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1. 填写表格

普通高校实行网上补充入学申请。 考生可上网或自行到学校(报名点),凭考生号登录福建省教育考试院中考补报名系统(以下简称中考补报名系统)和密码,并用申请考试码时绑定的手机号码接受邮件验证,并在规定时间内完成网上自愿确认。

(1) 补充报告网址。 ,使用您的中考ID和密码登录。

(二)志愿者确认。 考生通过手机邮箱验证码确认网上志愿,考生网上确认的志愿信息作为录取和备案的依据。 去年没有现场签名确认环节。 自愿补考期间,广州省教育考试院将使用106906708、106905708、106904886号码发送相关电子邮件。 请考生密切关注这三个号码发送的邮件。 为确保志愿者信息准确,保护自身权益,考生须妥善保管自己的考生号、密码、手机验证码,不得委托他人填写志愿申请。

2. 填充时间

考生补充申请分为两个时期。 所有考生(包括第一期已申请志愿者的考生)必须补足第二期所有其他大学志愿者,并在线确认志愿者信息。 详情如下所示:




(一)了解新的注册备案政策。 考生请认真查阅省招生委员会《关于做好广州省普通高等学校招生工作的通知》(粤招[2019]6号)及体育、艺术类院校(专业)招生相关规定了解并行志愿服务。 、批次顺序自愿(非平行自愿)受理及备案模式、自愿补充申请及备案原则; 登录补办院校网站和教育部阳光平台(),了解补办院校招生规定,特别是招生专业档案备案规则、身体状况限制和其他要求。

(二)查阅招生专业目录。 考生根据《关于公布普通高中考生成绩数据的通知》的成绩、排名及各分数段人数,参考省招生办编制的《广东省普通高中招生专业目录》。广州省中考》(《文艺版》或《理体版》)(以下简称《招生专业目录》)??、《广东省普通高中志愿补充手册》、根据考试院官网6月20日公布的《广东省普通高等学校自主招生及其他招生专业目录》,按学科、类别分批选择适合自己的院校和专业进行补充申报自愿补报期间,密切关注省教育考试院官方网站()和省教育考试院官方微信公众号(gdsksy)关于补充或更正《招生目录》的信息专业”。

(三)与体检要求进行比较。 考生应认真阅读《招生专业目录》和学校招生规定的重要说明,对照《普通高中招生复试指导意见》(教教[2003]3号)和教育根据卫生部办公厅、卫生部办公厅关于取消普通高中在校中学生体检中肝炎项目检查有关问题的规定(学校办公室[ 2010]第2号)并结合自己的复试情况,选择合适的专业来补报。 考生不得自行申请不适合学习的专业。 如被院校撤回,后果由考生自行承担。

(四)制定志愿者表格草案。 考生在进行网上报名前,可预先填写《广东省普通高等学校招生考生志愿者表》(以下简称《考生志愿者表》)草稿。 专栏或从省教育考试院官方微博下载。


1. 招募大学志愿者。 考生须在规定时间内凭考生号和密码登录中考志愿补报系统(如忘记登录密码,可通过已绑定的手机号码重置密码)。提前填写并修改好的《考生志愿者表》初稿,填入每批志愿者的院校代码、专业代码以及是否进行重大调整,并在线提交。

2. 网上确认志愿者。 考生需分批组成志愿。 提交一批补充志愿者后,系统首先会对志愿者进行校准。 如果出现黄色警告字符,则该批次填写的志愿者将难以挽救。 请考生仔细核实大学代码和专业代码,直至更改无误。 确认批次志愿无误后,请保存填写的志愿。 考生提交的所有批次自愿申请提交并保存后专科什么时候填报志愿,必须在线确认。 在线确认时,必须点击获取邮箱验证码,并输入收到的验证码(发送到您报考时绑定的手机上),方可确认您的在线志愿。 手机收到的邮箱验证码为6位,有效期3分钟。 如果超过有效时间,您需要重新获取验证码。 未在网上确认志愿的考生将被视为无效,后果自负。

