总结是对一定时期学习、工作生活或者其完成情况进行回顾、分析的书面材料,包括取得的成绩、存在的问题、经验教训等。 通过它,我们可以正确认识过去的学习和工作。 我们来总结一下它的优点和缺点。 我们应该如何写总结呢? 白话文为大家精心整理了一份残疾人日活动总结【最新10篇】。 如果对您有一些参考和帮助,请分享给您最好的朋友。
全国残疾人日活动摘要第 1 部分
根据街道残疾人特点,积极开展各种适合残疾人的助残活动,使广大残疾人能够像健全人一样参与今年的助残活动。 积极服务残疾人,取得良好成效。
1.“助残日”期间,街道、社区利用标语、横幅、宣传栏等多种宣传工具,大力宣传党和国家的残疾人政策和事业,宣传残疾人就业规定,宣传残疾人就业政策。普及残疾人在日常生活中的作用。 保护优惠政策。 组织残疾人及其亲友参加康复知识、精神疾病预防知识讲座。
1、组织开展第十届“全国残疾人日”志愿服务为民大型志愿活动。 主要内容包括法律咨询、政策解答、就业康复咨询等。活动期间,社区的3名残疾人、盲人按摩师还为20名残疾人和居民提供免费按摩、推拿服务。 共热情服务了200多名居民和残疾人,修复了风扇等小家电5件,修复了自行车和残疾人车辆15辆。
2、组织社区志愿者深入8名重度残疾人家开展志愿者活动,帮助他们理发、打扫卫生。 宣传康复知识。
4、助残日期间,街道、社区走访慰问了5名贫困残疾人,为他们送上了慰问金和保健品。 他们还为患病的残疾人送上祝福,祝愿他们早日康复。
5、组织社区康复医生、精准预防医生、康复指导员、残疾人协会专职会员深入残疾人之家,向残疾人及其亲属宣传相关康复知识和精神疾病预防知识,了解残疾人的需求,并与残疾人沟通。 交流。
5月19日是我国法定的“全国残疾人救助日”。 我年级开展以体验、感受、行动为主题的助残活动,切实开展了一系列相应活动。 活动总结如下:
1、各班级开展班际体验活动。 孩子们被蒙上眼睛,体验盲人的生活。 他们摸索着前进,不敢向前迈出一步。 他们上厕所都要有人搀扶,喝水也要同学帮忙。 他们甚至对午餐时该做什么感到困惑。 在体验过程中,孩子们真切地感受到了盲人生活的艰辛,这激发了他们对盲人的深切关怀,想要为帮助盲人做点什么。
2.写一段经历。 体验结束后,学生们写下亲身经历,表达真情,组织全班交流,进一步加深了关爱残疾人的理念。
3、组织全年级上街,清理盲道,开展宣传提醒活动。 我们利用班会时间带领学生走上街头,清理盲道上的自行车和杂物,并使用自制的宣传贴纸来宣传这次活动。 孩子们积极性很高,参与热情高涨,不少大人也被感动了。
我年级师生积极参与主题活动。 各班按照活动计划规定的时间如期举行。 通过介绍全国残疾人日的由来和意义,学生可以更多地了解我国残疾人的生活状况,熟悉残疾人的生活,树立自觉帮助残疾人的理念。 通过此次活动,不仅向学生们大力宣传了人道主义理念,还树立了助残学校文化。 为我们学子树立更好的服务人民、服务社会的思想,翻开了新的篇章。 通过上述一系列活动的开展,师生们更多地了解了弱势群体以及残疾学生的现状和要求。 学校领导和老师也纷纷表示,将努力营造学生理解、尊重、关爱、帮助残疾人的良好氛围,让学生自发、自愿地关心和帮助身边的残疾人。
本次活动的主题是“红领巾助力残疾人,牵手联系残疾人朋友”。 我校希望通过此次活动,培养同学们热爱生活、勤奋努力、坚忍不拔的进取精神和高尚情操; 同时,我们也希望同学们在帮助残疾人的过程中,能够培养关心他人、尊重他人、帮助他人的品质。 关爱弱者,努力创建理解残疾人、尊重残疾人、关爱残疾人、帮助残疾人的和谐学校。 本次活动得到了学校领导和老师们的大力支持和响应。 学校领导对本次助残月活动高度重视,专门召开了领导班子会议,要求师生们大力配合本次活动,精心组织,及时落实,确保活动有计划、有秩序。 ,并且有效。 为了使本次活动有意义、有效,学校召开了班主任会议,布置了任务。 要求班主任不思想混乱、不拘泥形式,并将本次活动与班主任工作量化考核挂钩。
3. 悬挂残疾人日标语
1、我校组织关爱残疾人升旗仪式。 仪式上,学校向师生发出呼吁。 我们呼吁所有学生为帮助周围的残疾人做出自己的贡献。 利用学校广播电台广泛宣传本次活动,让更多的学生了解和关心残疾人。 此次宣传活动引起了同学们的强烈反响。
2、我校师生积极参与主题班活动。 各班按照活动计划规定的时间如期举行。 通过介绍国家残疾人日的由来和意义,学生可以更多地了解中国6000万残疾人的生活状况,熟悉残疾人的生活,树立自觉帮助残疾人的理念。 学校领导前往所负责的年级、班级进行观摩。 观摩期间,领导们均对同学们积极参与本次活动的积极性给予了高度赞扬和殷切期望。 同时,他号召大家在参与活动的同时注重学习社区助残日活动总结,不要忘记自己学生的身份,更好地为国家和社会的建设和发展做出贡献。
