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中考后,你最需要了解的是什么? 小编为大家总结了几个考生家长经常问的问题,一起来看看吧。






答:以前很多考生家长会问“我考了580分,请问可以报××大学的××专业吗?” 这样的问题老师很难给出明确的答案。 考生或家长可通过以下途径获取各院校或各城市具体专业近年的备案成绩:



3. 备案提前批复后还能参加其他批次的备案吗?


4. 如果前期不备案,是否会影响一批的备案?

答:没有影响。 批次之间没有联系,上一批次的备案不结束,下一批次的备案不开始。

5. 可以提早批多少志愿?

答:早批可以补几个志愿,各个城市规定不一样。 候选人所在省份可根据所在省份的志愿者设置情况,进行多次志愿申请。 具体事宜需直接咨询应聘者所在地省或地方招聘办。


答:存在退出风险。 如高校转学率列为105%,录取条例承诺:“考生所补专业全部不满足时,服从重大调整,身体素质合格,符合录取要求。备案,录取不予撤回。” 符合大学要求的候选人将不会被撤回。 如果大学没有这些承诺,即使填写了,也会进行专业调整。 若因计划外原因无法调整,则计提冗余比例。 高校招生遵循择优送档的原则。 为此,考生在补报志愿时,一定要认真阅读高校招生规定。

7.我的分数(610分)比我朋友的分数(607分)低,申请一样。 同时,我申请了 f 校,他申请了 y 校。 我被f校辞退了。 为什么我的朋友比我高? 我的成绩是由学校评分的,但我不能,这公平吗?

答:按照你说的,这个备案是公平的。 平行志愿者按照“分数优先、符合志愿、一轮录取”的原则招募。 你好像分数比他高,按照平行志愿的录取规则被f校录取了,但是你被退了,因为平行志愿的录取规则是实行单轮录取,所以不可能退学后就读其他学院和大学。 也就是说,当你的档案入校时,本轮录取已经结束,你只能参与志愿征集或下一批档案提交。 在申请志愿者申请之前,您必须仔细阅读申请规则。

8. 我被某所大学选中,但我不想去,我可以撤回档案参加下一批申请吗? 不去怎么办?

答:(1)不能。根据规定,每位考生只能参加一次备案,不能更改。 如果你已经被学院注册,你就不能再参加后续备案。 (二)考生补充申请是对院校的认可,是基于自身意愿的选择,也是自我承诺与院校的约定。 如果你不去,你就不要填这个学院,把机会留给其他考生。 作为一名中学生,应该懂得遵守诚信承诺。 目前,一些省份对考生不遵守承诺、不报名的行为有处罚规定。 应聘者所在省份如有此类规定高校录取分数线,请直接向省或地方招聘办公室咨询。


答:“只招有专业志愿的考生”是指中学某专业只招收补足专业志愿的考生,不招收未填写专业志愿的考生。 考生虽然“有专业调整”,但不会转专业。



答:批档控制分数线,又称省控线或批线,是市级招生考试机构根据全国中考原成绩,对全国考生从高分到低分进行排序的市级招生考试机构。招生计划。 诱导结束后,按一定比例分批划定备案考生最低录取分数线。 招生院校只能在学院批档控制分数线以上的考生进行备案。 中考成绩达到或超过批线的考生(统称“网上考生”),方可被录取。 选择文件。

2. 大学转学分数线是多少?

答:高校转学分数线,又称录取线,是市招生考试机构根据招考情况,对招考院校同一学科招生计划的一定比例(如105%或120%)大学。 录取过程中自然出现的院校最低录取分数线(第一轮平行志愿即将录取)。 省教育考试院根据全省普通高等学校招生计划人数和录取比例估算录取人数。 按相应规则录取后,提交给学院的考生档案的最低录取分数线为中学转学分数线。


答:平行志愿是指同一类别、同一中考录取阶段中具有相对平行关系的若干志愿。 平行志愿录取的原则是“分数优先,顺志愿,一轮录取”,从分数最高的考生开始,依次搜索录用,轮到搜索考生时,按照志愿录取候选人搜索的顺序,当满足录取要求并且该机构有课程余额时,录取被接受。

4. 什么是项目志愿者?