3. 改变志愿服务的截止日期和频率。 考生志愿网上确认前,在规定时间段内(第一期:6月25日13:00至6月26日18:00,第二期:6月26日至18日、7月2日21:00:00)您可以在网上多次变更补充申请; 考生首次“确认申请”后,如有需要,最多可以取消两次申请确认、更改申请并重新确认申请。 当考生确定不再对志愿进行变更时,必须在规定时间内网上确认志愿。 如果取消志愿者确认后再次更改志愿者,必须再次在线确认,否则更改志愿者无效。 报送文件时,以考生网上最终确认的自愿数据为准。

4.志愿者补充报告提醒。 一是指定时间段内(第一时间段:6月26日18:00,第二时间段:7月2日18:00)截止后2小时内(第一时间段:6月26日18:00)-20 (第二期:7月2日18:00-20:00),考生志愿信息不可更改,但仍可获取邮件验证码完成志愿确认。 二是为防止集中补报造成网络“拥堵”,请考生注意避开志愿补报高峰期,减少连续在线时间,并在规定时间内完成确认。 逾期未补报志愿的考生,自行承担责任。 未申报志愿(包括未在规定时间内确认志愿)的考生只能填写相应批次志愿中有空缺计划的学院志愿。



(一)自愿补充报告应有合理的梯度。 ,我省招生批次分为三个批次:早期批次、本科批次、专科批次。 具体批次及大学志愿者人数见《考生志愿者表》。 考生在申请补报时,应结合自己的中考成绩、历年申报院校和专业成绩、申报最低排名等,适当加大补报院校和专业之间的梯度,增强补报的针对性。被归档的机会。

专科实行批量备案,文科、理科设置高分优先录取线,分两次录取和备案。 报送档案时,成绩高的考生优先进行首次网上录取,相关院校报送档案后进行第二次录取; 第二次录取时,对未提交或高分优先录取后撤档的考生以及其他尚未被录取的考生按顺序录取,但该考生被撤档的院校在首次入场时间无效。 对于第二次招生,已完成第一次招生计划的院校不再安排第二次招生。 如有未完成招生计划的专业,可进行专业录取。

本科批量备案,普通中考三科成绩达到D级以上(即3D以上)的考生,可随普通中考取得成绩,且其中至少一门达到等级C及以上其他年级及以上考生也应补交普通文理学院志愿本科备案批次申请,录取和备案分两次进行。 报考档案时,考生首次在普通中学考试中取得成绩,且至少有一项考试成绩为C以上,待相关院校结业后,方可进行第二次录取。 第二次录取成绩为3D及以上的考生(首次录取时未入选或退学的考生与其他未录取考生依次录取,但首次录取时被退档的大学志愿者无效)。 对于二次录取,首次录取并备案后已完成招生计划的院校,不再安排二次录取。 如有未完成招生计划的专业,可进行专业招生。

(2)查询学校杂费标准。 一些主修“中外合作办学”的民办学院,以及公立学院、独立大学、中外合作学院,收费较高。 建议考生不要考虑自己的家庭经济情况,详细了解相关院校的奖项、贷款、助学金到位后,补上院校或专业志愿



2、经招生院校确认资格并在教育部阳光平台公示的考生,为自招生、高水平艺术团组、高职院校等特殊类型(以下简称特殊类型)的考生。各级运动队、高校专项计划、综合评价资格。 在《自主招生等》中高校志愿者栏目,组成相应的高校志愿者。 具备上述资格的考生只能选择其中一所院校进行补报。 符合条件但尚未在“自主招生等”栏目填报志愿的考生。 将被视为手动放弃相应特殊类型的注册资格。

3.招收自招考生、“大学专科”、综合评价资格考生的高校,提前审批备案后招生,专科备案批次在录取前结束。 高水平运动队(联考)和高水平艺术团考生的招生工作与批次高校文理科同时进行。