通过此次活动,不仅向学生们大力宣传了人道主义理念,还树立了助残学校文化。 为我们学子树立更好的服务人民、服务社会的思想,翻开了新的篇章。
通过上述系列活动,我校师生更多地了解了弱势群体以及残疾学生的现状和要求。 学校领导和老师也纷纷表示,将努力营造学生理解、尊重、关爱、帮助残疾人的良好氛围,让学生自发、自愿地关心和帮助身边的残疾人。
5月17日是“全国残疾人日”。 为组织好本次“全国残疾人日”活动,市残联按照上级残联有关通知精神,及时研究部署,开展了一系列各项活动。残疾人日活动形式。
4月20日,市残联召开会议,研究部署全市第十九个“全国助残日”活动方案,明确了助残日活动中的责任和任务。 市残联主席就如何开展第十九个“全国残疾人节”提出三点要求:一是各区残联要紧紧围绕今年残疾人节的主题: “关爱残疾儿童,发展特殊教育”。 二是结合当前全市残疾人工作实际,以开展助残日活动为契机,进一步落实年度目标任务,促进全市残疾人事业发展。 三是认真开展残疾人宣传倡导活动。 新时装。
残疾人节期间,市残联结合实际,开展了举办盲人电脑培训班、举办残疾人手工艺品展览、走访贫困残疾人家庭、为残疾人发放辅助器具等多种活动。制定残疾人优惠扶持措施。 帮助残疾人的信息丰富的活动。 各界弘扬人道主义精神,倡导助残风尚,全市掀起新一轮助残热潮。
(一)5月5日,满洲里市首届盲人电脑培训班开班。 培训班持续15天,10名盲人参加了培训班。 开设盲人电脑培训班,帮助盲人通过现代信息技术拓展无障碍信息渠道,学会使用互联网,探索更广泛的知识领域; 为盲人朋友开辟了一条学习、交友的新途径,这不仅有利于提高他们的专业技术水平,也丰富了他们的业余生活。
(二)5月17日,市政府副市长郭金明、市人大常委会副主任宋朝辉、市政府副秘书长蒋万生等在市残联领导陪同下走访查区三办的肢体残疾人何思成送去了1000元的慰问金和一些有助于学习的书籍。 与此同时,何思成还收到了市残联全体工作人员捐赠为他购买的MP4。 郭市长非常赞赏他身患残疾却坚强的精神,鼓励他好好学习,加强康复训练,早日考上梦想的学校。
(三)4月初,市残联组成调研组深入基层,走访残疾儿童家庭,实地了解他们的生活状况。 为了能够直接接触残疾儿童,课题组利用休息日走访了残疾儿童的家中。 调查中统计了残疾人家庭需要残疾人用品、就医、生活困难的情况。 残疾人节前夕,市残联领导协同工作人员,走访市区10户残疾儿童家庭,送去慰问金,为需要物资的家庭解决实际困难为残疾人士。
(四)积极开拓残疾人艺术品加工就业机会,在进入特色旅游纪念品市场上做文章。 市残联、扎赉诺尔区政府为扎赉诺尔区残疾人举办民间艺术展。 本次展览共展出作品780件,包括摄影、书法、绘画、雕塑、十字绣、剪纸、绘画、桦木工艺品等作品。 每件作品都体现了残疾人对生活的热爱和对完美未来的追求。 渴望。 参加本次展览的还有鄂温克旗的角雕和根河市的桦木工艺品。 展览促进了旗市之间残疾人工作的交流与合作。 展览开幕当天,多件优秀作品展出并售出,成交金额超过3万元。
(五)为贯彻落实党的十七大精神,进一步推动残疾人事业发展,根据市委、市政府的部署,市残联人联积极协调劳动和社会保障局、教育局、卫生局、民政局、人事局。 该局、城管行政执法局等部门结合我市实际情况,在原有残疾人优惠政策的基础上,共同研究制定了进一步为残疾人提供优惠的新措施, “满洲里市残疾人”获得市政府批准。 《优惠扶持补充办法》。《补充办法》涉及残疾人康复医疗、生活保障、劳动就业、教育培训等方面,全方位、多层次造福残疾人生活。实施细节更加人性化、务实、可操作性强,优惠帮扶措施的出台,必将解决残疾人特别是贫困残疾人在基本生活、医疗、康复、就业、就学等方面的实际困难。不仅极大地改善了我市残疾人的居住环境,让残疾人安居乐业,为全面建成小康社会而奋斗,也增强了全社会服务残疾人的意识和能力。禁用。
3、深入宣传营造助残氛围。 充分利用广播、电视、报刊等各种宣传媒体,广泛宣传残疾人事业。 宣传助残典型事迹和残疾人自强不息和助残日宣传材料,努力营造热烈的助残社会氛围。
(一)宣传方式多样。 十九个“国庆助残”前后,市电视台、报纸开设“十九个国庆助残”主题栏目,党政领导、市残联莅临参观对残疾人事业成就、扶残典型事迹、残疾人自强不息等宣传“全国残疾人日“五””活动进行专题报道。
(二)做好助残宣传和宣传工作。 为扩大宣传,提升社会影响力,市残联协同电信企业于5月17日大规模发放助残公益信息,并在电视上播放助残公益广告、助残标语。 这些宣传方式取得了明显效果,让更多的人了解、关心、支持残疾人事业。
全国残疾人日活动摘要第 5 部分
为迎接第十个“全国助残日”的到来,推动“十二五”期间残疾人工作全面发展,横沥社区开展了以“改善生活”为主题的活动值此国际日之际,“关注残疾人和保护残疾人权益”。 主题鲜明、形式多样、丰富多彩的宣传知识讲座活动总结如下:
