My first year here in Liyang High school as the Director of Studies is awesome, simply because we have a great and excellent group
of students that are now pursuing to their respective universities for their future studies.As a teacher here in China, for five years to
be exact,I have to be honest that this class is the best class that I‘ve ever had since I started in GAC in 2010. I am hoping that all of
you will carry all the respect, discipline, and the will to finish what you’ve started that you’ve shown us while you are studying with
us. Also, and it is the most important message I want to say, drop all your inconsistencies and laziness toward your study.
Congratulations and on behalf of all of your foreign teachers, it is our honour to teach all of you, and we are hoping for all the best
for everyone!
我最为一个教导主任在阳溧中学的第一年就感觉很棒,很简单因为我教着一群很棒并且很出色的学生 现在他们都在为自己理想的大学做着未来的学习准备。
我代表所有的外教老师对你们表示祝贺, 教育你们是我们的光荣,并且我们坚信你们每一个人都是最棒的!
--------教学总监 Ronald Diarez
I have experienced different types of students in this class four. I should say here that I enjoyed a lot while teaching these students
from very first level one. They all had tried their level best in every test and projects. I found them regular to the study and punctual
in the class. Above all they possess a good level of discipline. If a student works in the guideline of discipline, he will be successful
in the future. You all have to put in 100% effort in your further studies to fulfill our dream and your parents’ dream. I am confident
that you will keep this in your mind forever.
Finally I would like to wish good luck for all the students for their future education which will shape their career. Meanwhile I am
much sure that you will make our school proud in the days ahead.
Best of luck to all the students of class 4.
Good bye
我想class 4的学生都多才多艺的,因此从第一阶段开始我就非常享受教学过程中与他们的互动。 他们尽自己的努力在考试和平时的作业中争取做到最好。 我发现他们会规划好自己的学习。最重要的是他们有良好的纪律性.如果一个学生懂的自律,那么他在未来一定会成功。为了实现你们和你们父母的梦想,你们必须在未来的学习中投入百分百的努力。
My first experience with Class 4 was teaching them GAC006 which was the Communications class. It is the precursor to
the Business Studies classes and unlike Business Studies it was a lot of fun to take and to give. This course entailed
playing a number of games, doing small social engineering experiments and then talking about it all afterwards.
We talked about our feelings, how different ideas and experiments made us feel and just what we felt we were getting out
of this course. What I got out of this course was an appreciation for the various students within the class as well as a better
idea of the students I would be working closely with over the next two years. I will miss this course because I feel I attained
a closer link to my students after teaching this program.
I saw students with a fire to achieve something beyond what the other students of this school were willing to work so very
hard to attain. I also saw the silly antics, the strange ideas and the odd choices in life that some young folks go through.
I saw this kid with the very odd name of Bloomblurg who never gave up, who worked so very hard to prove that he was
just as good if not better than any other kid in this class. Many times he got knocked down, but he just got right back up
on his feet, dusted himself off and got right back to work. His work ethic and attitude is going to drive him far. I saw
students trying to find easy ways around the curriculum, by plagiarizing the work of others but after being caught a few
times, would buckle down and do their own work. I remember Jack trying to give me a paper written entirely by Chinese
writers and the disappointment in his eyes when I told him that he would have to write it all over again using English
sources only. But he did go back, he found those sources and he did rewrite it all over again.
I wish all the students of Class 4 a great success in life. I hope you can continue to show us the fire that you had in your
eyes when you joined our program and that you can retain that fire throughout your studies and life overseas. I further
hope that we have given you all the tools that you will need in your time overseas. The future is yours to make of it