答:顺序志愿是指在同一个备案批次中设置的多个高校志愿具有先后顺序,如第一志愿、第二志愿等,每个志愿只包括一个高校。 顺序志愿的录取原则是“志愿先行”,考生的中考志愿是录取的第一要素。 招生时,选择报考同一志愿院校的考生,将按照学院确定的报送原则和转学比例,从高分到低分录取,即每个学院都有自己的队伍。


答:所谓“专业等级差”,是指高校在安排考生专业时,根据招生章程中公布的一项或多项分数,为选择报考不同专业的考生确定专业。 这些分值 就是“专业水平差”。 即申请者报第一专业和非第一专业志愿时,院校之间的分数差异,以及各专业志愿之间的档次差异,如3分、2分、1分等。例如,某高校为应届考生安排专业,档次差为“3、1、0、0”。 即本校一、二专业志愿成绩相差3分,二、三专业志愿成绩相差1分,其他专业志愿成绩相差0分。


答:高等学校招生条例是由高中根据我国有关教育法律法规和教育部的要求制定的。 是高校组织招生工作的重要依据。 教育部明确规定,招生条例是高校向社会公布有关招生信息的必要方式,其内容必须合法、真实、准确、规范。 高等学校招生条例经主管部门依据国家有关法律和新的招生政策规定进行初审备案后,方可向社会公布,不得擅自修改。 中学法定代表人对中学招生条例及相关宣传资料的真实性负责。 学校按照招生条例开展招生工作。


答:建设世界一流大学和一流学科,简称“双一流”建设。 2015年11月,国务院印发《关于统筹推进世界一流大学和一流学科建设的总体方案》,提出建设一流学科和一流大学建设高等教育强国. 这是继我国高等教育领域“211工程”、“985工程”之后的又一国家战略。





答:专业分类招生是指高校将相同或相近的学科、专业合并,按照一个专业分类招生。 通过这种方式备案的中学生先在大专阶段统一学习基础课,经过一段时间后,根据自己的学习兴趣和中学专业设置,最终确定专业他们根据单向选择的原则学习。 考生在报考按大类招收的专业时,应清楚大类包括哪些专业(方向)。


答:根据教育部新政策,重点高校农村和贫困地区中学生招生计划统称“专项计划”,具体包括:国家、地方、和大学特别计划。 国家专项计划面向贫困地区学生。 地方专项计划在各市(区、市)实施地区招收农村中学生。 高校专??项计划招收勤奋好学、成绩优异的农村中学生到边远、贫困、民族等地区县以下(含地级市)小学就读。

11. 什么是名师计划?

答:卓越教师计划是定向培养优秀班主任的专项计划。 旨在为中东部欠发达地区的中小学培养一批优秀班主任,促进欠发达地区教育均衡发展。


答:优秀教师专项分为国家优秀教师专项和地方优秀教师专项。 全国优秀教师工程由6所教育部直属师范院校承担,面向中东部省份招生。 地方优秀教师专项项目由市教育行政部门确定的中东部地区专科水平师范院校培养。 具体方案以各培训机构招生简章为准。


答:所有参加中考的中学生都必须参加中考复试。 考生通过外科、外科、内科、耳鼻喉科、口腔科、胸片、体检等系统体检后,各科室医师按照教育部印发的《普通高中招生办法》,卫生部、中国残疾人联合会。 《复试工作指导意见》所列用语结合考生身体状况,对各科进行复试推理。 最后,主考官将根据《指导意见》和各科综合推论,为考生提供“专业的报考建议”。 建议重新测试结果。




答:Not allowed to file——表示不能归档。 不管考生的分数有多高,只要补上了这部分专业,就不会被归档。 不适合学习——表示该部分内容供考生申请专业志愿时参考。 中学报送档案时,不得以此为由拒绝符合条件的考生报考。 但需要提醒考生的是,在申请补充申请时,要注意各高校的录取规定。 一些专业院校有具体要求。 考生应避开不能备案或不适合报考的专业。 给定复审推理,合理选择志愿,降低立案几率。



答:第一步是熟悉新政。 考生家长一定要全面掌握全省中考新政策,了解哪些新政策非常重要,哪些与自己的利益相关,重要的新政策是否一开始就发生了变化。 比如常识、动态、公告、政策……比如考生家长至少要知道全省有多少批志愿,每批需要报多少志愿中学,有多少专业可以录取等等。

第二步是收集信息。 信息来源和访问权限至关重要。 一般来说,考生家长可以选择的权威渠道有:阳光中考信息平台; 各地考试院所、高校官方网站、官方微博、微信公众号; 中考报刊、广播电视节目等。

第三步,精准定位。 入职培训是志愿服务中最重要的一步。 我们都知道,中考备案时,会根据补考意愿和中考成绩,对一定范围的中学生进行排名。 从高到低,等级越高,被选中的几率就越大。 考生在补报志愿前可以根据平时成绩或模拟成绩进行定位,看看自己在班级、学校、学区乃至全省的位置。