1、5月初,通过写标语、办黑板报、发放资料等方式广泛宣传。5月8日,社区残疾人协会召开专题会议,讨论研究助残日活动。 5月10日,组织全体残疾人召开专题知识讲座。 为每位残疾人分发一壶油,
1、组织开展第十届“全国残疾人日”志愿服务为民大型志愿活动。 主要内容包括法律咨询、政策解答、就业康复咨询等。活动期间,社区的3名残疾人、盲人按摩师还为20名残疾人和居民提供免费按摩、推拿服务。 社区残疾人日活动摘要。 共热情服务了200多名居民和残疾人,修复了风扇等小家电5件,修复了自行车和残疾人车辆15辆。
2、组织社区志愿者深入8名重度残疾人家开展志愿者活动,帮助他们理发、打扫卫生。 宣传康复知识。
3、助残日期间,社区看望了5名贫困残疾人,为他们送去了慰问金和保健品。 也为患病的残疾人送上早日康复的祝福。
4、组织社区康复医生、精准预防医生、康复指导员、残疾人协会专职会员深入残疾人之家,向残疾人及其亲属宣传相关康复知识和精神疾病预防知识,了解残疾人的需求,并与残疾人沟通。 交流。
此次全国残疾人日活动,不仅体现了党和政府对残疾人朋友的深切关怀和厚爱,也让广大残疾人朋友得到了切实有效的帮助,解决了他们的实际困难。 同时,以“改善残疾人生活,保障残疾人权益”为主题,为进一步贯彻落实党中央和国家的方针政策,发挥了积极作用。国务院进一步营造了全社会关心残疾人事业的良好氛围。
全国残疾人日活动摘要第 6 部分
为深入贯彻党的思想宗旨,落实党中央、国务院对困难群体的关心和支持。 我们社区不断加强和改进残疾人工作作风,充分发挥残疾人组织桥梁作用,把残疾人工作落到实处,认真履行“代表、服务、服务”职能。管理”,恪守“人性、诚信、服务、奉献”的职业道德; 积极开展工作,尽力为社区残疾人做好事、办实事; 基本完成了____上半年的工作任务。 以下是20____年上半年我们社区残联开展的几项具体工作:
残疾人是社会中的一个特殊群体。 很多人仍然有自卑感,因此他们与社会的互动与身体健全的人有很大不同。 此外,社会歧视依然存在。 因此,为了让残疾人走出家门,融入社会,通过残联和各社区在3月8日活动室举办的3月8日庆祝活动,许多残疾人获得了快乐,??感受到了集体的温暖。残疾人联合会。 增强残疾人自信心、自立、自强、自尊,也是我们工作的重点。 5月__日,我开发区与创业社区站前联合举办的残疾人作品展,充分展示了残疾人风采。 __月的助残日活动也丰富多彩。 我们社区以__为主题,在残联活动室前悬挂标语,设立咨询台,向市民发放传单,号召全社会支持、关爱、理解残疾人。 :
为帮助更多残疾人找到合适的工作,鼓励残疾人自主创业,3月10日,我社区参加了残联、就业局联合举办的“残疾人创业培训班” 。 此次培训班不仅有利于拓宽残疾人就业机会,为社会创造更多就业岗位,也有利于培养残疾人自力更生精神,实现残疾劳动者个人价值。 有助于全社会助残、助残。 良好的创新创业氛围
3、尽职尽责,努力做好二代残疾人证的发放工作。 为促进残疾人事业发展,切实维护残疾人合法权益,市残联于4月14日举办城市社区换发二代残疾人证培训班。系统学习了中国残联等文件,要求大家严格按照文件规定换发二代残疾人证。 我们社区也将从5月18日起对社区残疾人进行登记填表,成为残二代换证的第一站。
社区残疾人工作在各级领导的关怀下取得突破性进展。 然而,残疾人工作事业崇高而艰巨,任重而道远。 在我们的日常工作中,我们必须时刻思考这一点。 残疾人要急残疾人之所急,帮助残疾人,为残疾人办实事、办好事,以务实的态度对待工作。 公平公正地服务每一位残疾人,让他们都得到关心和支持。 因此,摆在我们面前的工作是艰巨的,但也是充满希望的。
活动首先在课堂上以“游戏”的形式进行。 老师让孩子们亲身体验失去眼睛、手等器官带来的不便,引导孩子们了解如何关心和帮助残疾人。
随后组织孩子们开展了“爱心捐款活动”。 孩子们纷纷从家里带来了自己喜欢的玩具、文具、书籍等物品,献出自己的爱心。
随后,老师们和孩子们给珲春特殊学校带来了礼物,并与特殊学校的20多名残疾儿童进行了联谊活动。 一幼儿园的孩子们表演了精心准备的手语舞和现代舞,特殊学校的孩子们表演了童话、舞蹈等,精彩的表演赢得了大家的阵阵掌声。 孩子们感受到了彼此的爱,个个脸上都洋溢着幸福的笑容。
在助残日活动中,孩子们奉献了自己的爱和力量,树立了关爱帮助弱势群体的社会责任感,明白了在同一片蓝天下应该关注这些特殊群体,中华民族可以帮助残疾人。 传统美德得到弘扬和弘扬。
5月15日是第26个全国残疾人日。 今年的主题是关爱孤残儿童,让爱充满世界。 在县政府领导的关心和重视以及我县残联全体工作人员的全力配合下,为了让残疾人感受到“全国残联”的节日气氛和社会关怀“节”,丰富多彩、形式多样的帮扶关爱残疾人活动在各乡镇如火如荼地进行。 活动总结如下:
