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1. 菜价昂贵,菜市

单一;2. 排队时间长,浪费午休时间;3. 味道不佳,浪费现象严重。

注意:1. 词数不少

于120; 2. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数;3. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 参

考词汇: 食堂 canteen dear principal,

recently, many

students are discussing the problems of the canteen.


__________________________________________________________________i sincerely

hope you can adopt my suggestions. thank you!

yours,li hua

作文范本: dear


some students

think the prices of the dishes are too high and that the choices are too limited.

another concern is that the time spent in waiting is so long that we have less time

to have a rest. meanwhile, some students think that the taste of the food is awful,

which leads to a lot of waste. the prices be more reasonable and the choices of dishes

be more various.需注意的词汇、表达:

1. delicious

waiting taste(n.味道) tasty (adj.可口的) cook (n.厨师) cooker (n.炊具)

price 价格

2. lower /bring

down the price 降低价格 3. at a lower/reasonable price 以较低的价格 4. varieties of

dishes 种类多样的菜品 5. for one thing,??. for another,??

6. make sb

(not)do sth

7. wait /stand in

line / in a queue for a long time 8. the kinds of food are . 表达食堂出现的问题:

9. the prices of

dishes are so high that many of us can’t afford them.

10. there are so

few dishes to choose from, which is far from satisfactory. / which can’t satisfy



11. it takes us so

much time to stand in line, which decreases our time of rest at noon. 12. the food

in the canteen doesn’t taste .

the taste of food

in the canteen isn’t

13. the food in

the canteen tastes so bad that a lot of food is left and wasted 14. it’s a waste

of time to stand in line for a long time.

15. the food in

the canteen tastes so bad, which leads to a severe phenomenon of wasting food. 16.

in the long run, it’s bad for our health and study.

17. it goes

without saying that it will influence our sleep in the afternoon. 表达提出的建议:

18. improving the

taste of the food is also a good solution to the problems. 19. i think it’s necessary

to provide more kinds of food. 20. it’s high time that we took measures to solve

the problems.

so it’s high time

for us to take measures

21. to solve the

problems, i think the canteen should set up a new figure(形象) and improve the


condition to satisfy the students’ needs.

22. we hope the

canteen can provide us with dishes of a high quality at a reasonable price. 23. the

canteen should open more windows so that we needn’t wait so long.

24. as far as i’

m concerned, the canteen should attach importance to the quality. what’s more,

different kinds

of food should be provided.

25. measures are

supposed to be taken to improve the conditions of the canteen.


dear ?.,

i’m glad to

receive your letter asking for my advice on how to??.(引出话题). here are a few

suggestions. first of all, it is important to do sth. then, it also helps to do sth.

besides, it should be a good idea to do sth.


1. many ways can contribute to solving the problem, but i think the following may

be the most

effective ones.

2. i’d like to

make some suggestions on ??. 3. it’s of great importance for sb to do sth.

it’s necessary

for sb to do sth

4. it would be a

good idea for sb to do sth. / it would be a better idea if??. 5. it contributes

/helps a lot if ??? 6. i suggest that ?../ my suggestion is that ?

it’s better to do


8. measures are

supposed to be taken to do sth

we are supposed

to take effective measures to do sth 9. it’s high time that sb sth. / it’s high

time for sb to do sth



华。在一位名叫sad mother的学生家长的博客上,你看到如下内容。请你根据博客内容、写


i’m the mother of

a fourteen-year-old. recently i have found that my daughter told lies to me. the other

day she told me that she did well in the final exam. however i found out she failed

in math and english. what should i do?



题; 2.帮她分析孩子撒谎的原因; 3.提出至少两条建议 要求:


卡的指定区域。 2.短文词数不少于100(不含已写好的部分)。 3.内容充实,结构完整,

语意连贯。 4.书写需清晰、工整。

hi,sad mother,

i have learned











作文范本: hi,sad mother,

she is afraid you

will punish her if she tells you the truth. besides, nowadays, parents put too much

pressure on their kids. in order not to let you down, she lie .

