识。 通过这种校外实习的方式,我们可以将所学的会计理论知识与实践相结合,这将有助于我们深入了解会计流程,熟悉会计的具体工作对象。 这也将有助于缩短学校课本知识与实际实践之间的差距。 工作空间之间的距离。

实习期间,我主要利用真实的会计凭证和财务报表对一定时期的经济业务进行会计核算。 我更加了解了税务、银行、企业之间的重要关系。 我也更加熟悉了用友财务软件的使用。 通过实际会计工作中的各种操作,我体会到了会计电算化给会计工作带来的便利。 在实习期间,我们获得了课堂上没有的知识。 通过实习,我不仅学到了很多课堂外的知识,也对自己的不足有了更深入的认识,这让我学到了很多在课堂上学不到的知识。 所获得的知识也让我更加清楚地看到了自己的不足。

“你在纸上看到的最终会变得肤浅,但你一定知道你必须实践它。” 通过这段时间的实习经历,我真正理解了它的意义,更加深刻地体会到了它的内涵。 只有不断提高自己的职业素质和修养,才能更加适应会计工作。 在今后的工作中,我们要更加注重将所学的知识与公司的工作实践相结合,努力改进工作中的不足。


作为一名刚刚走出校门的大学生,如何提高自身素质,增强专业技能,将课本知识转化为自身能力,成为我当前的紧迫任务。 我实习的公司是一家房地产开发公司。


随着市场经济的快速发展,会计已成为公司的重要组成部分。 这给我们会计专业创造了前所未有的机遇,同时也给我们带来了新的挑战。 会计实习是我从大学校园进入社会的第一个阶段。 为了将会计专业知识、基础理论、基本方法和结构体系转化为自己的职业素养,避免纸上谈兵。 因此,实习为进入职场打下了坚实的基础。


我公司注重软硬件建设,办公设施齐全,采用正版财务软件为客户提供服务,全面实行会计电算化。 公司制定了规范的代理合同和严格的管理制度,按照《会计法》、《税收征管法》、财政部《代理记账管理办法》等规定从事代理记账、纳税申报服务,并且不作出虚假陈述。 帐户。 帮助客户掌握财税政策,帮助企业进行合理的税务筹划,规避财务风险,为合理合法的企业谋求最大的经济效益,促进企业发展。

会计毕业实习日记_会计专业实习自我<a href=http://www.16fw.com/sxfw/grjd/ target=_blank class=infotextkey>鉴定</a>_会计实习报告格式


对于现代企业来说,会计工作是服务于实现企业经营目标的重要管理制度。 因此,可以认为实现企业的经营目标是企业会计的根本目标。 抱着这个目标,我在实习公司开始了有目的的实习。 在此之前,我仔细学习了《会计法》和财政部颁布的作为过渡性新行业会计制度和财务制度的《企业会计准则》和《企业财务通则》,因为这些大学规定正在制定中。我国会计制度改革。 一个重大举措。


过去,我一直以为自己的会计理论知识扎实、扎实。 就像所有的工作一样,如果我掌握了规则并正确遵循指示,那么成为一名优秀的会计师应该是没有问题的。 现在我才发现会计其实更注重它的实用性和实用性。 没有操作和实践,其他一切都是零! 会计就是记账。

其次是会计的连通性、逻辑性和规范性。 每一笔业务往来都必须按照其原始凭证一一登记为会计凭证、明细账、日记账、三栏账、多栏账、总账等可能关联账户的账目。 这是其中之一。 每一笔会计账目都有自己的证据,而且按照时间顺序一一登记,很有逻辑性。 这是第二个原因。 会计实务中,不得随意更正漏账、错账,更不得弄虚作假。 每一个程序和步骤都以会计系统为基础。 它体现了会计的规范化,这是第三个原因。 记账方法:首先根据业务的发生,取得原始凭证,登记为记账凭证。 然后根据记账凭证登记其明细账目。 期末填写科目汇总表和试算平衡表,最后登记在总账中。 结转成本后,根据总账合计填写资产负债表、利润表、损益表等年度报告。 这就是会计操作的一般顺序和基本流程。

