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2018年广东汕尾中考录取分数线尚未公布。 公布后小编会第一时间更新。 请参考往年!


**从汕尾市教育局近日召开的2017年高中招生暨提前网上招生工作会议获悉,今年秋季全市普通高中提前录取最低**分数线已正式划定,最低分数线已正式划定。本市普通高中录取分数线 ** 分数线为290分。

根据《关于印发汕尾市普通高中2017年招生计划的通知》等文件精神,2017年秋季提前录取普通高中的最低分数线由全市普通高中确定招生团队根据考生意愿、招生计划、考试成绩、综合素质评价水平等条件抽调出来。 其中,华师大附属汕尾学校统一招生677分,华中师范大学岱峰附属学校统一招生650分,市临卫华中学普通生557分,普通生557分。新城中学普通生516分,蓬牌中学普通生579分,龙山中学普通生589分,启恩中学普通生550分,和田中学普通生628分,仁荣中学统一招生505分,华师大学附属汕尾学校成本生539分,华中师范大学戴丰附校成本生520分,市临卫华中学指标520分 学生得分479分点。 华师大附属汕尾学校学术招生(艺术、音乐、体育)和文化成绩为509分,艺术、音乐、体育成绩分别为253分、247.7分、222分。





遵义一中招生计划总规模为1200人。 自主招生计划72名学生,已录取38名学生; 招生计划名额720人,已录取650人; 辖区外统一招生计划80名学生,最低分数线536分,招生人数88人; 辖区内统一招生计划(含自主招生、配额生、辖区外统一招生计划尚未完成)424人,最低分数线490分,招生人数435人; 录取总人数为1,211人。

遵义四中招生计划总规模为1100人。 自主招生计划66名学生,已录取67名学生; 招生计划名额660人,已录取633人; 辖区外统一招生计划200名学生,最低分数线545分,招生人数200人; 辖区内统一招生计划(含自主招生、配额生、辖区外统一招生尚未完成计划)200人,最低分数线为532分,招生人数为201人; 招生总人数为1101人。

遵义南白中学招生计划总规模为1600人。 自主招生计划96名学生,已录取93名学生; 定额生计划学生960人,已录取949人; 辖区外统一招生计划100名学生,最低分数线568分,招生人数107人; 辖区内统一招生计划(含自主招生、配额生、辖区外统一招生计划未完成)451人,最低分数线508分,招生人数452人; 录取总人数为1,601人。

遵义航天高级中学招生计划总规模为1200人。 自主招生计划72名学生,已录取65名学生; 招生计划名额720人,已录取722人; 辖区外统一招生计划80名学生,最低分数线542分,招生人数86人; 辖区内统一招生计划(含自主招生、配额生、辖区外统一招生计划尚未完成)328人,最低分数线为526分,录取人数为338人; 录取总人数为1,211人。



同时,市教育局公布了省示范性高中定额生最低**分。 遵义四中定额生计划为720名学生,定额生**成绩为460分; 遵义航天高级中学定额生源计划为660人,定额生**分数为460分。 450分; 遵义南白中学定额生计划为960名学生,定额生最低成绩为450分; 遵义一中的定额生计划为660名学生,定额生最低成绩为440分。 其他学校详细信息将在后续消息中提供。





一是将示范高中统一招生、专业、名额计划分为三批,直观易懂; 二是调整录取顺序。 去年的招生顺序是统一招生→特长生→名额生,特长生和名额生未完成的计划已转为统一招生。 今年招生顺序调整为特殊人才→配额生→统一招生,减少了抄录环节; 三是首次实行平行志愿者,增加考生选拔机会,确保高分考生不落选; 四是公布普通高中最低录取门槛和示范高中名额生最低录取标准后,填写申请表,减少考生填写招生的盲目性。 五是面向全国民办教育发展,在一批非示范性高中中新增辖区外民办学校志愿者。 。