–heart talk with

her, making her know being honest is more important than scores. in addition, don’

t be too strict.微小的) mistakes.


daughter女儿expectation 期望 be worried / concerned about 担心 calm down 冷

静下来 at a loss 迷惑不解 keep in touch with 保持联系 be strict with sb in sth 在

某方面对某人要求严格 heart-to-heart 推心置腹的

idea 注意想法

test 测试 text 文本 cheat 欺骗 want sb to do sth 想让某人做某事

1. it was because

she didn’t want to let you down that she pretended to achieve high scores. 2. she

isn’t aware that the lies have hurt both you and herself.

3. being a

teenager, she needs to be encouraged. and it’s you who can do this. 4. it is probably

your high expectations to her that makes her decide to lie.

5. you should

figure out the reason why she lied to you before solving the problem. 6. it goes without

saying that lying is bad behavior.

7. the reason why

she didn’t tell you the truth may be that she didn’t want to let you down.

8. it is

suggested that you should have a face-to-face talk with her so that she might open

her heart to you.

9. to avoid the

lies, you should encourage her rather than blame her when she fails in exams 10. the

reason that leads to the problem may be various.

11. confronted

with (面对) these problems, you should take a series of effective measures to help

you daughter.

13. it’s

suggested that you should attach more importance to physical and mental health.

moreover, it’s better to encourage her to do what she wants. 改错:

1. there are some


2. don’t sad.

3. you should

give her more encourage.

4. she may afraid

that if she fails in the exam, you will punish her.

5. if she has

difficulty in learning, you should inspire she and help she out. 6. she doesn’t want

you angry. 7. please not to be so worried.

8. one of the

reason is that she isn’t dare to tell you the truth. 9. because she afraid parents.

10. so she don’t

want to mention it. 11. you should apology to her.

12. you’d better

to encourage her to be a honest people. 13. you’d better be care about her health

and study. 14. i’m very understand your condition. 15. she may doesn’t want you

to be angry.





正常的学习和生活受到了影响。请用英文给该同学写一封回信。 内容要点如下:


安慰; 2.提出建议并说明理由。 注意:





已为你拟好,不计入总词数。 参考词汇:temper n. 脾气,情绪 hi worried,

i’m sorry to know

that you’re having such a had time at the moment.

yours,jamie hi worried,

im sorry to know

that youre having such a bad time at the moment. the truth is that everyone will have

one of those periods when things seem to be going wrong, i quite understand how you

are feeling now and there is no need to worry about it so much. the important thing

is to learn to control your temper so that you may not do or say anything you’ll

regret. here are three useful tips.



1. first, you are

supposed to figure out what makes you upset,and then keep away from it. 2. what’


1. 小明是个中学生,他在英语学习上很用功,但是他的英语成绩总是不太理想,主要原因是他记不住英语词汇,而且不会用这些词汇。请你根据小明的情况给他提出合理的学习建议,并表示你愿意帮助他,首先做自我介绍。 I am Mary. I’m a middle school student. My favorite subject is English. So I want to help you improve your English. Here are my suggestions. You’d better go over English vocabulary in the morning or before you go to sleep. Why don’t you write the words on a piece of paper and hang it somewhere in your house, so that you can read them often. You should not only try to memorize the vocabulary but also try to use them to write sentences. Remember, the more you use, the better you understand. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes. I think you can learn English well. 2. 美国交换生Tom来到北京某国际学校学习汉语,但是他发现汉语很难学,于是在学校的公告栏上发布了自己的求助信。假如你是初三4班(Class 4, Grade 3)的魏玲,愿意回复一封邮件,告诉他如何学习汉语。请在信中先做自我介绍,然后提出建议,并说一说你将如何帮助他。 Dear Tom,