我怀着兴奋的心情来到公司,看到同事们都忙着做事,气氛很好。 第一天,我们了解了公司的基本情况。 我公司首先在月底电话通知客户领取原始凭证,并通知一般纳税人持月底前取得的增值税进项专用发票抵扣联到税务局。 认证必须在认证当月扣除。 未经认证的发票自开具之日起至 180 天内有效。 然后根据当地税务规定确定抄税时限(次月1-5日)。

将已开具并使用的发票信息复制到金税卡中,并随身携带金税卡复印税款。 最后在15日前将国税和地方税报税,然后开始会计处理。


经过近半年的实习会计实习报告格式,我们首先从客户那里拿到了原始单据,然后开始粘贴原始凭证。 粘贴原始凭证的技巧有很多种。 如何粘贴得漂亮、整齐,这样贴在会计凭证上就漂亮了。 由于我们公司使用的是速达财务软件,所以接下来我们要做的就是在电脑上做会计。 记账完成后,我们可以查看明细账和总账,然后通过速达直接生成资产负债表和利润表。



实习就是在实习期间学习。 您需要了解如何在实习中应用您所学到的知识。 因为任何知识都来自于实践,属于实践,必须付诸实践来检验所学知识。 现在我们即将毕业,实习对我们来说变得越来越重要。 刚刚结束的实习期可以说是我大学生活中最艰难也是最充实的一段时光。 很难,因为我刚开始工作,有很多方面不能很快适应; 但很充实,因为在这段时间里,我学到了在校园里学不到的知识和技能,各方面的素质都得到了提高。 同时,实习也让我积累了一定的工作经验,为以后寻求好的职业打下了基础。

作为一名会计专业的学生,??实习对我来说是一个既熟悉又陌生的词。 经过四年的大学学习和生活,可以说我对会计已经很熟悉了。 我基本上掌握了与会计相关的所有专业基础知识、基本理论、基本方法和结构体系,但这些似乎只是纸上谈兵,如果将这些理论性极强的东西付诸实际应用,那么我想我肯定无法开始却对此一无所知。 自以为掌握了一定的会计理论知识在这里只能是一句空话。 学好会计,不仅要学习书本上的各种会计知识,还要认真、积极地参加各种会计实习,使理论与实践有机结合。 只有这样,你才能成为一名高素质的会计人才。 我十几年的学生生活经历过很多次实习,但这一次却是如此的不同。 它将全面考验我各方面的能力:学习、生活、心理、身体、心灵等,它就像一块试金石,考验我是否能将所学的理论知识运用到实践中。 这关系到我今后能否在这个充满挑战的社会中成功地立足,也是树立信心的关键。 所以,我对它的投资是100%。









我实习的公司是xx市xxx房地产开发有限公司,该公司成立于20xx年,注册资金680万元。 主要从事房屋建设及销售。 它是一家有限责任公司,专注于住宅开发。 是xx市成立最早的专业房地产经纪服务机构。 公司自成立以来会计实习报告格式,始终坚持精品战略,把“雕刻精品工程,打造百年品牌”作为企业市场理念。 几年来,公司不断创新理念,华夏君创地产树立了良好的品牌形象。

公司秉承“聚财、聚人”的理念,高度重视人才的吸收和培养,实行“军事化、人性化、学习化、电梯化、流程化”管理。 公司现有员工400余人,下设办公室、工程技术部、规划设计部、财务部、销售部、物业管理部、人力资源部、资本运作部、监察部等九个部门,其中高级管理人员40人。工程技术人员。 现有专业工程人员60人,大专以上学历360人,其中研究生10人,本科生120人。 这是一支年轻、高素质、有战斗力的优秀团队。 公司组织机构健全,规章制度严格,管理人员精干,技术力量雄厚。 公司以感恩社会、回馈社会为文化核心,以打造民族品牌为己任。 公司坚信,未来5至8年将发展成为知名上市公司。 公司领导层年龄结构合理,各有专长。 整个团队充分发挥优势,坚持诚信,努力开拓,积极进取,公司取得了快速发展。 公司始终坚持以人为本的经营理念,汇聚全球精英,打造高品质住宅; 始终坚持富贵散人的分配理念,解决每位员工住房、交通等生活方面的后顾之忧; 公司内部始终秉承人才培养理念,坚持为每一位员工的成长提供最好的学习平台。 公司成立以来,累计年开发面积达1000万平方米,工程合格率100%,优良率85%以上。 华夏君创地产致力于为人们创造便捷的居住环境和真正健康的生活方式,让每个人都能拥有自己理想的房子。