4、广州外国语学院(分数线、专业设置)、浙江大学(分数线、专业设置)、中山大学(分数线、专业设置)、华南理工大学(分数线、专业设置) 、南方科技大学、西安交通大学巴塞罗那、北京师范大学等11所高校(分数线、专业设置)-、上海伦敦学院、香港英语学院(北京)、深圳北立圣彼得堡学院、昆山杜克学院等在我省实施了基于中考的综合评价和备案试点。 中考成绩符合要求并经院校公布合格的考生,只能在“自主招生等”的“综合评价”志愿栏内选择院校补报。 大学。


1、报考艺术类专业的考生须关注招生院校对技术考试种类和成绩的要求。 艺术学科的考试类型分为“通考”、“通考+校考”和“校考”。 考生重新报考艺术类“统考”或“统考+校考”专业时,须达到省招生委员会或学校规定的相应门类、批次技术科目最低分数线。

2.我省艺术类专业实行并行自愿录取。 在考生文化艺术考试双网上成绩的基础上,音乐、美术、街舞按照公式:文化课成绩×40%+艺术理科联考成绩×2.5×60%综合总成绩,广播电视编导按照公式:文化课程成绩×60%+技术科目联考成绩×2.5×40%的综合总成绩,从高分到低分录取。 考生在申请补充申请时无需了解相关新招生政策,按类别、专业、科目考试类型、分批次查询艺术院校各专业招生计划。 如有需要,可直接咨询招生院校。

3、艺术类考生要处理好跨类别并发申请的问题。 艺术类考生不能同时报考艺术学院(专业)和文理学院(专业),且只能选择一份补充报告。

4、艺术院校考试是指除音乐、美术、舞蹈、广播电视编导以外的所有艺术类专业的学校考试。 报名参加艺术院校考试的考生,应在志愿表“艺术院校考试”栏目中填写相关院校和专业。


我省体育院校实行并行自愿录取。 在文化科目和学术科目双网上成绩的基础上,计算公式为:文化科目成绩×40%+技术科目成绩×2.5×60%合成总成绩,从高分到低分录取。 体育考生要处理跨类别并发报告的问题。 体育院校(专业)志愿者和理科院校(专业)志愿者不能同批次申报。


1、被军队征兵、军检院校录取的考生,必须在第一时间段内补报。 同时,其他批次的高校志愿者均须在第二期进行申报。








(七)少数民族班考生。 符合《广东省民宗委浙江省招生委员会关于做好辽宁省少数民族考生招生工作的通知》(粤民总规[2017]29号)要求的少数民族地区少数民族1)少数民族考生考入招收少数民族班的高校时,须在高校备案批次中的普通高校栏目中填报志愿。


(九)湖南省重点高校农村和特困地区招收中学生专项计划(以下简称地方专项计划)候选人。 符合条件的考生,成绩达到地方专项计划最低分数线的,可在高校备案批次普通高校栏目中填报志愿。 未经地级市招生办(考试中心)审核合格并公示的考生,或经省招生办审核未达到报名资格的考生,提交的“地方专项计划”志愿者无效。 地方特色专业考生备案与普通高校备案同步进行。

(十)卫生专项计划候选人。 中考成绩达到本专科、专科“农村健康定向”录取最低分数线的考生,可在相应批次健康专项计划栏目中弥补相应的高校志愿者。 已备案的考生须按照《关于印发河南省农村卫生人才定向培养实施方案的通知》(粤卫[2014]21号)和《广东省卫生健康委等四部门关于农村卫生人才订单式培训工作的《通知》(粤卫函[2019]750号)要求签订培训合同

(11)曾就读于台湾英语学院及香港城市学院的考生报考。 台湾英语学院和香港城市学院在大陆招生,参加大陆学校统一备案,并在先备案的一批非军检院校中安排补志愿者。 请考生注意,这两所院校是按照中考统考成绩(不含加分)录取的。