为广泛宣传残疾人日相关信息,营造全社会关心、帮助残疾人的良好氛围,我县充分利用手机短信、宣传横幅、广告牌、LED视频等媒体,广泛宣传残疾人日相关信息,营造全社会关心、帮助残疾人的良好氛围。组织开展多种形式的社会宣传活动。 溪镇和灵溪镇精心制作了“理解残疾人、尊重残疾人、关心残疾人、帮助残疾人”、“弘扬人道主义思想、发展残疾人事业”、“关注孤残儿童,让爱充满”等标语。世界”并将它们挂在各个街道上。 、社区、政府门口等,切实营造助残氛围,鼓励大家加入到关心、帮助残疾人的队伍中来。
Longgang, Lingxi, Qiaodun and other towns held a lively and positive artistic performance. The performances included solo, solo, solo dance, group dance, chorus and other programs. Although they were disabled, they used their actions to create a kind of artistic performance. The special beauty shows the society a high-spirited and self-improvement mental state, and expresses the love for a better life.
3. Visit to express condolences and convey warmth
During the Disabled Aid Day, the chairman and vice chairman of the County Disabled Persons' Federation accompanied the county leaders to visit orphans and disabled children in the county's special schools and welfare homes, as well as autistic children in the Xingrui Autism Training Center, and sent them clothing and food , toys, etc., and talk cordially with the children to encourage them to be independent and self-reliant. The Disabled Persons' Federations of Zaoxi, Qianku, Chixi and other towns actively carried out heart-warming activities, visited outstanding disabled people and poor disabled people, and sent condolences and gifts to encourage them to face life positively and love life.
4. A gathering of exciting activities
Zaoxi Town Disabled Persons' Federation and Yongcheng Love Service Center went to Lingxi Town Central Nursing Home to provide the elderly with a unique and heart-warming service - blind massage. Although the "masseurs" could not see it, the elderly people's faces were filled with joy. The happiness infects the hearts of everyone present. Chixi Town held a symposium for representatives of persons with disabilities, at which everyone shared their personal success stories and work experiences to help other compatriots build confidence and integrate into society. Jinxiang Town organizes collective