“平行志愿服务”是“梯度志愿服务”的替代方案。 今年,我市同批次多名志愿者为平行志愿者。 平行志愿录取的原则是“优先、跟随志愿”。 一、辖区范围内,所有考生按照从高分到低分的顺序进行排名(总分相同,排名相同); 其次,根据考生的排名,将考生填写的平行选项从选项1、选项2到选项3进行排序。按顺序查找,一旦考生满足某个选项的录取条件,则该考生的其他选项将不再搜索,但将搜索下一个候选的批次选择。 平行的愿望之间有平行的关系,但也有先后顺序。

例如:一个孩子得了502分,另一个孩子得了501分。 排序时,502分的孩子会排在第一位。 统一地区招聘时,首先搜索应聘者的选择1,分数为502。 只要学校招生计划未满,孩子就会被录取; 如果学校招生计划已满,则检索考生的选择2。 未满的,予以录取,否则不予纳入辖区统一招生批次。 以此类推,只有在统一招聘区搜索完所有502分的候选人后,才能检索到501分的候选人。


为促进县域内义务教育均衡发展,将省级示范高中部分招生计划按比例分配给辖区初中的计划称为“定额生”,有的省称“定额生”。分配学生”。 “名额生”应满足的主要条件是:在校连续就读三年并实际入学的应届毕业生。 我市招生计划为省示范高中招生计划的60%。


2 其次,候选人必须知己知彼

我市高中招生采取“综合评价、多重录取”,考生必须了解示范高中和非示范高中的录取条件。 示范高中录取条件为:综合素质、地理、生物、文科B以上(特殊人才学生各科C以上)。 非示范高中的入学要求为:综合素质、地理、生物、文科C以上。 去年,不少高分考生没有达到示范高中的录取要求。

根据中考成绩(包括文科、地理、生物成绩、综合素质评价)和公布的顶线,结合考生在本地区的排名、就读学校的排名进行考虑,以及往年高中的录取分数线。 ,合理填写您的申请表,确保顺利录取。 特殊人才、名额生、统一招生只是录取批次不同,录取时的检索范围也不同。 学生入学后享受同等待遇。 因此,考生和家长不必担心自己是名额生还是统一招生。 只有考上理想的学校才是目的。

需要提醒考生和家长的是,招生将严格按照《遵义市2016年中考报名信息表》顺序分批进行。 填写申请时,一定要综合考虑自己的竞争实力,选择自己最想就读的*把最好的学校放在前面,拉宽梯度,选择最好的学校,减少失败的风险。 请记住,适合你的学校就是好学校。

3 考生必须记住登录管理系统的时间节点和密码。

预填申请:5月16日至5月20日。 高中入学考试:6 月 24 日至 26 日。 中考成绩公布:7月7日左右。修改确认志愿者时间:7月11日至7月13日。

因密码泄露造成的后果由考生自行承担。 如果忘记密码,必须及时请班主任重置密码。






时间:5月15日-19日。 由学校统一收集,所有考生均须填写。 在第三阶段未修改偏好的候选人将使用其预先填写的偏好作为正式偏好。



特别提示:由于目前中考和地方学生考试的评分工作尚未完成,中考成绩和地方学生补考成绩尚未发布,所以所有考生的练习成绩是随机生成的,假设全市考生文科、综合等均为B等。 另外,考生在系统中修改的选择仅用于练习,无效,不会作为正式选择。

03 修改志愿者并查询模拟备案结果

中考成绩、普通高中和名额生最低录取门槛将于7月13日前公布。考生了解自己的成绩、职位和录取情况后,可以“多次在线修改选择,查看当前模拟申请”不同时期的状态。” 如果考生发现自己的排名不在招生计划范围内或者排名靠后,可以根据各学校目前的模拟分班情况,选择在下一期修改申请。

特别提示:模拟备案不代表录取结果。 这只是根据候选人当期申请情况模拟申报的结果。 本阶段模拟录取或落选的考生,可能会随着下一阶段申请状态的变化而改变模拟结果。 改变。 填写申请表后即可获得录取结果。