第四步,知敌。 古语云:知己知彼,百战不殆。 做好了“知己”的定位,还必须做好“识敌”。 “知己知彼”的过程,不仅是新的政策法规,更是各个招生院校的基本情况。 如中学原招生规定和招生计划、往年省内升学路线、专业路线、师资力量、专业设置、学科特长、就业和升学等。

第五步是初选志愿者。 “初选”就是结合自己的成绩定位,确定目标院校。 完成第三步和第四步后,考生和家长应该对中考有了方向。 这时,考生可以大致勾勒出省内一些有招生计划的高校,并仔细阅读招生简章,对比各高校招生专业数量、录取分数线等数据,选择与其相匹配的。兴趣、分数和批次。 学院和大学。

第六步,模拟补报。 “模拟补报”是按照省市志愿设置,出示考生中考报考表草稿,进行真实模拟。 中考志愿均为网上补报,在规定时间内完成。 逾期报告将不予填写。 每年的自愿补充报告中,操作失误、密码丢失等问题比比皆是。 再加上网络系统繁忙,难免仓促,提前模拟是安全的。


答:首先认真审阅省招生办下发的高校招生计划。 仔细阅读所报考院校的招生简章原件,特别是各专业对考生的复试、外语、单科成绩、综合素质评价等要求,是否符合报名要求要求。 之后,参考省招生办发布的补充申请志愿指南或备案分数分布统计,结合考生排名和各类别总分(或综合分),认真分析备案信息近两年录取的院校和专业。 了解你所通过的批次录取备案的相关办法和规定,了解你所在类别的志愿设置和录取备案规则。 收集和分析各种信息,并在志愿服务之前做好功课。

3. 申请补充申请通常应考虑哪些激励措施?

A:一种是根据成绩。 中考成绩是考生被选中的基本激励,直接决定了院校和专业的选择。

二是高校综合情况。 高校是考生选择志愿的重要激励因素。 他们是他们选择与谁一起学习、在哪里学习以及学习什么。 考生在选择时,不仅要看大学的历史和地域,还要看大学的综合办学实力。

三是考虑兴趣爱好、职业就业等激励。 专业是考生自愿选择的核心激励,通常与中学生的学习兴趣和就业趋势有关。 重点高校有优势专业,普通高校也有特色专业。 高校优先还是专业优先,不能一概而论。 考生应选择自己喜欢的、符合个人特长的专业。 专业的选择关系到经济社会发展的趋势。 有些专业很热门,但在就业方面却并不热门,需要理性判断。

四是结合身体条件和其他条件。 专业与身体条件有关,有的专业受视力、色觉、有机体健康状况的限制; 部分高校根据专业学习要求,对单科成绩和英语口语提出要求。 还有一些中外合作专业和民办高校收费较高,选择报刊时也要考虑家庭经济条件。

五是要注意志愿者之间的梯度问题。 建议高、中、低匹配补报更合理,防范撤单风险。


答:中考补考志愿有多种方式。 可以根据自己的情况先选学院再选专业,也可以先选专业再选学院高校录取分数线,只要适合自己就可以了。 下面简单说说专业平行志愿的补报攻略:

第一步是选择不同梯度的大学。 根据考生职位及分数段统计表、各学校历届录取线等信息,选择不同梯队的高校。 高校“冲、稳、保”的办法仍可沿用。

第二步,筛选不同梯队的专业。 从所选高校中,根据以往专业备案情况,删除不喜欢或可能报不到的专业,筛选出不同层次的拟报考专业.

第三步,根据学生的个人意愿,综合考虑院校的性质、所处位置、偏好等因素,对学生进行排序,很快就会确定他们的意愿。 在这里非常需要提醒的是,考生在申请补充申请时一定要非常注意各高校的招生规定,确保符合报到要求。


答:在新中考中,由于考生选择的科目不同,各高校对考试的选择科目有不同的要求。 中考改革省份考生在选择专业前,应尽快了解所在省市发布的专业选修科目要求。 如果你已经有一所你选择的大学,你可以从一所中学开始。 如果以专业目标界定高校范围,需要注意的是,不同高校可能对同一专业有不同的选拔要求。 例如,根据A学院经济学专业的选修科目要求,考生必须选择数学或物理中的一门才能注册,而B学院的经济学专业则不受选修科目要求的限制。 此外,一些专业培训与多个学科具有高度相关性。 高校在选修科目中指定2个或3个选修科目,要求考生“必修所有选修科目”。