财务工作的目的是表达公司的经营成果和财务状况,然后进行分析和比较。 为了向管理层适当、及时地提供财务信息,为管理者提供决策参考,防止错误和舞弊,及时生成正确的管理信息,避免浪费和减少损失,提高资产使用效率,并确保本系统是专门制定的,以确保每个工厂的财产安全,提高每个工厂的运营绩效。 本制度按照《中华人民共和国会计法》、《外商投资企业会计制度》、《外商投资企业财务管理条例》、《企业会计准则》、《外商投资企业会计通则》的规定,我国颁布的《企业财务》和《外商投资企业所得税法》。 《公司法》等相关法律规定,并按照公认会计原则和程序,参照管理会计精神和集团有关管理规章制度进行修订。






6、会计账簿:本系统除总日记账、总账外,还根据需要设置明细账、参考账簿; 为了登记现金收支,还设立了现金日记。 会计报表:按照规定以月度报告的形式编制。

7、财务控制:按规定时限编制月报、财务主管工作报告、财务运行指标; 同时,开展工作检查和评审,加强人力资源管理。





1、各种销售收入的收取有两种流程:一是公司出纳直接收取销售货款(包括现金、支票、汇票等);二是由公司出纳直接收取销售货款(包括现金、支票、汇票等); 二是客户直接将钱汇至公司银行账户。


公司销售人员将从客户处收到的现金和账单填写每日存款报告一式三份。 第一联应提交出纳,核对无误后,由总账签字留存; 第二份应提交给财务会计,作为登记各客户应收账款明细账的依据; 第三份由填写人保留。






(四)其他由出纳员直接收取的款项,各经办人员在交接各类款项时,须先填写每日存款报表,并注明资金来源及其他事项。 如果是个人缴费或者其他单位缴费,我公司会单独开具收据,会计凭每日存款报告和收据会计联入账。

2. 催收作业控制要点

钱款要分开,并由会计开具收款收据,并剪好传票并加盖“私人印章”和“财务收款章”; 收现金后,出纳员必须及时存钱,并交给会计及时传票,而不是等到核对无误后再存钱或传票; 出纳人员不得兼任审计、会计档案、收入、支出、费用和债权债务账务登记等工作; 不得“交现金”、“票据入库”、“公款私存”、“小金库”;日记账要日清、月结,确保账目清晰。持续的。

3. 收款时的注意事项

收银员收取现金进行防伪鉴定后,需要清理版面并及时存入银行。 现金结算单须加盖银行印章后交给会计入账;

对于收到的支票、汇票等票据,必须审核签发日期、有效期、印章、大小写金额、收款人姓名等项目的真实性; 请业务人员在存款日报上清楚填写账单明细; 客户直接将钱汇到银行后,收银员必须直接去银行领取收据。 否则,必须鉴别付款收据通知的真实性; 公司收取各类款项时,各经办人员应当填写存款日报并记录。 钱款送到收银台清点后,及时交给会计; 收据传票将签署给最高财务经理。



房地产开发企业开发的土地和商品房,在移交后确认为营业收入的实现。 当结算单提交给买方并获得批准时,确认营业收入的实现。 代建房屋及代建其他工程项目竣工验收后予以认定。 办理交接手续、价款结算单经委托单位批准后,确认为营业收入的实现; 承租人在合同或协议规定的租金支付日应付的租金,确认为营业收入的实现。



3、土地、商品房采取分期收售方式的,可按合同规定的收款时间分期划转收入。 企业实现的营业收入按照实际价格入账。 当期实现的营业收入,借记“应收账款”、“银行存款”等科目,贷记“营业收入”科目。



土地、商品房采取分期收款销售方式的,可按照合同规定的收款时间分期划转收入。 月底,企业应根据当月已转让、销售、结算的开发产品的实际成本,借记营业成本科目,贷记“开发产品”和“分期收款开发产品”科目。





3、按合同规定期限收取销售价款时(含首次收取),借记“银行存款”和“应收账款”科目,贷记“营业收入”科目。 同时,所有开发产品的销售成本与销售收入总额的比值,用于计算应结转当期的销售成本。 借记“营业成本”科目,贷记该科目。



