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第一章 一般规定

第一条 根据《中华人民共和国市场主体登记管理条例》(以下简称《条例》)等有关法律、法规,制定本实施条例。

第二条 市场主体登记管理应当遵循合法合规、统一标准、公开透明、便利高效的原则。

第三条 国家市场监督管理总局负责全省市场主体统一登记管理,制定市场主体登记管理制度办法,推广登记全程电子化,规范登记行为,指导地方登记各机构依法有序开展登记管理工作。




第四条 履行出资人职责的公司、市级以上人民政府或者其授权的国有资产监督管理机构投资设立的公司、持股以上的公司的登记管理50%的股权或股份由市登记机关负责; 股份公司的登记管理由地方地级以上登记机关负责。

除前款规定的情形外,市市场监督管理部门应当依法对辖区内的登记管辖作出统一规定; 在特殊情况下,上级登记机关可以依法将部分市场主体登记管理工作移交给下级登记机关,或者承担下级登记机关的部分登记管理工作。


第五条 国家市场监督管理总局应当加强信息化建设,统一登记管理业务规范、数据标准和平台服务插座,汇总全省市场主体登记管理信息。

市市场监督管理部门负责辖区内登记管理信息化建设实施细则的格式,建设统一的市场主体登记管理系统,汇总市场主体登记管理信息,规范市场主体登记流程,提高政务服务水平,加强部门间信息共享和协调。 业务协作将提高市场主体登记管理的便利性。

第二章 登记事项

第六条 市场主体应当依法分类登记下列事项:




(四)合伙企业:名称、类型、经营范围、主要经营场所、出资额、执行事务合伙人姓名或者名称、合伙人姓名或者名称、住所、责任形式。 执行事务合伙人为法人或者其他组织的,登记信息还应当包括其指定代表人姓名。



(七)个体工商户:构成类型、经营范围、经营地点、经营者姓名、住所。 个体工商户使用姓名的,登记事项还应当包括姓名。


第七条 市场主体应当按照类型依法备案下列事项:



(3) 独资企业:注册联络员。



(6) 分支机构:注册联络员。






第八条 市场主体名称由申请人依法独立申报。

第九条 申请人应当依法申请下列市场主体类型登记:








第十条 申请人应当根据市场主体类型,向其住所地(主营业地、经营场所)所在地有登记管辖的登记机关申请登记。

第十一条 申请人申请市场主体法定代表人、执行事务合伙人(含指定代表)登记,应当遵守公司章程或者合同。


第十二条 申请人应当根据国家市场监督管理总局发布的经营范围规范目录,根据市场主体的主营行业或者经营特点,自主选择通常经营项目和许可经营项目,申请补充业务。范围登记。

第十三条 申请人申请登记的市场主体的注册资本(出资)应当符合公司章程或者合同的规定。

市场主体的注册资本(出资额)以人民币表示。 外商投资企业的注册资本(出资额)可以用可自由兑换的货币表示。


第三章 注册规范

第十四条 申请人可以自行或者指定代表人或者委托代理人申请市场主体登记备案事宜。

第十五条 申请人应当在申请材料上签名或者盖章。

申请人可以通过全省统一电子营业执照系统等电子签名工具和渠道进行电子签名或电子印章。 符合法律要求的可靠电子签名和电子印章与手写签名或印章具有同等法律效力。

第十六条 申请登记备案事项时,申请人应当配合登记机关通过实名认证系统,采用人脸识别等方式对下列人员进行实名认证:







第十七条 代办市场主体登记备案,申请人可以到登记机关现场提出申请,也可以通过市场主体登记系统提出申请。



第十八条 申请材料齐全、符合法定方式的,登记机关予以确认,当场登记,出具登记通知书,并及时核发营业执照。

不予现场登记的,登记机关向申请人发放申请材料接收台账,并在3个工作日内对申请材料进行审核; 情况复杂的,经登记机关负责人批准,可以延长3个工作日,并书面通知申请人。