根据《关于开展2017年****生学业(入学)考试及高中招生的通知》(遵教机[2017]7号)规定,红花岗区、汇川区和新浦新区辖区内高中统一招生计划,在三城区范围内招收学生; 辖区内其他高中统一招生,在县(区、市)内招生。

1、示范高中“自主招生”一选一。 考生可以向具有自主招生计划的示范高中提出申请。

2、示范高中“名额生”有两种平行选择。 三城区考生选择在“遵义四中”和区级示范高中中报考。 外县(区、市)考生选择报考本县(区、市)示范高中。

3.示范高中“辖区外招收”申请1份。 三城区内考生可选择报考三城区外有异地招生计划的示范高中; 其他县(区、市)考生可以选择报考本辖区外有异地招生计划的示范高中。

4.示范高中“辖区内统一招生”两个平行申请。 三城区考生可选择三城区示范高中报考; 外县(区、市)考生可以选择本县(区、市)示范高中。

5、非示范高中和“辖区内高中”平行选择三种。 三城区考生可选择报考三城区非示范高中; 外县(区、市)考生可以选择报考本县(区、市)的非示范高中。

6、非示范性高中可选择“辖区外民办高中”一项。 民办高中主要招收辖区内学生,生源不足的,也可向辖区外招收学生。 三城区内的考生可以选择报考三城区外的民办学校; 其他县(区、市)考生可以选择报考县(区、市)外的民办学校。

七、五年制普通高等学校和中等职业学校各有两个并行专业。 所有候选人都可以申请。

3 并行志愿者录取原则

平行志愿录取的原则是“优先、依意愿”。 一、辖区范围内,所有考生按照从高分到低分的顺序进行排名(总分相同,排名相同); 其次遵义市中考分数线,根据考生的排名,按照从选项1到选项2的顺序检索考生填写的平行选项。一旦考生满足某个选项的录取条件,则不再搜索该考生的其他选项,而是搜索该选项。将搜索下一个候选人的一批选择。 平行的愿望之间有平行的关系,但也有先后顺序。

以示范高中辖区内名额学生批量录取为例。 例如,如果某个候选者的排名为 100,则只有在前面的 99 个候选者完成搜索后才会轮到该候选者。 考生录取表如下:


严格按照《遵义市2017年中考志愿者信息表》(见下图)顺序分批录取。 示范高中录取条件为:综合素质、地理、生物、文科B以上(自主招生,各科C以上)。 非示范高中的入学要求为:综合素质、地理、生物、文科C以上。

示范性高中辖区外统一招生和民办高中辖区外招生的最低分数线不得低于辖区和学生籍贯普通高中的最低分数线; 示范高中自主招生最低分数线为各县(区、市)普通高中最低分数线**最高分数线。

(一)示范高中按照“自主招生→定额生→辖区外统一招生→辖区内统一招生”的顺序??分批招生,以及未完成的区外自主招生、定额生、统一招生计划辖区将转为辖区内统一招生计划。 自主招生、配额生、统一招生三种招生计划,仅招生时的检索范围不同,入学后享受同等待遇。

1.自主招生。 在专业成绩和中考成绩均在线的前提下,根据示范高中自主招生计划,按照考生综合成绩划分专业(综合成绩=中考成绩+专业成绩) )从高分到低分,根据考生的喜好录取。

2. 学生名额。 凡在示范高中定额生分数线内,并具有定额生资格的,按初中下达的招生计划录取。 初中内,学生按照中考志愿从高分到低分依次录取。

3、辖区外招生。 根据辖区外示范高中统一招生计划,辖区外考生按照志愿从高分到低分依次录取。

4.辖区内统一招生。 根据示范高中辖内统一招生计划,辖区内考生按照志愿从高分到低分依次录取。




(三)五年制普通高等学校和中等职业学校招生。 根据五年制专科和中等职业学校招生计划,学生将按照学生的喜好从高分到低分依次录取。




平行志愿提交的特点是“优先、随选”。 所有考生均按从高分到低分的顺序排列。 只有上一位考生在志愿者群中被录取或者搜索失败后,才能搜索到下一位考生的志愿者群。 。 每个志愿者小组都是一个批次。 例如,示范高中的“自主招生”、“定额生”、“辖区外统一招生”、“辖区内统一招生”为4个志愿者群体,共4个批次; 第一批录取后,未录取的考生将进入下一批录取。 直至全部批次录取完毕,尚未录取的考生视为落选。