关于未完成开发产品的税收处理。 国税发[20xx]31号规定,开发企业开发建设的住宅、商业用房及其他建筑物、附属物、配套设施等开发产品,在竣工前以预售方式销售的,预售收入先计算按季(或月)预计应税毛利率计算当期毛利润。 扣除相关期间费用、营业税金及附加后,计入当期应纳税所得额。 开发产品应税成本结算后进行调整。 。

关于实现税法认可的收入。 国税发[20xx]31号文第二十六条规定,房地产纳税人开发建设用于后售的住宅、商业建筑及其他建筑物、附着物、配套设施等,应当根据收入来源性质和销售方式、收入的实现情况和营业税负债的发生时间分别按照下列原则确定:


2、开发产品采用分期付款方式销售的,按照销售合同或协议规定的付款日确认收入; 付款人预付款项的,在实际付款日确认收入。 并据此确定营业税纳税义务发生时间。

3. If a development product is sold through a bank mortgage, the down payment shall be recognized as revenue on the date of actual receipt, and the remaining balance shall be recognized as revenue on the date when the bank mortgage loan is transferred. And accordingly confirm the time when the tax liability for business tax occurs.

(4) If the developed products are sold through entrustment, the realization of income and the time of occurrence of business tax liability shall be confirmed according to the following principles:

1. If the development product is entrusted to be sold by paying a handling fee, the realization of the income and the occurrence of the business tax liability shall be confirmed based on the actual sales amount when the consignment list is received from the consignment unit.

2. If the development product is entrusted to be sold through a deemed buyout method, the realization of income and the occurrence of business tax liability shall be confirmed when the list of consignment units is received at the price specified in the contract or agreement.

3. If the underwriting method is used to entrust the sale of developed products, the realization of revenue shall be recognized on the payment date according to the price agreed in the underwriting contract or agreement; if the underwriter pays in advance, the realization of revenue shall be recognized on the actual payment date. And accordingly confirm the time when the tax liability for business tax occurs.

4. If a base price (guaranteed price) is adopted and the entrusted sales of developed products are carried out in the form of sharing between the two parties exceeding the base price, the realization of the income and the tax liability for business tax should be confirmed based on the base price plus the price calculated based on the share ratio exceeding the base price when receiving the sales list from the agency sales unit. Time of occurrence.

(5) Sales processing procedures through entrustment

The realization of income and the time of occurrence of business tax liability should be recognized according to the following principles:

1. If the development product to be sold is converted into an operating asset and is first leased out by way of operating lease or leased out by way of finance lease and then sold, the price obtained during the lease period shall be recognized based on the realization of the rental income, and then based on the realization of the income when selling. Realization of revenue from the sale of assets is recognized. And accordingly confirm the time when the tax liability for business tax occurs.


2. If the development product to be sold is rented out on a temporary lease basis, the price obtained during the lease period shall be recognized as income based on the rental, and when the sale is made, the income shall be recognized based on the sale of the developed product. And accordingly confirm the time when the tax liability for business tax occurs.

Real estate development companies can only market pre-sale commercial housing after obtaining a pre-sale license in accordance with national laws and regulations. The proceeds from the pre-sale of commercial housing can only be used for related project construction and managed as corporate advance accounts. After the commercial housing is completed and accepted and the handover procedures are completed, the advance payment should be converted into operating income.

(6) Cost and expense accounting

Real estate development often involves costs first and income later. There are even some preliminary engineering costs that are invisible. (For example, buried water pipes, steel bars, digging foundations, and earth transportation costs, but these are all purchased as project costs). The real estate development company has not started construction yet. The expenses incurred by the company should always be recorded in the account of "long-term deferred expenses - start-up expenses" until construction starts, and then transferred to "main business income" and "other income". The real estate company's costs must be calculated through the "development cost" account. The development cost account does not need to be carried forward every month. The cost can only be carried forward after the villa building is completed and delivered for use. Preliminary engineering fees include planning, design, feasibility studies, hydrogeological survey, surveying and mapping, site leveling and other expenses incurred before land and housing development. Preliminary project preparations have incurred some expenses, such as: survey fees, cultural relic deposits (to ensure that cultural relics are excavated and reported), design fees, personnel salaries, etc. Accounting processing:

Set up the "Development Products" account

1. This account calculates the actual cost of the company's developed products. Including land, houses, supporting facilities and construction projects, etc. Developed products refer to products that the enterprise has completed the entire development process, been accepted and met the design standards, and can be handed over to the purchasing unit in accordance with the conditions stipulated in the contract, or can be sold as commodities.