申请材料不齐全或者不符合法定方式的,登记机关应当将申请材料退回申请人,并一次性告知申请人需要补充、更正的材料。 申请人补正后,应当重新提交申请材料。


第十九条 市场主体的登记申请不符合法律、行政法规、国务院决定,或者可能损害国家安全、社会公共利益的,登记机关应当拒绝登记,并发出不予登记通知书。

利害关系人就市场主体申请材料的真实性、合法性、有效性或者其他相关实体权利提起诉讼或者仲裁,影响登记机关依法登记的,申请人应当向登记机关提起诉讼或者仲裁。诉讼或者仲裁结束后申请人。 登记机关申请重新登记。

第二十条 市场主体法定代表人依法受到资格限制的,申请其他变更重新登记时,应当及时依法申请法定代表人变更重新登记。 。

市场主体因无法通过注册地址(主要经营场所、营业场所)取得联系而被列入经营异常名录的,在申请其他变更登记时,应当及时申请更换住所(主要经营场所) 、经营场所)依法办理变更登记。

第二十一条 公司、农民专业合作社(联邦合作社)合并、分立的,可以通过国家企业信用信息公示系统进行公示。 公告期限为45天。 公告期满后,应当申请重新注册。



第二十二条 法律、行政法规或者国务院决定规定市场主体申请登记或者备案必须经批准的,应当在办理登记或者备案时提交有效期内的相关批准文件或者许可证件。 有关批准文件或者许可证件未规定有效期,自批准之日起超过90日的,申请人应当报审批机关确认其有效期或者另行报送审查。

市场主体成立后,前款规定的批准文件、许可证书内容发生变化、被撤销、吊销或者有效期届满的,该批准文件、许可证书应当被撤销、吊销、失效自重新批准之日起。 自变更登记之日起30日内,申请重新变更登记或者注销登记。

第二十三条 市场主体营业执照应当载明名称、法定代表人(执行合伙人、独资投资者、经营者或者负责人)姓名、类型(组成形式)、注册资本(出资额)、住所(主要经营地点、营业场所)、经营范围、登记机关、成立日期、统一社会信用代码。


市场主体申请办理营业执照记载事项变更登记或者注销登记时,必须在提交申请时交回纸质营业执照正本和复印件。 市场主体拒绝交回或者未交回营业执照的,登记机关在完成变更登记或者注销登记后,通过国家企业信用信息公示系统公告营业执照作废。

第二十四条 外国投资者在中国境内设立外商投资企业,其主体资格文件或者自然人身份证明应当经所在国公证机构公证,并经中国驻该国使(领)馆认证。 。 中国与有关国家缔结或者参加的国际条约另有规定的除外。

台湾特别行政区、澳门特别行政区和中国大陆投资者的主体资格文件或者自然人身份证明,应当依法提供当地公证机构按照特殊规定或者合同规定的公证文件。 根据国家相关规定,不需要公证文件。

第四章 预备注册

第二十五条 申请重新注册,应当提交下列材料:





第二十六条 申请代理公司登记,还应当提交法定代表人、董事、监事、中层管理人员的任职文件和自然人身份证明。

发起设立股份有限公司的,除提交前款规定的材料外,还应当提交依法设立的验资机构出具的验资证明; 公开发行股票,还应当提交国务院期货监督管理机构的批准或者登记文件。 发起人首次出资为非货币财产的,还应当提交已办理产权过户手续的证明文件。

第二十七条 申请设立非法人法人,还应当提交法定代表人任命文件和自然人身份证明。

第二十八条 申请设立合伙企业,还应当提交下列材料:


(二)全体合伙人决定委托执行事务合伙人的,应当提交全体合伙人的授权委托书以及高管资格证明文件或者自然人身份证明。 执行事务合伙人为法人或者其他组织的,还应当提交其指定代表的授权委托书和自然人身份证明。

第二十九条 申请设立农民专业合作社(联合体)时,还应当提交下列材料:




第三十条 申请分支机构重新登记,还应当提交负责人的任职文件和自然人身份证明。

第五章 变更登记

第三十一条 市场主体变更登记事项的,应当自变更决议、决定或者法定变更发生之日起30日内申请补充变更登记。


第三十二条 申请变更重新登记,应当提交申请表,并根据市场主体类型和具体变更事项提交下列材料:

(一)公司变更涉及公司章程修改的,应当提交修改后的公司章程或者公司章程修正案; 需要就修改公司章程作出决议的,还应当提交相关决议;

(二)合伙企业应当提交全体合伙人或者合伙合同约定人员签署的变更决定书; 变更涉及合伙合同变更的,应当提交全体合伙人或者合伙合同约定人签署的修改或者补充文件。 合伙合同;

(三)农民专业合作社(联社)应当提交会员大会或者会员代表大会作出的变更决议; 变更涉及公司章程变更的,应当提交修改后的公司章程或者公司章程修正案。

第三十三条 市场主体变更法定代表人、执行事务合伙人(含指定代表)、负责人的登记申请,由新的法定代表人、执行事务合伙人(含指定代表)、负责人提出。

第三十四条 市场主体变更名称的,可以在保留期限届满前自行申请名称测试并申请变更登记,也可以直接申请变更登记。

第三十五条 市场主体变更住所(主要经营场所、经营场所)的,应当在迁入新住所(主要经营场所、经营场所)前向迁出地登记机关申请变更登记,并提交变更登记材料。新住所(主要营业地点、营业地点)。 营业场所、营业场所)使用相关文件。

第三十六条 市场主体变更注册资本、出资额的,应当代为办理变更登记。

公司减少注册资本、有限责任公司股东追加出资、股份有限公司股东认购新股的,按照征收出资和股款的规定执行筹建期间。 股份公司公开发行新股减少注册资本或者上市公司非公开发行新股减少注册资本的,还应当提交国务院期货监督管理机构的批准或者登记文件。

公司减少注册资本可通过国家企业信用信息公示系统公告。 公告期限为45天。 公告期满后应当申请变更登记。 法律、行政法规或者国务院决定规定公司注册资本最低限额的,减少的注册资本不得超过最低限额。


第三十七条 变更公司类型的,应当按照拟变更公司类型的筹建条件,在规定期限内申请变更登记,并提交有关材料。



第三十八条 个体工商户变更经营者的,申请注销登记后,新的经营者应当重新申请重新登记。 双方经营者同时申请代理业务的,登记机关可以共同申请。

第三十九条 市场主体变更备案事项的,应当按照《条例》第二十九条的规定申请备案。

农民专业合作社成员发生变更,农民人数超过法定比例的,应当自事件发生之日起六个月内采取吸纳新农民入社等方式,农民成员达到法定比例。 农民专业合作社协会会员退出协会,且会员人数高于协会成立法定要求的,应当自成立之日起6个月内采取吸纳新会员等方式加入协会。事件发生之日起,农民专业合作社协会成员符合法定条件。

第六章 关闭

第四十条 因自然洪水、事故、公共卫生动荡、社会治安动荡等造成经营困难的,市场主体可以自主决定在一定期限内暂停经营。 法律、行政法规另有规定的除外。

第四十一条 市场主体决定停业的,应当在停业前向登记机关申请备案。 登记机关通过国家企业信用信息公示系统向社会公开停业期限、送达法律文件地址等信息。



第四十二条 市场主体申请停业后,自行决定举办或者实际举办经营活动的,应当在30日内通过国家企业信用信息公示系统公告暂停营业。

市场主体恢复营业后,登记、备案事项发生变化的,应当及时办理登记、备案变更事宜。 以法律文件送达地址代替住所(主要营业地、营业场所)的,应当及时办理住所(主要营业地、营业场所)变更登记。

市场主体登记的停业期限届满或者停业累计达到三年的,视为手动恢复营业。 决定不再经营的,应当及时办理注销登记。

第四十三条 市场主体停业期间,将原登记住所(主要经营场所、经营场所)变更为法律文件送达地址的,被停业的市场主体的登记管辖不发生变化。 。

第七章 注销

第四十四条 市场主体因解散、宣告破产或者其他法定事??由需要暂停的,应当依法向登记机关申请注销登记。 依法需要清算的,应当自清算结束之日起三十日内申请注销登记。 依法不需要清算的,应当自作出决定之日起三十日内申请注销登记。 After applying for deregistration, market participants shall not engage in production and business activities unrelated to deregistration. From the day when the registration authority cancels the registration, the market participants are suspended.