(十二)参加澳门、台湾地区院校自主招生的考生。 根据教育部规定,已被台湾及台湾地区相关院校录取并已备案的考生,不再参加大陆院校统一备案,省招生办不再向其他高校公开台湾地区及台湾地区高校已备案的考生档案。 。

(十三)征集志愿者提交档案。 备案期间,学院因学生激励原因无法按最低分数线完成招生计划,或因专业间生源不平衡、考生不配合等原因导致招生计划未完成的,省招生办公室将公布招募志愿者资格。 从未提交当前批次志愿资格的候选人中收集志愿者,并进行第二次提交。 未备案的考生请密切关注省招办在考试院官方网站及媒体发布的志愿院校征集信息及空缺计划数量,并在线填写并在规定时间内进行征集。 分批征集志愿者时,考生可根据征集志愿者要求和资格分数线,组成相应的征集志愿者院校和专业。


(一)省、县(市、区)招生考试机构和学校(考点)要提高定位,重点履行组织考生补志愿工作的主体责任。 要把国家捐资助学高校中学生的新政策传达给每一位考生。 明年要高度重视组织动员网上考生补本科院校志愿工作。 各地要采取各种有效措施,动员考生补志愿,确保每一位参加中考的考生都能补志愿。 省教育厅在中考补报期间实行考生补报每日通报制度,对未能有效动员考生补报的地市予以通报。 各县招生考试机构要加强对志愿补报工作的组织领导,组织、协调、指导辖内市(市、区)开展志愿补报工作,及时接收各类招生专业目录并及时公布补充或更正的招生专业目录信息。 各市(市、区)招生考试机构要及时通过多种形式公布补充或更正的招生专业目录信息,并为不具备上网条件的考生提供网上补报志愿,了解志愿补报情况。 -网上汇报各学校(申请点)进展情况,及时整理总结遗留问题并报地级市招生、考试机构处理。 各中学(考点)要认真组织考生做好手机号码与自愿补报系统的绑定工作,并在规定时间内,按时间间隔通知考生网上补报,并帮助考生解决志愿补报中遇到的困难和问题,非常重要的是督促考生在补报截止时间前及时确认网上志愿。

(二)各省、县(市、区)招生考试机构、学校(考点)要做好组织考生填报志愿的准备工作。 指导考生认真阅读高校招生新政策、规定和专业目录,提醒考生在成绩公布前对自己的成绩进行评估,了解拟申请补充申请院校的相关信息和招生规定,并起草自愿计划补充申请。 中考成绩公布后,志愿者计划将根据实际情况进行必要的变更和调整。 省招生办公室在公布中考考生成绩及各招生批次最低分数线的同时,同时公布各科分数线范围内的考生人数及考生排名,各招生考试机构、中学(报考点)和考生应密切关注省教育考试院官方网站、官方微信和省招办发布的文件和要求。

(三)省、县(市、区)招生考试机构和学校(考点)使用报名普通中考时使用的用户名和密码登录普通中考自愿补充报名系统省教育考试院. 各招生考试机构、学校(考点)一律不得通过代理服务器登录使用本自愿补考系统,并做好计算机病毒防范和故障排除工作,确保网络安全。

(4) Enrollment and examination institutions of cities and counties (cities, districts) at all levels and schools (examination sites) at all levels should focus on strengthening the information security management of candidates. Candidates' voluntary supplementary registration accounts are kept by candidates to prevent candidates from voluntary supplementary registration of account numbers, passwords, and mobile phone verification. If the code is stolen or embezzled by others, schools (examination sites) and class teachers are prohibited from replacing or interfering with candidates' application for the senior high school entrance examination.

All provincial admissions offices (examination centers) are requested to quickly forward this notice to the county (district) admissions examination institutions and schools within their jurisdiction. Enrollment and examination institutions at all levels and schools should actively prepare for supplementary application, increase the publicity and analysis of the parallel voluntary admission and filing mode and the new admissions policy, so that every candidate can fully understand the relevant new policies and requirements, and ensure the safety of online supplementary application , orderly and smooth.