如果你没有目标大学或专业,选择时可以参考“不限选修科目”的高校专业,扩大你的专业选择范围。 因高校院系、专业(班)调整等激励因素,实际招生院校、招生专业(班)也可能发生调整和变更。 考生以学院原公布的招生计划和高校招生条例为准。


A: 考生不被录取的原因如下:总分高于中学分数线; 所报专业分数不够且专业不予调整的; 所报专业相关科目成绩偏低; 英语水平有限; 身体不合格等。


答:应坚持以下原则: (一)实事求是,找准自己的立场; (二)开放志愿等级; (3)中学小众专业与热门专业相结合; 组合; (5) 回避受复试成绩限制的专业; (六)各批次中学志愿和专业志愿满员,尽量服从专业调整。


答:报考“三专”的考生必须参加省统考。 根据各市招生办的要求,补齐志愿。 考生可详细阅读各市招生考试单位发布的地方专项计划的相关规定,具体要求如资格预审、填报志愿表、录取方式等。



答:报名优秀教师计划的考生必须参加省统一中考。 优秀教师计划纳入各市专业早期批量备案,补充申请和录取备案规则按照各市批量志愿设置和录取备案办法执行。



答:平行志愿的录取原则是“分数优先、符合志愿、单轮录取”。 即对同一批未在线备案的考生,按照分数从高分到低分一次性录取。 专科平行录取期间,学生将按照考生补考院校的先后顺序,按计划余额录取排名靠前的高校。 例如,考生报考过A、B、C、D等院校,在招生时,网上考生的批次会先按照分数排队,然后计算机会依次检索考生的志愿。一。 If they meet the admission requirements of school A and A If the school has a plan balance, it will be admitted to school A; if it does not meet the admission requirements of school A, it will search for school B, if it meets the admission requirements and school B has a plan balance, it will be admitted to school B, if not, continue to search , until the search for the colleges and universities filled by the candidates is completed. Once the file is cast, the other volunteers of the student will not be retrieved, thus completing the admission of the candidate. Then start to search for the next candidate, and in this way, until the admission of the last candidate in this batch is completed.

2. In the parallel volunteering, if the admission line of A school is not reached, will it affect the admission and filing of other schools in front?

Answer: No effect. Parallel volunteers are recruited according to the principle of "score priority, compliance with volunteers, and one-round admission". When enrolling, batches of online candidates will be queued up according to their scores first, and then the computer will search candidates' volunteers one by one. If they meet the admission requirements of school A and there is a balance in the plan, they will be admitted to school A; if they do not meet the admission requirements of school A , then search for school B. If the admission requirements are met and school B has a planned balance, then you will be admitted to school B. If not, continue to search until the candidate's desired college is searched. Therefore, if you do not reach the admission line of school A, it will not affect the continued search for admission to other voluntary colleges.

3. In the parallel volunteering, if I advance and retreat, can I still vote for a college?

Answer: No. Because the filing rule of parallel volunteers is to implement one-round admission. When candidates' files are put into colleges and universities, this round of admissions has already ended. Therefore, if you enter the file and retreat, you can only participate in the collection of volunteers or the next batch of filings.

4. If my wish is promoted by a certain college, and I have selected six majors of the college, and I am subject to the adjustment, if my first major is not selected, will I be withdrawn? Or continue to have the opportunity to consider the second to sixth majors? None of the six majors have been selected. Are they withdrawn or transferred?

Answer: After the candidates' files are entered into the university, they will be filed by major. If the first major is not filed, the second major will be filed... If the 6 majors do not meet the filing requirements and do not obey the major adjustment, they will be withdrawn. If I fill in the subject to professional adjustment, will my file be withdrawn? It depends on the regulations of the colleges and universities. Some colleges and universities promise: "When the majors that candidates make up are not satisfied, they will obey the major adjustments, meet the requirements for filing, and will not withdraw from the file." Candidates who meet the requirements of the university will not be withdrawn. If the university does not have these commitments, although the supplementary report is subject to professional adjustment, if the adjustment cannot be made due to unplanned, the excess ratio will be withdrawn. Colleges and universities follow the principle of selecting the best and submitting files. For this reason, candidates must carefully read the admissions regulations of colleges and universities when they make up their volunteer applications.