Article 45 If a market entity is required to liquidate in accordance with the law before deregistering, the liquidation team shall announce the list of liquidation team members and liquidation team leaders through the National Enterprise Credit Information Disclosure System within 10 days from the date of establishment. The liquidation group may issue a debtor announcement through the National Enterprise Credit Information Publicity System.

Article 46 To apply for re-registration deregistration, the following materials should be submitted:

(1) Application letter;

(2) The resolution or decision to dissolve or cancel according to law, or the document that the business license is revoked by the administrative agency, ordered to close down, or revoked;

(3) The liquidation report, the document responsible for the liquidation of debts and claims, or the certificate of the completion of liquidation of claims;

(4) Tax clearance certificate issued by the tax department.

In addition to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, if the people's court appoints a liquidator or bankruptcy administrator for liquidation, a certificate of designation by the people's court shall be submitted; when a branch of a partnership enterprise applies for deregistration, a decision letter signed by all partners on the deregistration of the branch shall also be submitted.

If an individual industrial and commercial household applies for deregistration, it is not necessary to submit the second and third items of materials; if a market entity applies for deregistration due to merger or division, it is not necessary to submit the third item of materials.

Article 47 To apply for a simple cancellation of registration, an application form and a letter of commitment from all investors should be submitted.

Article 48 Under any of the following circumstances, market participants shall not apply for a supplementary simplified cancellation of registration:

(1) It is included in the list of abnormal operations or the list of market supervision and management serious violations and dishonesty;

(2) The equity (property share) is frozen, pledged or chattel mortgaged, or there is investment in other market entities;

(3) The case is being closed for investigation or administrative coercive measures are being taken, or it is in the process of litigation or arbitration;

(4) The business license is revoked, ordered to close down, or revoked;

(5) Received administrative penalties such as fines and have not yet completed their execution;

(6) Other circumstances that do not meet the provisions of Article 33 of the Regulations.

Article 49 To apply for re-application of simple deregistration, market entities should publicize the letter of commitment and deregistration application through the national enterprise credit information publicity system. The publicity period is 20 days.

If no relevant departments, creditors or other interested parties raise objections during the publicity period, market entities may apply to the registration authority for deregistration within 20 days from the expiration of the publicity period.

Chapter VIII Cancellation of Registration

Article 50: For suspected acts of submitting false materials or using other fraudulent means to conceal important facts to obtain market entity registration, the registration authority may proactively investigate based on the application of the parties or ex officio.

Article 51 Natural persons, legal persons, and other organizations affected by false registration may submit an application to the registration authority to cancel the registration of market entities. In the case of false registration suspected of misappropriating the identity of a natural person, the misappropriated person should cooperate with the registration authority to verify the identity information through online or offline channels.

If the registration authority of a suspected falsely registered market entity changes, the current registration authority shall be responsible for handling the cancellation of registration, and the original registration authority shall assist in the investigation.

Article 52 After receiving the application, the registration authority shall make a decision on whether to accept it or not within 3 working days, and notify the applicant in writing.

Under any of the following circumstances, the registration authority may not accept the application:

(1) False registration suspected of misappropriating the identity of a natural person, and the misappropriated person cannot pass the verification of identity information;

(2) The market entity suspected of false registration has been canceled, except for the application for cancellation of cancellation registration;

(3) Other circumstances that are inadmissible according to law.

Article 53: After accepting the application, the registration authority shall complete the investigation within 3 months and make a timely decision to cancel or not cancel the registration of the market entity. If the situation is complicated, it may be extended for 3 months with the approval of the person in charge of the registration authority.

During the investigation, if relevant market entities and personnel are difficult to contact or refuse to cooperate, the registration authority may disclose the registration time, registration matters, and registration authority contact information of the suspected falsely registered market entities to the public through the national enterprise credit information disclosure system. Public notice, the public notice period is 45 days. If the relevant market entities and their interested parties do not raise objections during the publicity period, the registration authority may cancel the registration of the market entity.