activity competitions, including table tennis, chess, entertainment hoops, karaoke and other projects, covering many aspects of morality, intelligence and physical fitness. Through the event, we saw the tenacious fighting spirit of disabled athletes. This is their inner stage to build their dream blueprint and show themselves with their own hearts and hands.
Disabled people are a special group. Like us able-bodied people, they also have beautiful yearnings and pursuits, and they also contribute to social development. They deserve better treatment and better development. Through this series of activities to help the disabled, the society's understanding and support for the cause of the disabled has been enhanced, people's awareness of helping the disabled has been enhanced, and the humanitarian spirit has been further promoted, thus promoting the development of the cause of the disabled in the county and conducive to creating a The harmonious, civilized and progressive social environment adds a harmonious touch to Cangnan's efforts to build the beautiful southern gate of Zhejiang.
Summary of National Disability Day Activities Chapter 9
May 20, 20x is the x-th statutory "National Disabled Aid Day", and the theme of this Disabled Aid Day is "x". Our community focuses on the theme and takes practical actions. The activities we will carry out are summarized as follows:
1. Carry out extensive and in-depth publicity work for the xth "National Disability Day".
The community uses the propaganda position of the neighborhood committee to carry out extensive publicity, such as using blackboards, small slogans, banners, and nighttime propaganda. The publicity content includes the slogan of the xth "National Disability Day", the "Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Disabled Persons", Rules and regulations for the work of disabled people in the community, etc.
2. Ensure the distribution and implementation of funds for poor disabled people, and visit the poor disabled people at their doorsteps.