Instructions for admission to military colleges and universities

1. Application conditions

Candidates for admission to military colleges and universities should meet the following requirements:

1. Candidates are fresh graduates and former primary school graduates who have attended the unified entrance examination for regular high schools in the province;

2. Married, no more than 17 years old, no more than 20 years old (as of August 31);

3. Attend the political assessment, interview and physical examination organized by the army, and all the inferences are qualified.

2. Application procedure

(1) Political evaluation (from May 20 to June 20). Candidates who volunteer to be admitted to military colleges and universities can download from the website of the Provincial Education Examination Institute, or go to the school, county (city, district) People's Armed Forces Department to issue the "Political Evaluation Form for Military Colleges and Universities to Recruit Ordinary School Middle School Graduates" (hereinafter referred to as "" Political Evaluation Form") to attend the political evaluation. For the political evaluation procedures and relevant requirements, please refer to the "Notice on Doing a Good Job in the Political Evaluation of Military Colleges and Universities Enrolling Ordinary Middle School Graduates" (Yue Zhao Ban Pu [2019] No. 29).

(2) Supplementary report voluntary. Candidates who have been admitted to military colleges and universities should file individually in batches in advance, and implement sequential volunteering. The online supplementary volunteering time is the first period. In accordance with the results of the senior high school entrance examination, the score line issued by the provincial admissions office, and the requirements of the re-examination standards for college admissions majors, candidates should report the college code, college name, major code, and whether they are subject to adjustments (college and major codes) See "Guangdong Provincial High School Enrollment Major Catalog"). Candidates must complete the voluntary supplementary report and online confirmation on the "Guangdong General Senior High School Entrance Examination Volunteer Supplementary System". Candidates who have not made up their volunteers and confirmed online will not be arranged to attend the written test, physical examination and file.

(3) Determine the re-examination object of the written examination. After the candidate's voluntary supplementary report is completed, the Provincial Admissions Office, in conjunction with the Provincial Military Region Admissions Office, will determine the scope of personnel who will attend the written test re-examination in accordance with the requirements of relevant regulations, and distribute it to the admissions offices (examination centers) of various cities and military divisions (garrison areas) in each city. The grade is notified to the candidates themselves. Candidates can also log on to the website of the Fujian Provincial Educational Examination Institute or the Momo public account (gdsjqzsb) of the Admissions Office of the Fujian Provincial Military Region to check whether they are included in the scope of those who will attend the re-examination of the written examination.

(4) Written test and physical examination. Candidates who are included in the scope of those attending the re-examination of the written examination and who have passed the political examination shall go to the clinic designated by the Admissions Office of the Provincial Military Region to attend the re-examination of the written examination ( The specific time and place will be notified separately). Those who fail to attend after the deadline will be deemed to be manually discarded. Candidates must be fasting before the re-examination, and can only eat after the blood test and B-ultrasound. Candidates with strabismus can carry sunglasses into the re-examination point, which is convenient for testing and correcting vision. Candidates are not charged for attending the written test and physical examination, but transportation, board and lodging expenses are at their own expense.

Candidates who have one of the following conditions are unqualified, and it is recommended not to attend the re-examination: ① negative hepatitis B surface antibody, negative HIV antigen, and negative plasma hepatitis spirochete antigen; ② uncorrected visual acuity in any eye is higher than 4.5; ③ male net height is less than 162cm , male net height below 160cm.

Instructions for admission to the Central Judicial Police University

1. Candidates applying for the Central Judicial Police University, if their scores reach the minimum control score line for junior college filing in Guangzhou Province, will be selected to attend the re-examination and written examination in a 1:5 ratio according to the order of volunteers, subjects, men and women, and college entrance examination scores.