我市高中招生采取“综合评价、多重录取”,考生必须了解示范高中和非示范高中的录取条件。 根据中考成绩(包括文科、地理、生物成绩、综合素质评价)和公布的顶线,结合考生在本地区的排名、就读学校的排名进行考虑,以及往年高中的录取分数线。 合理填写申请表,确保顺利录取。 自主招生、名额生、统一招生只是录取批次不同,录取时的检索范围不同。 学生入学后享受同等待遇。 因此,考生和家长不必担心自己是名额生还是统一招生。 只有考上理想的学校才是目的……


填写申请表时,首先要了解申请和录取规则,特别是录取顺序。 不要只填写一份申请表或盲目填写所有申请表。 然后,你必须结合规则和你自己的情况。 不仅要“赶”,还要考虑“稳”,更重要的是“保”。 一定不要填写同一级别的所有学校遵义市中考分数线,并尽量保证所填写的学校一致。 它们之间存在一定的梯度,这增加了成功录取的概率。

需要提醒考生和家长的是,招生将严格按照《遵义市2017年中考报名信息表》顺序分批进行。 填写申请时,一定要综合考虑自己的竞争实力,选择自己最想就读的*把最好的学校放在前面,拉宽梯度,选择最好的学校,减少失败的风险。 请记住,适合你的学校就是好学校。


今年,为减少考生填写申请表的盲目性,我市调整了申请办法。 考生可以根据模拟结果多次修改自己的申请,以便每位考生都能选择适合自己的学校。 请考生及家长于7月13日至20日期间及时查看模拟申报结果,并根据各学校目前的模拟申报情况,可选择下一期修改申请,以免错过机会。


案例1:去年,汇川区航天中学的一名考生考了520分。 名额生第一志愿为“航天高中”,名额生第二志愿为“遵义五中”,区统招第一志愿为“航天高中”。 统一招生选择为“遵义五中”。 2017年,航天高中定点最低分数线为532分,航天中学遵义五中定点分数线最低为492分,航天高中辖区统一录取分数线学校为505分,遵义五中辖区统一录取分数线为468分。该考生虽然超出了航天高中辖区统一录取分数线,但还是考入了遵义五中,名额学生自选2名,按录取顺序。

由于示范高中的录取顺序是“自主招生->配额生->辖区外统一招生->辖区内统一招生”,考生可以慎重考虑是采用名额选择2还是统一招生选择2所辖区内结合实际情况评为示范性高中。 保证志愿者。

案例二:去年,一些成绩优秀的考生只填写了自己唯一选择的辖区外招生,没有填写任何辖区学校的选择。 由于辖区内国外大学招生计划较少,分数线高,且无其他选择,部分高分考生落选。

成绩优秀的考生不仅要填写辖区外统一录取申请表,至少也要使用辖区统一录取申请表。 对示范高中的选择没有绝对把握的考生应认真填写非示范高中的三项平行选择(一批),以免被选中。


严格执行“十不准”招生纪律。 高中不得擅自招收学生,不得进行宣传,不得以经济手段招收学生,不得按规定程序接收已考入其他学校的学生,不得招收低于最低录取水平的学生,不得超计划招生,不得招收择校生、贷款生,不得在校内办班。打着其他高中的名义或者搞变相贷款生。 初中学校和教师不得干预、代学生填写申请,不得以任何名义向招生学校收取任何与入学有关的费用。

严格落实责任**。 市教育局将对各地高中招生计划和计划完成情况进行抽查。 对不遵令、不禁令、不按规矩招生的学校,将在全市范围内进行通报批评,并依纪严肃处理。


Candidates must increase their awareness of the confidentiality of their login passwords, keep their login passwords properly, and must not disclose them to anyone. Otherwise, the candidates' personal information may be leaked or tampered with, and the candidates themselves may not be able to fill in the application normally online. If the password is forgotten or lost, the candidate must submit a written application, and after the class representative signs and agrees, go to the school teacher in charge to initialize the password on the spot, and the candidate will change the password immediately. Any errors in personal information or disputes in filling out the voluntary application due to candidates leaking their passwords will be borne by the candidates themselves.