During the "Disabled Aid Day", condolences were carried out to 36 poor disabled people who were enjoying subsistence allowances in the community, and a total of 1,800 yuan in "disabled aid" consolation money was distributed. In addition, the neighborhood committee once again carefully checked and verified from the perspective of subsistence allowances. So far, there are no severely disabled people or poor disabled people in the jurisdiction who have not been included in the subsistence allowances. Basically, the poor disabled people in the community have been covered.
3. Carry out a series of activities to help the disabled based on the actual situation of the community.
1. Insist on opening the rehabilitation room for disabled people to allow disabled friends who need rehabilitation to undergo rehabilitation training, and truly achieve the goal of "recovering one person, making the whole family happy".
2. "Care about the lives of disabled people and care about their warmth and well-being." Community organization party members, league members, community medical station doctors, and disabled volunteers come to serve the disabled with limited mobility, change light bulbs, clean the house, and talk to the disabled, truly promoting the trend of assisting the disabled in the community.
The launch of the National Disability Day event is conducive to promoting good social customs of supporting the disabled in the community, conducive to the construction of a harmonious community, and has been well received by the community.
Summary of National Disability Day Activities Chapter 10
May 15 this year is the __th statutory "National Disability Aid Day" in my country. The County Education Bureau organized teachers and students in primary and secondary schools in the county to carry out activities to help the disabled. Our school responded positively and effectively carried out a series of corresponding activities. The activities are summarized as follows:
1. Leaders pay attention to it and the organizational structure is sound
The theme of this event is "Strengthening cultural services for disabled people and protecting the cultural rights and interests of disabled people." Our school hopes that through this activity, students can cultivate their enterprising spirit and noble sentiments of loving the motherland, loving the people, being dedicated, and persevering; at the same time, we also hope that in the process of helping the disabled, students can cultivate their care for others, Support the love of the weak and strive to create a harmonious campus that understands, respects, loves and helps the disabled. This event received strong support and response from school leaders and teachers. The school leaders attached great importance to this crippled month-supporting activity and held a special leadership team meeting, requiring that the Moral Education Department be responsible for organizing this activity, and the head teachers of each class to provide strong cooperation, organize it carefully, and implement it promptly to ensure that the organized activities are planned. , there are records, inspections, evaluations, summaries, and quality.
2. Rich and colorful activities
According to the requirements of superiors, our school carried out the following activities:
1. Organize a flag-raising ceremony with the theme of "Disabled Aid Day";
2. Each class will hold a team meeting with the theme of Aiding the Disabled Day;
3. Hang a slogan for Disabled Persons Day;
4. Each class carries out distinctive activities according to the actual situation of its own class;
3. The activities were carried out in an orderly manner and the results were significant
1. On __ month __, our school organized a flag-raising ceremony to care for the disabled. At the ceremony, the school issued an appeal to teachers and students. All students are called upon to contribute their part to helping the disabled around them. The Young Pioneers of our school collected relevant information from various sources and prepared a promotional draft in the most practical way. They used the campus radio station at noon to widely publicize this event so that more students can understand people with disabilities. Care for people with disabilities, publicity activities have aroused great response among students.
2. From __ month __ to __ month __, all teachers and students of our school actively participated in the theme class meeting activities. Each class is held as scheduled according to the time specified in the activity plan. The class meeting will introduce the origin and significance of National Disability Day to help students learn more about the living conditions of the more than 80 million disabled people in China, become familiar with the lives of disabled people, and establish the concept of consciously helping disabled people. During the observation, the leaders all spoke highly of the students' enthusiasm for actively participating in this activity and expressed their ardent hopes. At the same time, he called on everyone to pay attention to learning while participating in activities, not to forget their identity as students, and to better contribute to the construction and development of the country and society.
3. Our school also organized a donation activity for students to “save one yuan and support disabled friends”. Each student is required to proceed from the actual situation and dedicate his or her love to the cause of disability.
Through the series of activities carried out above, teachers and students in our school have learned more about disadvantaged groups and the status and requirements of students with disabilities. School leaders and teachers have also stated that they will work hard to create a good atmosphere for students to understand, respect, love and help disabled people, so that students can spontaneously and voluntarily care for and help the disabled people around them.
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