5. What are the solicitation of volunteers? What should you pay attention to when reporting?

Answer: Soliciting (soliciting) volunteers means that after the completion of each batch of filings, the municipal admissions office will announce to the public the number of universities and vacancies that have not yet been filed and meet the score requirements for selection report. The following five points should be noted when soliciting volunteer supplementary reports:

(1) Candidates who meet the score requirements and have not been filed can make up the report;

(2) Candidates should pay attention to keep abreast of the remaining vacancy information of the colleges and universities that have not yet completed the enrollment plan announced by the municipal high-level recruitment office, and must complete the supplementary report within the specified time, and cannot make up the supplementary report if it is overdue;

(3) Candidates who attend the solicitation of voluntary supplementary reports shall choose the voluntary application of colleges and universities according to the regulations, and the colleges shall obey the voluntary adjustment;

(4) Candidates should consider preventing the reoccurrence of the problem of "getting together" when they choose to apply for volunteers;

(5) Candidates should choose carefully. If they consider that they can accept the remaining majors in the university they applied for, once they are selected, they cannot be withdrawn and exchanged.

6. When is the time for soliciting volunteers to make up the report?

Answer: Each batch of solicitation volunteers will make up the supplementary report and admission will be carried out before the next batch of filing starts. The specific time will be published on the website of the Provincial Education Examination Institute (or designated). Please pay attention to the information in time or directly consult the provincial or local recruitment office.

7. What are the points reduction collection volunteers?

Answer: The solicitation of volunteers for points reduction means that after soliciting volunteers, the Provincial Education Examination Institute will, according to the situation, increase a certain score for colleges and universities that have not completed the plan to solicit volunteers. Candidates who are below the control score line of this batch and have not been filed can make up for the current batch of volunteers to solicit points for reduction.

8. How to file for the "Three Special Projects"?

Answer: The national special plan filing method starts to enroll and file before the batch of junior colleges. In principle, the file score should not be higher than the batch control score line of the batch of enrollment middle schools. For the relevant provinces that merged the batches of junior colleges, the national special plan began to enroll and file before the batches of colleges and universities, and the filing score was not higher than the control score line of the batches of junior colleges.

The admission methods and filing requirements of local special plans shall be determined by each city (district, city) based on factors such as the actual enrollment of relevant colleges and universities, and the situation of rural enrollment in the implementation area.

The filing method of the college's special plan is determined by the relevant college and is clearly stated in the admissions brochure.

9. How to file for the Excellent Teacher Program? Is a contract required?

Answer: Normal students of the National Excellent Teacher Special Program must sign a contract with the training middle school and the provincial and municipal education administrative department and the rural revitalization work department of the province where the student is located after submitting the file and before obtaining the notification letter, promising to go to the targeted county middle school in the province where the student is located. The contractual teaching shall not exceed 6 years. The local excellent teacher special normal students will be coordinated by the municipal education administrative department, and the relevant contract signing work will be done before enrollment. For middle school students who refuse to sign the agreement, the institution may cancel their special qualification for excellent teachers.

10. Are "preparatory courses" and "pre-recorded" the same thing?

Answer: "Preparatory" and "pre-recorded" are not the same thing.

The preparatory class is a preparatory class other than the classes to be taught by the college. Currently, there are only ethnic preparatory classes in the enrollment of colleges. Ethnic preparatory classes refer to a school-running method that implements preparatory education for colleges and junior colleges (higher vocational schools) for minority middle school students who have attended the provincial unified examination for ordinary higher middle school admissions, appropriately reduced their scores, and selected the best. In addition to national colleges and universities, there are Huaqiao College and Hunan College that enroll preparatory classes.

Pre-recording refers to candidates who are planning to apply for a file. At this time, they are in the state of filing without the preliminary review of the provincial and municipal admissions office and have not applied for the filing procedures.

11. How to know the filing information?

Answer: After the filing work is completed, the municipal admissions office and the high school society will provide candidates with public inquiry and appeal channels for filing information, and will announce the relevant filing results to the public in accordance with regulations. Candidates and their parents can check and confirm their filing results through the channels provided by the municipal admissions office and high schools.

There are usually the following ways to inquire: (1) the official website of the Provincial Educational Examination Institute; (2) the website of the filing institution; (3) the corresponding network, print media, etc. authorized by the Provincial Educational Examination Institute; (4) prefecture-level recruitment manage.

12. When can I receive the filing notice?

Answer: About one week after the end of the batch filing, the school will send the notice. The specific delivery time depends on the distance between the two places, and it will usually arrive within 10 days after delivery. If the candidate does not receive the notification letter after half a month, please contact the admissions office of the institution.