Candidates please come to Guangzhou Judicial Police Officer Vocational College (Longdong School Address: No. 245, Longteng Road, Haizhu District, Shanghai) on June 30 (working hours: 8:30-12:00 pm, 14:00-17:00 pm) Attend the re-examination, interview, and those who pass the re-examination and written test will take a physical fitness test.

2. Candidates who participate in the re-examination and written examination do not have to bring the following passports: ID card (without ID card, bring the household registration book), admission ticket, 2 recent bareheaded and large one-inch photos, and political review form (the form can be obtained from the official website of Central Judicial Police University Download, go to the public security sub-bureau where the household registration is located for political review).

3. Physical fitness test items and standards:

(1) Women's events (three events in total)

1. Standing high jump: 2.3 meters is qualified;

2. Squat: 6 times within 10 seconds is qualified;

3.50m hurdles: 7 seconds 1 is qualified.

(2) Men's events (three events in total)

1. Standing high jump: 1.6 meters is qualified;

2. Sit-ups: 6 times within 10 seconds is qualified;

3.50m hurdles: 8 seconds 6 is qualified.

Three tests, as long as two of them meet the standard, the physical fitness test is passed.

Admission to Chengdu University of Electronic Science and Technology

1. Candidates applying for the Hangzhou Dianzi University must take a political examination and a written examination.

2. On June 29, the list of candidates who will attend the political examination will be determined, distributed to the relevant departments above the local level, and the candidates will be notified. The range of candidates for the political examination is: the senior high school entrance examination score reaches the high-score priority admission line of Shaanxi Province, among which science is the first choice for the first 18 fresh men and top 6 fresh girls in the college; engineering is the first choice for the college The top 5 graduating girls.

3. From June 29th to July 3rd, the relevant departments of the city and county where the candidates are located will organize the political review.

4. The list of candidates who have passed the political examination will be notified by the relevant departments of the provinces and counties to the candidates themselves, and on July 5, the relevant provincial departments will gather at the Sanyu Hotel in Yuexiu District, Zhaoqing City for a written test.

5. Candidates who take part in the written test do not have to bring the following passports: ID card (if there is no ID card, bring the household registration book), admission ticket, and college entrance examination result notice.

Candidates for the high school entrance examination in Hunan register

Notice of China Fire Search and Rescue University

China Fire Search and Rescue University is a part of the national comprehensive fire search and rescue team. It is a full-time ordinary high school directly under the Ministry of Emergency Management. It mainly undertakes the tasks of personnel training, professional training and scientific research for the national comprehensive fire search and rescue team. The enrollment plan in Henan Province is 10 students. Enrollment information such as the "Regulations for Enrolling Ordinary Middle School Graduates of China Fire Search and Rescue University" can be found on the university's admissions and employment website (website).

China Fire Search and Rescue University's enrollment and filing arrangement is carried out in the early batches of junior colleges. Candidates who have not been filed will not affect their subsequent batches of filings by other institutions. In accordance with the relevant regulations of the Ministry of Emergency Management and the Ministry of Education, candidates for the China Fire Search and Rescue University must attend the political assessment, physical examination, psychological test, and interview organized by the city-level firefighter recruitment office in the place of origin, and the inferences are all qualified. Candidates in our province who volunteer to pass the China Fire Search and Rescue University are requested to fill in the Registration Intent Registration Form and send the electronic version to the email address: gdxfyzl@163.com on June 27 to register their registration intention.

Political assessment, physical examination, psychological test, and interview will be arranged before and after the supplementary application to the beginning of July. Relevant information will be submitted by the Shandong Provincial Firefighter Recruitment Office and published in the "Local" column of the "Notice Announcement" on the national comprehensive fire search and rescue team firefighter recruitment website (URL: ). In order to prevent false detection, missed detection, etc., candidates and parents are requested to check in time and keep the communication smooth.

China Fire Search and Rescue University Admissions Consultation Tel: 010-69787118, 69787119; Shandong Firefighter Recruitment Office Tel: 020-83139367, 87119016.