1Volunteer application modification query time

The first stage: pre-fill application form

Time: May 15th-19th. It is collected centrally by the school and all candidates must fill it out. Candidates who do not modify their preferences in the third stage will use their pre-filled preferences as their official preferences.

Phase 2: Practice volunteer modification and query results


In order to familiarize the candidates with the application filling operation of "multiple opportunities to modify the application online, and query the current application simulation application status at different times" and further deepen their understanding of the application order and related rules, our city will conduct a simulation exercise for application modification inquiry.

Special note: Since the grading work for the high school entrance examination and the local student examination has not yet been completed at this time, the high school entrance examination results and the local student make-up examination grades have not yet been released, so all candidates' practice scores are randomly generated, and it is assumed that all candidates in the city are B in arts, comprehensive, etc. wait. In addition, the candidates' choices modified in the system are only used for practice and are invalid and will not be used as official choices.

Modify volunteers and query simulated filing results

The high school entrance examination results, general high school and the minimum admission threshold for quota students will be announced before July 13. After candidates know their scores, positions and admissions, they can "modify their choices online multiple times and check the current simulation application status at different times." If candidates find out If your ranking is not within the scope of the enrollment plan or is ranked low, you can choose to modify your application in the next period based on the current simulated placement situation of each school.

Special note: The simulated filing is not the admission result. It is only the result of the simulated filing based on the candidate's application status during the current period. Candidates who are simulated admitted or unsuccessful at the current stage may change the simulation results as their application status changes in the next stage. 改变。 The admission result will be obtained after filling in the application form.

Volunteer setting and reporting scope

In accordance with the provisions of the "Notice on Carrying out the Academic (Admission) Examination and High School Enrollment for **** Students in 2017" (Zunjiaoji [2017] No. 7), the students in Honghuagang District, Huichuan District and Xinpu New District The unified enrollment plan for high schools within the jurisdiction is to recruit students within the scope of Sancheng District; the unified enrollment for other high schools within the jurisdiction is to recruit students within the county (district, city).

1. The "independent enrollment" of the model high school has one choice. Candidates can apply at model high schools with independent enrollment plans.

2. There are two parallel choices for “quota students” in model high schools. Candidates in Sancheng District choose to apply among the "Zunyi No. 4 Middle School" and model high schools in the district. Candidates in other counties (districts and cities) choose to apply among the model high schools in their own counties (districts and cities).

3. The model high school “Recruitment from outside the jurisdiction” has one application. Candidates in Sancheng District can choose to apply to model high schools outside Sancheng District that have out-of-area enrollment plans; candidates in other counties (districts, cities) can choose to apply to model high schools outside their jurisdiction that have out-of-area enrollment plans.

4. The model high school's “unified admissions within the jurisdiction” has two parallel applications. Candidates in Sancheng District can choose to apply from the model high schools in Sancheng District; candidates from other counties (districts and cities) can choose from the model high schools in their own counties (districts and cities).

5. Non-model high schools and "high schools within the jurisdiction" have three parallel choices. Candidates in Sancheng District can choose to apply in non-model high schools in Sancheng District; candidates in other counties (districts, cities) can choose to apply in non-model high schools in their own counties (districts, cities).

6. There is one choice for non-model high schools "private high schools outside the jurisdiction". Private high schools mainly recruit students within the jurisdiction, and may recruit students from outside the jurisdiction if there are insufficient students. Candidates in Sancheng District can choose to apply in private schools outside Sancheng District; candidates in other counties (districts, cities) can choose to apply in private schools outside the county (district, city).