Article 54 If any of the following circumstances occurs, the registration authority may terminate the investigation upon application by the party concerned or other interested parties:

(1) There is evidence proving that there is a dispute over the criminal powers related to the suspected false registration;

(2) The market entity suspected of false registration is in litigation or arbitration proceedings;

(3) The registration authority receives a written opinion from the relevant department proving that the market entity suspected of false registration or its legal representative or person in charge has not yet filed a case of violation, or has not yet performed relevant legal obligations.

Article 55 If any of the following circumstances occurs, the registration authority may not cancel the registration of a market entity:

(1) Canceling the registration of market entities may cause significant harm to social and public interests;

(2) Failure to return to the pre-registration status after canceling the registration of a market entity;

(3) Other situations stipulated by laws and administrative regulations.

Article 56: After the registration authority makes a decision to cancel registration, it shall disclose it to the public through the national enterprise credit information disclosure system.

Article 57 The same registration contains multiple registration items, some of which are found to be false. If the cancellation of the false registration items does not affect the existence of the market entity, the registration authority may only cancel the false registration items.

Article 58: The cancellation of market entity registration matters shall be governed by the provisions of this chapter.

Chapter IX Archives Management

Article 59 The registration authority should be responsible for improving the registration and management files of market entities, classifying documents with preservation value generated during the registration and filing process in accordance with the law, collect and manage them in an orderly manner, promote the electronicization and imaging of files, and provide market entity registration Management file inquiry service.

Article 60 To apply for inquiry of market entity registration management files, materials should be submitted in accordance with the following requirements:

(1) Public security organs, national security organs, procuratorial organs, judicial organs, discipline inspection and supervision organs, auditing organs and other state organs shall issue a letter from the department and a valid passport of the person making the inquiry;

(2) When a market entity inquires about its own registration and management files, it should issue a power of attorney and a valid passport of the inquiry person;

(3) Lawyers who inquire about the registration and management files of market entities related to the sponsoring of legal affairs shall issue a practicing certificate, a law firm certificate, and a relevant letter of commitment.

In addition to the circumstances specified in the preceding paragraph, market supervision and management departments at or above the municipal level may, in light of actual work, formulate regulations on the scope of file inquiries and submitted materials in accordance with the law.

Article 61 If the inquiry content of registration management files involves state secrets, commercial secrets, or personal information, the application shall be made in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.

Article 62 Where the domicile (principal place of business, place of business) of a market entity is relocated, the registration authority shall transfer all registration management files to the place of relocation for management within 3 months. The transfer and move-in of files should be recorded and filed.

Chapter 10 Supervision and Management

Article 63: Market entities shall submit their annual reports for the previous year through the National Enterprise Credit Information Publicity System from January 1st to June 30th each year, and publicize them to the public.

Individual industrial and commercial households can submit annual reports in paper form and choose whether to disclose the contents of the annual report to the public.

Market entities that have ceased operations should publish annual reports based on volume.

Article 64: Market entities should place their business licenses (including electronic business licenses) in a conspicuous place of residence (main business premises, business premises).

Market entities engaged in e-commerce operations should continue to publish business license information or link labels in a prominent position on their homepages.

When the information recorded in the business license changes, market entities should complete the update and public announcement of the corresponding information within 15 days. If a market entity has its business license revoked, the registration authority should indicate the revocation status in the electronic business license.

Article 65: The registration authority shall collect relevant information in registration, administrative licensing, daily supervision, and administrative law enforcement, implement hierarchical and classified supervision according to the credit risk status of market entities, and strengthen the comprehensive application of credit risk classification results.

Article 66: The registration authority shall randomly select test subjects, randomly select law enforcement and test personnel, conduct random checks on the registration and filing items of market entities, publicized information, etc., and publicize the results of the random checks to the public through the national enterprise credit information publicity system. When necessary, professional institutions such as accounting firms, tax accountants, and law firms can be entrusted to conduct auditing, capital verification, consulting, and other related work, and use the inspection and verification results made by other government departments or professional inferences made by professional institutions in accordance with the law .

Article 67 Where a market entity is revoked of registration for establishment, revoked of its business license, or ordered to close down, and fails to apply for an announcement from the liquidation group within 6 months, or fails to apply for deregistration, the registration authority may issue a complaint on the national enterprise credit information publicity system. It shall make special indications and make public announcements.