2. For products developed by an enterprise, upon completion acceptance, the "Developed Products" account shall be debited and the "Development Cost" account shall be credited according to the actual cost. At the end of the month, the enterprise should carry forward the actual costs of external transfer, sales and settlement of developed products. When carrying forward, the "operating costs" account will be debited and the "developed products" account will be credited.

(7) Enterprise profit accounting

About corporate profit accounting. Total corporate profits include operating profits, net investment income and net non-operating income and expenses. Operating profit is the balance after deducting sales taxes and surcharges from operating income, and then deducting operating costs, administrative expenses, sales expenses and financial expenses, etc. Sales taxes and surcharges include business tax, product tax, value-added tax, urban maintenance and construction tax and education surcharge. The tax refund received by the business is treated as a reduction in sales tax.

5. Specific practical work

(1) Regarding the organization of vouchers: We first obtain true and legal vouchers from customers. The vouchers must be related to the income and expenses incurred for production and operations. The vouchers obtained must meet the requirements of the Accounting Law. Then we Classify, collect, organize and paste these vouchers.

(2) Regarding tax declaration: We conduct the voucher entry and review through the pasted original vouchers and then carry out the period-end carryover and accounting. Through the income, we can fill in the value-added tax and local tax payable this month. It is divided into approved collection and audit collection, and the tax return must be filled out truthfully according to the different basic conditions of the enterprise. Tax returns for the previous month must be completed and paid before the 15th of each month. For general taxpayers, they must be notified every month to go to the national tax for tax copying, or to obtain input tax invoices, they must also go to the national tax for certification at the same time to deduct the output tax. Use this data to truthfully fill in the taxpayer's return form for ordinary people.

(3) Regarding other business services: Through this period of study, I understand the requirements and procedures for handling general taxpayers. Handling general taxpayers needs to comply with the relevant provisions of the tax law. To apply for a general taxpayer, you need to purchase a Golden Tax Card, the issuance, process and required documents of the Golden Tax Card. Every year, taxpayers must conduct an annual industrial and commercial inspection of their tax registration certificates, which should be completed before June 30.

(4) Regarding individuals: The company should also pay attention to communication and exchanges between colleagues and customers. As accountants, we must keep our mouths shut and not reveal our customers' business secrets at will. In the company, we must abide by the company's systems and regulations, obey the company's management, and better serve others.

6. Internship experience

I have benefited a lot from the four-week internship. This internship allowed me to discover the gap between the knowledge in books and practical problems, and I have a deeper understanding and experience of the real estate industry. During this period, I realized the intensity of competition between real estate companies and between people. The talents required in a construction industry such as real estate not only require certain professional knowledge, but also require you to know how to deal with and treat others, as well as be patient and responsible for customers. More importantly, in the actual process, I really discovered that my knowledge was shallow and my experience was lacking. I felt that the theoretical knowledge I learned in school and my practice at work were not actually the same concept. I think this This is also the reason why the school allows us to intern in the final year, so that we can further consolidate and understand the knowledge learned in the classroom, cultivate and improve students' abilities, and integrate theory with practice. I think the most important thing in the practice link is to integrate theory with practice. It improves our ability to investigate and research, observe problems, analyze problems and solve problems, and cultivate college students' ability to survive in society.

Participating in social practice for the first time, I understand that social practice for college students is a good way to guide our students out of school, go to society, contact society, understand society, and join society; it is an effective way to improve their thinking, cultivate their character, and establish ideas to serve the society. 通过参加社会实践活动,帮助我们大学生更新观念,吸收新思想、新知识。 Society is the big classroom for learning and education. 在那广阔的天地里,我们的人生价值得到了体现,为今后更激烈的竞争打下了更坚实的基础。

Tao Yuanming once said: "The prime years will never come again, and the day will never come again. It's time to encourage yourself, and time waits for no one." I will not let time pass by, seize every day now, and strive for a better future!