7. Five-year colleges and secondary vocational schools each have two parallel programs. All candidates can apply.

Zunyi City High School Entrance Examination Admission Score (Extended 5)

——Anqing High School Entrance Examination High School Admission Scores Announced, 2019 Anqing High School Entrance Examination Admission Scores Predictions and Predictions [Part 1]

Anqing High School Entrance Examination High School Admission Score Announced, 2019 Anqing High School Entrance Examination Admission Score Prediction 1

The admission scores for ordinary high schools in Anqing City are: 752 points for unified admission to No. 1 Middle School and 728.5 points for school selection for No. 1 Middle School; 720.5 points for unified admission to No. 2 Middle School and 694 points for school selection for No. 2 Middle School; 692.5 points for unified admission to Petrochemical No. 1 Middle School and school selection for No. 1 Petrochemical Middle School. 662 points; 690 points for the No.7 Middle School's unified recruitment and 667 points for the No.7 Middle School's school selection; 665.5 points for the Tenth Middle School's unified recruitment and 636.5 points for the Tenth Middle School's school selection; 645 points for the Ninth Middle School's unified recruitment and 610.5 points for the Ninth Middle School's school selection.

**We learned from the Municipal Education Bureau that this year's high school entrance examination enrollment plan and total scores for each subject are the same as last year, but the admission score has dropped by 10 points compared with last year. There are three main reasons:

(Fang Min, Chief of the Basic Education Section of the Municipal Education Bureau, said at the same time) The number of people taking the high school entrance examination this year has decreased by 200 compared to last year. Secondly, the test questions of this year's high school entrance examination. Physics and mathematics have become more difficult than last year. Our physical education high school entrance examination this year, There is no minimum score.

There is no minimum score for physical education. As a result, many candidates who usually have good grades but slightly poor physical fitness lose a lot of points in physical education. Section Chief Fang reminded the students to develop balanced development and strengthen physical exercise without partiality.

(Speech by Fang Min, Chief of the Basic Education Section of the Municipal Education Bureau) I hope that our students should pay attention to the comprehensive development of each subject and not be lame. At the same time, they should strengthen physical exercise in daily life and strive to lose less points or lose points in the physical education of the high school entrance examination. Try not to lose points as much as possible.

Candidates and parents can log in to the Anqing Education Admissions Examination Network to make inquiries. The website address is:

Anqing Radio and Television Station's "Tiantian Live" reported by ** Du Rui.


Zunyi City High School Entrance Examination Admission Score (Extended 6)

——A practical article on the admission scores of Texas High School Entrance Examination

Texas High School Entrance Examination Admission Score 1

1. Subject level requirements and score lines for admission to municipal schools

2. Admission scores for key high schools

Qihe scored 372 points;

Leling scored 366 points in one shot;

Linyi No. 1 scored 366 points;

Yucheng scored 362 points in the first game;

Xia Jin scored 360 points;

Qingyun scored 355 points;

Pingyuan scored 349 points;

Lingcheng scored 331 points;

Wucheng No. 2 scored 330 points;

Ningjin scored 312 points.

3. If you have questions about your high school entrance examination results, can you apply for review?

If candidates have questions about their high school entrance examination results, they can apply for review through proper channels and normal procedures. The main purpose is to review whether the candidate's relevant information is correct, whether it is the candidate's own answer sheet (or answer sheet), and whether there are any missing comments, missed points, or wrong points for each question. Candidates can apply for review at the Basic Education Section of the Education and Sports Bureau of the county or city where they apply with their written application, admission ticket, and ID card (or household register) from August 8 to August 13. Candidates' review applications are summarized by the Education and Sports Bureau of each county and city, and then reported to the Municipal Education and Sports Bureau for review.

Zunyi City High School Entrance Examination Admission Score (Extended 7)

——Fu'an High School Entrance Examination Admission Score (1 selected article)

Fu'an High School Entrance Examination Admission Score 1

Ningde National Middle School: 504 points

Fu'an No. 1 Middle School: 545 points

Fu'an No. 2 Middle School: 450 points

Fu'an No. 3 Middle School: 400 points

High school entrance examination