I’m Wei Ling from Class 4, Grade 3. I’m good at language learning, so I think I can help you with your Chinese study. Here are my suggestions. Try to talk with Chinese around you as much as possible. Why not watch some Chinese TV programs or listen to songs and news? They’re good for your listening and speaking. I think keeping diary(记日记) is also a good way to improve your writing. You’ll soon find learning Chinese much easier. I have some movie CDs and video tapes here. Would you like to enjoy them with me at the weekend? Come to my class if you need me. Best wishes, Wei Lin 小明一做英语听力就紧张,请根据他的情况提建议。 Here are my suggestions. My first advice is: do not feel nervous when you are listening to English. It’s natural to make mistakes when you are listening to the material for the first time.My second advice is: try to study the key words before you listen, and when you are listening, listen to the key word and guess the meaning if you can. My third advice is: keep practicing every day and don’t give up. Remember:

the more you listen, the better you understand.提建议句型: 1. had better do sth. 最好做某事 2. Why don’t you +动词原形 你为什么不做某事 3. Why not do sth. 为什么不做某事 4. What about/ How about +动词ing 5. It’s a good idea to do sth. 做某事是个好主意 6. It’s a good way to do sth. 做某事是个好方式



There are a lot of people learning English in china. Why do people learn English in china? Because they think it is very useful. Beijing’s successful bid for the 2008 Olympic games encourages more people to learn English. How can we learn English well? At first, I try to speak as much as I can. I speak English

with my classmates and teachers in school. Secondly, I listen to English as often as possible in and out of class and write down the important things the teacher teaches in class. Thirdly, at night I like to listen to the English songs at home. At last, I go over my lessons and do a lot of practice after class. Fourthly, it is also important to remember the English words. I think if we do like this, we can learn English well. In fact, there is no good and easy way to learn English well. but there is nothing difficult if we put our heart into it.


G7 Unit5Topic1 复习要点



2.表示交通方式: 1)介词短语 on foot 步行

by boat/by ship 坐船by air /by plane 乘飞机 by train 坐火车 by subway 搭乘地铁 by car坐小汽车 by bus坐公共汽车 by bike骑自行车


3.take the subway / bus / car =go?by subway/bus/car 4.drive a car to work = go to work by car take a bus to work = go to work by bus walk to school = go to school on foot

5. ride a bike / horse

6.应用:How do you usually go to school? I usually go to school by bike.

7.--- How often do you go to the library?

---Very often//Once a week.//Twice a week.// Every day./ Always. /Often. Seldom./ Never. /Sometimes.

8.作文:My Day


G7U5 Topic 2

1.借书的表达:(P11) 1)borrow?from?

2)How long can I keep them? Two weeks. 3) You must return them on time. return sth to sb=give?back to sb.

2.What else?==What other things? else后置 other+复数名词 something else other people

3.时态:现在进行时:be +V-ing (注意现在分词构成法:begin-beginning)P116 G7U5Topic3

1.名词单数转化复数:life – lives shelf – shelves leaf – leaves half – halves child—children

2.名词变成形容词:wonder – wonderful, use – useful, care – careful, beauty - beautifulinterest – interesting, excite – exciting

3.-- What do you think of our school?==How do you like our school?

---It’s very nice.

4. 一周七天名词:What day is it today ? It’s Wednesday .

(依次为)Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

(对应的序数词:first second third fourth fifthsixth seventh Sunday is the first day of the week.

5. 学科名词:

politics Chinese math English history geography biology music P.E.


What is your favorite subject ?==Which subject do you like best?

6.语法学习:以How,Wh- 开头的疑问句。疑问词:how often, how long, how soon, how old, how many, how much, how big, how heavy, how wide, how far, what, when, who, whose, whom, where, which, why, what color, what time, what class?

7. How many lessons do you have every day? We have seven lessons every day.

8. Why do / don’t you like English ? Because it’s difficult and boring.

9. 1)learn?from 2)be good at=do well in3)be friendly to sb.

4)play the piano / guitar 5) play basketball / soccer / football

10.作文: 1)My School Life 2)News/Poster

G7Unit 6 Topic 1


1. 询问学习外语的建议


注意:1.回信需要包括全部要点; 2.开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数; 3.字数80左右。

參考范本:Dear Linda,

I'm very glad that you'll come to China . I know it isn't easy to learn a foreign language, but I have some ideas that may help. Firstly, it's very important to listen to the teacher carefully in class and make some notes so that you can go over your lessons later. Secondly, try to catch every chance to practice speaking, both in and out of class. Don't be afraid of making mistakes. Then try to listen and read more in Chinese. What's more, you'd better plan your time well and study it regularly every day.

Above all, you should be confident in yourself and don't give up whenever you meet with difficulty. I'm sure you will succeed through your hard work.

Best wishes and looking forward to meeting you in China.


Li Hua

2. 对考试作弊现象的建议


原因:1.考试太滥 2.自身勤奋不够 3.把大量时间用在上网和玩游戏上 4.为了骗取家长和老师高兴


要求:1、字数80-100;2、围绕要点可适当发挥;3、文章开头已给出,不计入总字数。參考范本:At present, a number of middle school students have picked up a bad habit - cheating in examinations.

There are three main reasons. First, schools have given students too many exams, some of which are too difficult. Second, some students are not hard-working and they don't work hard at their lessons. Third, they waste a lot of time playing games or surfing the Internet. So they haven't enough time to prepare for the exams. Finally, students have to do so to make their teachers and parents happy.

In my opinion, cheating in exams does great harm to our study. We students should be honest and diligent, and only in this way can we improve our study and make progress. Besides, our teachers should offer us fewer exams and more time to study for ourselves.

3. 对学习提出建议

假如你叫Zhang Fang,是美国中学生Lucy的笔友,你收到了她的电子邮件。在邮件中她表达了不喜欢英语和历史科目,因为要记的东西太多又乏味,上课经常想睡觉,考试也考不好,期末考试就要来了,不知道该怎么办。针对她的困惑,谈谈你的看法,同时提出一些建议,并表达对她的祝愿。

Dear Lucy,

I?m very happy to hear from you. Don?t worry too much. Many students have the same problem

like you. I think it?s very common for students to dislike memorizing. Here?s my advice. But in fact English and history are not as boring as you think. If you try the following things, you may find they are interesting and you will not feel sleepy in class again.

First you had better learn the new lessons by yourself and write down the difficult points before lessons. It can make you become interested in what the teachers say in class. Second you should listen carefully and try to answer the teachers? questions. It can help you understand better and memorize more quickly. What?s more, you also need to review the lessons regularly after class. If you still feel unhappy, you can have a talk with your teacher to ask for help. I really hope my advice can help you out and get ?A? in English and history exams. Keep trying, I believe you will enjoy the school life and make great progress with your study.


Zhang Fang

4. 对生活提出建议

假如你是韩梅,你的笔友Alice 给你发来的e-mail,邮件中告诉你,最近妈妈总是对她说过马路要小心,要多穿衣服,在学校表现得好不好,这些都让她很苦恼。给她写一封回信。与她交流看法,并帮她排忧解难。

提示词语:listen to, mother?s love, care about, communicate with, get along with, smile Dear Alice,

As a teenager, I met the same problem as you. But now I can get on/ along better with my mother. Here are some ideas for you.

Your mother talks much, because she cares about you. I?m sure your mum loves you very much. Maybe it shows your mother?s love. So I think you should listen to her. If your opinions are different from your mother?s, you can communicate with her, and tell her what you?re thinking about. If your mother doesn?t take your advice, just keep silent and give her a smile.

I hope what I say here can help you a lot.

Han Mei

5. 对怎样缓解学习压力放松自己提出建议


提示词语:relax, TV, music, think

The Senior High School Entrance Examination is coming. In order to make a success in the exam I think it?s high time for us to relax a little. Or we?ll be too nervous to work well in the exam.In order to relax ourselves, we can turn to some of our hobbies, different students have different ways --- Some watch TV, some listen to music… But for me I enjoy taking exercise most. Whenever I feel tired, I always spend an hour (in) walking or jogging in the park. Besides, I also play table tennis with my friends after class. In my opinion, taking exercise can not only rest our brains and eyes but also help build our bodies. I think it?s really helpful to both my health and my study. I hope all of my classmates can join me in getting relaxed. I wish you all every success in the coming examination!

6. 对不爱锻炼的同学提出建议


Dear Zhang Li,

Your sister is worried about you very much. Because you don?t take any exercise in spare time. I think health is very important to us teenagers. Either study or work is based on strong body. Doing sports every day helps us keep healthy and energetic. If we don?t take any exercise, we may feel tired and get sick easily. So you should go out instead of staying at home. There are many kinds of sports you can do, such as running, swimming and ball games. Just remember “Exercise one hour a day, keep illness away.”

Good luck!


Li Fei
